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Английский для бухгалтеров.doc
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1.2. Укажите перевод для слов, данных в левом столбике.

1. cloakroom

2. tram

3. bathroom

4. canteen

5. shower

6. bakery

7. to get up early

8. to stay at the University

9. to go to work

10. morning exercises

11. potatoes

12. fish

13. cabbage

14. vegetables

15. to make one’s bed

a. убирать постель

b. овощи

c. идти на работу

d. капуста

e. утренняя зарядка

f. гардероб

g. булочная

h. ванная комната

i. оставаться в университете

j. троллейбус

k. буфет

l. душ

m. картофель

n. рыба

o. рано вставать

1.3. Дополните текст словосочетаниями, данными в рамке.

wakes the children; St John’s Hospital; very tired; a nurse; bus; taxi; 20 children; 6 o’clock; many times; gives them breakfast; 10 p.m;

My name is Jennie. I’m (1) a nurse and I work at (2) … . I look after sick children at night. I start work at (3) …. and finish early at (4) … in the morning. I go to work by (5) … but I come home in the morning by (6) … because I’m tired. I have (7) … in my section. I look at the children (8) … during the night. Sometimes I sit and talk to a child. The children sleep most of the time. At 6 o’clock the day nurse arrives and (9) … . She (10) … at 7 o’clock. I go home and go to bed at 8 o’clock. I usually feel (11) ….

1.4. Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык.

Usually get up, open the window, clean my teeth, to have enough time, to dress oneself, in ten minutes, to put on the coat, not far from the University, to be late for the lesson, to go upstairs to the classroom, at half past eight, something substantial for dinner, for the first course, to have a short rest, to study many subjects, it takes me three hours to do the homework, to write a report, to go to the sitting room, to discuss different problems, a member of the volleyball team.


1.5. Проанализируйте модели образования слов, прочтите и переведите слова, созданные на их основе.


основа существительного + -ic = прилагательное

cube – куб

history – история

poet – поэт

metal – метал

base – основа

cubic – кубический

historic _________________________

poetic __________________________

metallic _________________________

basic ___________________________


основа глагола + -ment = существительное

to attach – прикреплять

to assess – оценивать

to move – двигать

to establish – устанавливать

to replace – заменять

to develop – развивать

to punish – наказывать

attachment – прикрепление

assessment _________________

movement __________________

establishment _______________

replacement ________________

development ________________

punishment _________________

1.6. Образуйте прилагательные от данных существительных и переведите их на русский язык.

Economy, artist, athlete, class, Islam, hero, myth, electron, atom, magnet, majesty, drama, atmosphere.