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4.3 Preference

smb would rather


do smth

not do smth

I’d rather stay at home. — Я краще залишуся дома.

I'd sooner go to the theatre than to the cinema. — Я б краще пішов у театр, ніж у кіно.

This construction may occur in questions as well.

Would you rather go to the movies now?

Would you sooner not drive there at this late hour?

When the subject of would rather is different from the subject of the following verb, the following construction is used:

Smb would rather


smb did smth

smb had done smth

I'd rather he did the shopping today. — Краще б він зробив покупки сьогодні.

Id rather you went now. — Я б вважав за краще, щоб ти пішов зараз.

Shed much rather you had stayed then. — Вона б воліла, щоб ти тоді залишився.

The use of the forms of Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous after would rather, though possible, is not common. This idea is usually expressed by means of I wish he had done the shopping today.

Exercise 75. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form

  1. I'd rather you ………. (not/leave) your books on the table every time you finish your homework.

  2. Did you enjoy the performance? — Not really. I'd rather it ………. (not/be) so long and boring.

  3. Shall we go anywhere today? — I'd rather ………. (stay in).

  4. I've got terrible headache. I'd rather you ………. (not listen) to the radio.

  1. They would rather………. (spend) this summer at the seaside.

  2. Shall I tell her the truth? — I'd rather she ………. (not/know).

Exercise 76. Fill in the blanks with would rather or had better according to the sense

  1. You ……….. study hard this weekend for the exam on Monday.

  2. Would you like to play a game of chess? — I …………. not. I …………. lie down to have a little rest.

  3. Where ……………. you put up at a hotel or your friend's?

  4. The climate disagrees with him. He …………….. move to another place.

  5. Since the reporter isn't ready yet we ………………. put off the meeting.

  6. I ………….. you didn't turn up. You are not expected.

  7. I ………….. you said something in connection with my offer.

  8. You ………………. get down to business at once if you don't want to fail.

  9. Since there is quite a simple solution to the whole matter, I……………. you didn't get so nervous. (or Since there is quite a simple solution to the whole matter, you ……………. not get so nervous.)


If only grey hair and split ends were my only hair problems

if only

oh, if

oh, that

smb did smth

could do

might do

Oh, if he knew it for sure. — Ах, якщо б тільки він про це знав!

smb had done smth

could have done

might have done

If only I had known about it yesterday. — Ах, якби я тільки знала про це вчора!

Note. If only followed by a clause with would may express our wish for a change in the situation or someone's behaviour, because we are annoyed by it.

If only you would stop insulting people. (wish for a change in somebody's behaviour = Do stop insulting people!) — Да припини ти ображати людей!

Exercise 78. Use the correct form of the infinitives in brackets

  1. If only they ………. (not to bother) him now!

  2. If only he ………. (not to fall) into their trap then! If only he ………. (not to be) so silly!

  3. Oh, that he ………. (to help) her! But how could he, if she wouldn’t accept his support?

  4. If she ………. (not to write) so much to her old pattern! The book could be more enjoyable then.

  5. If only the play ………. (to come off) more quickly!

  6. Oh, if you ………. (to stop) complaining!

  7. If only she ………. (not to be) such a friendless failure when a child!

  8. Oh, if we ………. (to get rid of) that house long ago!

  9. If there ………. (to be) the slightest chance of her ever seeing my point of view!

  10. If only he ………. (to stop) sobbing his heart out! It’s most depressing.

  11. If only we ………. (to spot) the trouble then! We could have avoided much grief.

  12. If only someone ………. (to understand) how he was suffering!

  13. Oh, ………. (to be) he less strict with his children!

  14. Oh, that he ………. (to stop) himself in time!

Exercise 80. Express unreal wish or regret about the following

Example: He never admits his mistake.

If only he admitted his mistake.

  1. You are not experienced at all.

  2. She always comes late.

  3. It's snowing again!

  4. The child keeps crying all the time!

  5. He was so cruel to me.

  6. You are always interfering into my affairs.

  7. We've lost our way.

  8. You are absent-minded.

  9. He lost the documents. He couldn't prove anything.

  10. You didn't take all the facts into account.

Exercise 81. Translate into English

  1. Ах, якби ви заздалегідь попередили мене. Зараз вже пізно.

  2. Ах, якби він прийшов і допоміг мені. Я не зможу все зробити сам.

  3. Ах, якби я чув прогноз погоди! Я б узяв парасольку.

  4. І навіщо я не прийняла його запрошення.

  5. Мені набридли його скарги. Ах, якби він перестав скаржитися.

  6. Якби цей день тривав вічно!

  7. Якби в молодості він не зробив цю помилку!

  8. Якби ви знали ... Якщо б ви могли зрозуміти, як погано мені було без вас.

  9. Якби ми зустрілися раніше!

  10. Якби він не був таким зарозумілим! Тільки тому в нього так мало друзів.

  11. Якби мені все пояснили раніше!

  12. Якби Алан не посварився зі своїм начальником!

  13. Ах, якби ви бачили його гру! Він хороший актор, але в цьому спектаклі він був незрівнянним.

  14. Якби я міг довести, що я правий!

Exercise 82. Make a choice using means of expressing preference, advice, wish

  1. Your friend has been wearing the same clothes for years. You think she needs some new clothes. You say…..

  2. Jack always leaves the door open. This annoys you. You say…

  3. Your friend drives very fast. You don't like it. You say…..

  4. It's very noisy. You are irritated. You say…..

  5. Your husband smokes a lot. You don't want him to smoke. You say…

  6. You are looking for a job. So far without success. You say…..

  7. Whenever you see your friend, he complains. It makes you nervous. You say…..

  8. It's raining cats and dogs. You can't leave the house. You say…

  9. Your daughter always makes mistakes in the test, as she is careless. You say…

  10. He didn't visit his friend while he was in hospital. You say…..

  11. The children are running all about the house. You can't bear it. You say…

  12. Your parents are away on holiday. You miss them greatly. You say…

Exercise 83. Revision: replace the infinitives in brackets by the right form of the verb (All the sentences are supposed to be hypothetical)

  1. I liked your face, otherwise I ………. (not to speak) to you the way I did.

  2. To have stayed there any longer ………. (to be) a senseless waste of time.

  3. But for a slight trembling of her lips no one ………. (can guess) how lost she felt.

  4. To go on in this rain ………. (to give) you pneumonia. You are wet through as it is.

  5. Mother ………. (not to speak) like that, not if she realized how desperate I am.

  6. You ………. (to have) better not mention his name in front of them. They ………. (may) think it tactless.

  7. If only I ………. (can make) him go back on his promise!

  8. If I ………. (not promise) my friend to baby-sit tonight, I ………. (to love) to come.

  9. Of course she was having a rare good time, otherwise she ………. (to notice) what happened.

  10. If only I ………. (not to promise) I would. I can't get out of it now.

  11. I ………. (to do) it even if they were all against me. It's the only thing to do.

  12. You can simply bring him along — Nobody ………. (to mind).

  13. In your place I ………. (to go) there. It's a lovely place. The children ………. (can play) on the beach all day long. You ………. (to love) it.

  14. If you ………. (to find) yourself in any kind of trouble, there's always me, you know. I ………. (to be) glad to be of any use.