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Unit 2.

Well development

Text 1


Ex.1 Give the Russian equivalents for the following words:

process, geophysical, type, characterize, formation, contain, analyze, resistance, electrical, indicate, document, subterranean, aspect, procedure, component, contact, diameter, diamond, selection, vary, segment, center

wellsite geologist - геолог на скважине

augment v - увеличивать, прибавлять

remote data - получаемые дистанционно данные

wireline log - каротажная диаграмма, зарегистрированная зондом, опускаемым в буровую скважину на кабеле

device n - приспособление; механизм; аппарат; прибор

well hole/ wellbore n - ствол скважины

wire n - канат, провод, трос

measurement n - измерениe, замер

subsurface a - глубинный, подземный

formation fluid - пластовый флюид

electrical current - электрический ток

porosity n – пористость

mud log n - диаграмма газового каротажа, определение газонасыщнности бурового раствора

drill rate n - скорость бурения

similar a - похожий; подобный

drill bit n - буровая коронка, долото, головка бура

increase v - увеличивать

stud v - скреплять штифтами, соединять на шпильках

hardened steel - закалённая сталь

encounter v - встретить, встретиться; сталкиваться, столкнуться

hollow a - пустой, полый

drill string - бурильная колонна, колонна бурильных труб

drilling fluid - промывочная жидкость, буровой раствор

pump v - качать насосом, прокачивать (буровой раствор по замкнутой системе)

annulus n - кольцевое пространство, затрубное пространство, межтрубное пространство (между бурильными трубами и стенками скважины, через которое происходит циркуляция бурового раствора)

casing n - колонна обсадных труб, крепление скважины обсадными трубами

Ex.2 Read and translate the text.

During the drilling process, wellsite geologists will augment the remote geophysical data with wireline logs, which are taken by means of devices lowered into the wellbore with wires. Wireline logs include several types of measurements that help to characterize the depths and thickness of subsurface formations and the type of fluids that they may contain. As an example, one type of log analyzes the resistance of the formation to electrical current, which helps to indicate the type of fluid and the porosity of the formation. For exploratory wells, mud logs may also be developed, which document the drill rate, types of rocks Eencountered, and any hydrocarbons encountered. The range of depths of well holes, or wellbores, is anywhere between 1,000 and 30,000 feet.

For both onshore and offshore sites, the subterranean aspects of the drilling procedure are very similar. The drill bit is the component in direct contact with the rock at the bottom of the hole, and increases the depth of the hole by chipping off pieces of rock.

Figure 4

The bit may be anywhere from three and three-fourths inches to two feet in diameter, and is usually studded with hardened steel or diamond. The selection of the drill bit can vary, depending on the type of rock and desired drilling speed. For example, a large-toothed steel bit may be used if the formation is soft and speed is important, while a diamond-studded bit may be used for hard formations or when a long drill life is desired. The drill bit is connected to the surface by several segments of hollow pipe, which together are called the drill string. The drill string is usually about 4 inches in diameter; drilling fluid is pumped down through its center and returns to the surface through the space, called the annulus, between the drill string and the rock formations or casing.

Ex.3 Answer the following questions.

  1. How do wellsite geologists take wireline logs during the drilling process?

  2. What do these logs analize?

  3. How deep can well holes be?

  4. What in the drilling process is similar for onshore and offshore sites?

  5. What is the function of the drill bit?

  6. What does the selection of the drill bit depend on?

  7. When may a large-toothed steel bit be used?

  8. What is the route of the drilling fluid?