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1.2 Weld Repairs and Temporary Attachment Welds

Exercise 1. Study the vocabulary

major repair крупный ремонт

minor repair мелкий ремонт

meet the requirements удовлетворять требованиям

removal удаление

depth глубина

crack трещина

weld map диаграмма расположения сварных швов

to provide предоставлять

temporary временный

either … or/ neither … nor либо … либо / ни … ни

magnetic particle testing (MPT) магнитопорошковая дефектоскопия

liquid penetrant testing (PT) капиллярная дефектоскопия

properly должным образом

wall thickness толщина стенки

area участок; место

notification уведомление

regardless of независимо от

Exercise 2. Read and translate the text.

Weld Repairs

1. Repairs to weld joints and weld overlays shall be performed using a repair welding procedure qualified in accordance with Section 8.2, and shall meet the same requirements as the normal fabrication welds.

2. Minor repairs may be performed without notification of Purchaser, but shall be documented in the files provided to Purchaser at the completion of the fabrication.

3. Major repairs shall not be performed without authorization of Purchaser. Major repairs shall be defined as follows:

1) Defects that require removal of more than 12 inches (305) mm of weld metal or have a depth greater than 1/2 T.

2) Any crack.

3) Multiple repair areas, regardless of size.

4. A weld map showing all of the repair areas shall be provided in the final documentation provided by the manufacturer.

Exercise 3. Join the halves of the sentences.

1. Major repairs shall not be performed

a. using a repair welding procedure.

2. Minor repairs shall be documented

b. without notification of Purchaser.

3. Repairs to weld joints and weld overlays shall be performed

c. without authorization of Purchaser.

4. Minor repairs may be performed

d. in the final documentation provided by the manufacturer.

5. A weld map showing all of the repair areas shall be provided

e. in the files provided to Purchaser at the completion of the fabrication.

Exercise 4. Describe the difference between minor and major repairs.

Exercise 5 Read the extract from the specification and think of a title to it.

1. Temporary attachment welds shall be made using qualified procedures and qualified personnel.

2. Temporary attachment welds shall be completely removed and inspected either by either magnetic particle testing (MT) or liquid penetrant testing (PT). The surface under such welds shall be properly conditioned by grinding and inspected by MT or PT examination.

3. Areas that are below the required minimum wall thickness shall be weld repaired in accordance with section 6.8.

Unit 2. Production testing of base metal welds

Exercise 1. Study the vocabulary

to represent представлять

check проверять

within ranges в пределах

accuracy точность

adjacent примыкающий

hardness determinations определение твердости

average средний

fusion line линия сплавления

tungsten carbide карбид вольфрама

sufficient достаточный

weld deposit наплавленный металл

include включать

both оба

side сторона

exceed превышать

test plate испытательная пластина

consumables расходные материалы

batch партия (материалов)

heat плавка

as follows следующим образом

Exercise 2. Choose the correct Russian equivalents:



tungsten carbide

определение твердости

hardness determination



линия сплавления

fusion line

наплавленный металл

weld deposit

карбид вольфрама

Exercise 3. Guess the meaning of the following words:

chemical composition; portable analyzer; equivalent; precision; electrode; pressure; hardness tester; impression; test location; to report; analysis; Brinell hardness; fraction; indentor; reactor; fabrication; test coupon

Exercise 4. Complete the table and translate the words into Russian:










Exercise 5. Read and translate the text:

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]