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5 Make use of the above statements and write a summary of 100-120 words, using linking words.

Strategy Points : When writing a summary

  • Remember that a summary should contain: an introduction (a main idea of the article), a main body ( in which the idea is covered) and a conclusion (in which you sum up the idea).

  • avoid using exact words from the texts, use your own words to express the ideas in the text.

  • always try to paraphrase the information, using synonymous phrases and different structures.

  • you may need to use some names and other words from the text, but don’t copy whole phrases and sentences.

  • use some of Linking Expressions given below to connect summary points and three parts of your summary.

  • Linking expressions: Sequencing – firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally, etc Contrasting – although, despite, in contrast, while, whereas, on the other hand, at the same time, etc. Adding – as well as, another, by the same token, in addition, added to that, moreover, also, etc. Concluding – therefore, for this reason, in conclusion, to sum up, etc


6 Look through the text again and find Russian equivalents for the following:

  1. подтвердить решение

  2. выставить кандидатуру на пост президента

  3. конкретный избирательный округ

  4. не дали бы себя обмануть

  5. снова оказаться в затруднительном положении

  6. был подобен разорвавшейся бомбе

  7. до хрипоты, до потери сознания

  8. дал повод для шуток на многие годы

  9. соответствующие способности и таланты

  10. скрывать от людей

  11. достоинства и пороки

  12. несмотря на все нападки

  13. находился в отчаянном положении

  14. упорно продвигался вперед

  15. ситуация стала улучшаться

  16. колесо фортуны повернулось

  17. чья критика была наиболее безжалостна


7 Underline or highlight the idioms in the previous task, then match them to the definitions below and complete the gaps in the sentences with one of the idioms.

  1. to become extremely angry, completely furious

  2. this idiom is used for saying that there is no use in trying to persuade smb to do smth because you will not succeed

  3. in trouble or difficulties

  4. not to be tricked by someone

  5. to change a situation, especially so that you begin to win instead of losing

  6. to be in a very difficult position

  1. You can tell your kids not to do something ……………….., but if they want to do it, they will.

  2. He didn’t dare tell a lie, because he knew Mary ……………………. .

  3. The year ended: another passed, with the war still dragging on, although …………………. with the triumph of the Soviet forces at Stalingrad. (K. S. Prichard, ‘Winged Seeds’)

  4. My dad will ………………… when he finds out that hundreds of pounds of damage has been done to his limo.

  5. The Prime Minister ……………………….., the Chancellor has brought his objections out into the open.

  6. I can always get on all right for some time and then I land ……………. .

8 Think of ONE word which can be used to complete all four sentences in each group below.

All the words in this task have appeared earlier in this unit, but not necessary in the same context or in the same form (for example, you may have studied the verb, but need to use a noun here).


  • It is not your fault that you have no ……………. for politics.

  • Those wise ………………… came to the conclusion that there was hope.

  • When will the crisis come to a …………………..?

  • He was …………………. over ears in debt when he married her.


  • This airline's safety ……………… is impeccable.

  • It doesn’t matter now, but just for the ………………… – you were wrong.

  • His diaries ………………… the lives of ordinary country people.

  • This is strictly off the ……………., the information is confidential – Conservatives admit they cannot win the election.


  • …………….. as he might, he couldn’t forget her.

  • I have always wanted to …………… my hand at writing a novel.

  • There are no guaranties it will work, but it’s worth a ………………. .

  • We should ask someone the way, this woman looks like a local – we should give her a ……………………. .


  • Probably we should draw a ………………. over the last year or so and think more constructively about your future.

  • A ………………… of secrecy has been thrown over the final preparations.

  • His attempt to get us to help him is just a ……………… form of blackmail.

  • It’s unreasonable to ……………. facts and names, the press will dig up them in the end.


Strategy Points

  • Spend a minute thinking about the topic below and making brief notes.

  • During a minute decide how you will introduce and link your ideas, and then talk for two minutes (!).

  • Remember to include some examples to support or illustrate what you say.

  • Use a variety of vocabulary and grammatical structures.

  • Make sure you keep to the topic.

  • Learn useful phrases and expressions. These give you time to think, and also act as signposts which help listeners follow your arguments.

  • Linking expressions: Sequencing – firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally, etc Introducing an idea: the first thing (I’d like) to mention, to begin with, another point to consider is, which leads me on to another point, and, of course, we shouldn’t forget; Bringing an idea to its conclusion: to sum up, in the final analysis, on balance, taking all the arguments into consideration, in conclusion; Giving an example: for instance, if we take the example of X, X serves as a good example of this