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Контрольная работа дя зоаочн. Иностранный язык в профессиональной сфере.docx
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2.2. (9 X 1point) Complete these two conversations with sentences from the list below. Use each sentence only once. Write your answers (letters a, b … or I) in the boxes.

Conversation 1 A: _______1_______ B: Good morning. Could I speak to Jane Lewis, please? A: _______2_______ B: Lesley Winwood. A: _______3_______ B: She said she'd be in all morning. A: _______4_______ C: Jane Lewis. B: _______5_______ C: Ah yes, it's about... Conversation 2 D: Carl Anderson. E: _______6_______ D: Lindberg, did you say? E: _______7_______ D: There's no one here by that name. E: _______8_______ D: Yes, this is 08 46 46 24. E: _______9_______ D: That's all right. A. Yes, that's right. B. You asked me to call as soon as possible. C. Hold the line, please, and I'll see if she's in.

D. Who's calling, please? E. Oh, isn't there? Could I check the number? F. Could I speak to Mrs Lindberg, please? G. Right, I can connect you now. H. Reynolds Bicycles, good morning. I. Oh, I'm sorry. I must have dialled the wrong number.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

2.3. (16 x 2 points) Below you will see parts of three letters answering an enquiry. Put the correct word or phrase in each blank. Choose from the following list. Use each item once only. Write your answers (letters A, B … or P) in the boxes.

A. additional features B. competitive price C. date D. doing business E. enclosed leaflet F. enquiring G. enquiry H. full details I. further details J. hesitate K. In addition L. in production M. pleasure N. range O. sincerely P. supply A. Dear Ms Prentice Thank you for your __ (1) __ of 3rd May about our office stationery. We have __ (2) __ in enclosing our latest catalogue and price list. We hope you will find it of interest. If you require any __ (3) __, please do not __ (4) __ to contact us. Yours __ (5) __. B. Thank you for your letter of January 4th, asking about office furniture. The enclosed catalogue contains __ (6) __ of our range. In most cases we are able to __ (7) __ you with the goods you require within fourteen days. We look forward to receiving an order from you. C. Thank you for your letter of 1st June, __ (8) __ about the JF72 pocket calculator. This model is no longer __ (9) __ as it has been superseded by the JF73 solar-powered pocket calculator. As you will see from the __ (10) __, the new model has several __ (11) __ at an extremely __ (12) __. We have also enclosed our latest catalogue giving details of the vast __ (13) __ of electronic goods we supply.

We allow a discount of 30% on purchases of not less than 50 of the same model, and 35% on quantities of not less than 100. __ (14) __, we give a discount of 3% for payment within fourteen days from __ (15) __ of invoice. We look forward to __ (16) __ with you in the near future. 1. 9. 2. 10. 3. 11. 4. 12. 5. 13. 6. 14. 7. 15. 8. 16.

2.4. (15 Points) You have lost your pocket calculator, and you want to order a new one. You need to make a written request to your Supervisor, Ann Ray.

Write a memorandum to her — saying that you need a replacement — explaining what happened to the old one — asking her to approve the request. Write about 15-20 words. TO: Ann Ray Equipment requisition form

Задание № 3. Reading. 3.1. (30 points) Read the text below about handling complaints. Translate the text into Russian.

Handling Complaints 1. Big companies have a special department to deal with customer complaints. Complaints can often be handled 'on the spot', that is, at the time of purchase. If it is just a matter of changing or exchanging goods, the sales assistant can deal with it. Some problems are more complicated: damaged goods, a request for a refund or a complaint about staff rudeness. At this point a Supervisor or someone from Customer Services is usually called in. But if the matter still cannot be solved, which is usually because the customer refuses to listen or to accept the offered solution, it is referred to someone higher up, such as the Store Manager. Or, if the store is part of a national chain, the complaint will be dealt with by Head Office. 2. The policy of the big chain stores is: 'Accept that things can go wrong and put them right.' They sell a billion items a year and they know that not all their goods are going to be perfect. They accept, therefore, that most (if not all) customer complaints are justified. 3. It's all about customer loyalty. What if a store refuses to listen to a customer's complaint (whether justified or unjustified)? The store then has an unhappy customer, but has done nothing to make that customer happy again. That customer will not come back. But if the store listens politely, checks the problem, and then offers a replacement or a refund, with an apology if needed, the customer will remain loyal.

4. A recent survey shows that customer complaints are increasing. The commonest complaint is about staff who are unhelpful, usually because they know little about the product they are selling. The second thing that makes customers angry is having to wait too long to be served. Recently, many retailers have cut running costs by employing fewer staff, so there simply aren't enough sales assistants or staff at the checkout desks. 5. It is not clear why complaints are on the increase. Maybe standards of service are going down, but the more likely explanation is that people are readier to complain nowadays. Citizens' Charters, telling people what they can expect and what to do if they are dissatisfied, have produced a generation of customers who know their rights and not afraid to demand them.