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engaged) to German Alix of Hesse, the granddaughter of English Queen Victoria I. They 9)_________(be married) on 26 November 1894.

They 10)______(have) five children together; Olga (1895), Tatiana (1897), Maria (1899) and Anastasia (1901). A much-longed for male heir 11)________(be born) on 12 August 1904 and they named him Alexis.

In August 1914, Russia 12)__________(go) to war against Germany and Austria, which

_________(to boost) the Tsar's popularity at first. Nicholas often 13)_________(travel) to the Eastern Front to improve morale among the troops but the family's popularity 14)_______(fade) following heavy casualties in the war.

The Tsarina 15)__________(be put in charge) of domestic affairs and dismissed plenty of ministers for which Rasputin 16)_________be blamed. On 2 March, 1917, Tsar Nicholas II, head of the Russian Romanov dynasty, 17)__________(be forced) to abdicate after 23 years. The vast country 18)_____(be) in revolution. The Imperial Family 19)________(be exiled) to Siberia, and a year later, _______(move) to Ekaterinburg in the Ural Mountains.

By the summer of 1918, the Tsar, his wife, four daughters and son 20)_________(vanish). Finally, in October 1994, DNA testing put an end to speculation as to the fate of the Tsar and his family. In 1995, their remains 21)_________(be laid) to rest.

Rumours 22)_______ (abandon) that Anastasia managed to escape.

5. Study the theory about nouns in Grammar Guide. Learn more http://www.grammarquizzes.com/nounsum.html. How can nouns be distinguished from other parts of speech? Find nouns in the text. Classify them.

Speaking and writing Discuss the following.

1. The All Nations English Dictionary gives the following definition of the family: “family – any group of people related by blood or marriage, especially parents and their children”. Use the text and your own ideas to extend this definition. Try to view the notion ‘family’ from different points of view.


2. Find a family photograph. Write a short description of it. Read your description to the class. You may start with…. This is a photograph of … when we/they were on holiday/at the party

Useful language

In the background you can see In the middle/the center is…

My mum/dad/relatives that are kneeling on the bottom row are…. The ones on the top row are, from left to right….

I am at the far right /left side.

2.2 How Common /Different are Families?


The number of nuclear families in the world is decreasing year by year. What are the consequences of this process? Is situation similar in all countries?

You are going to read two short texts about family life in Britain and the USA. What is common? What are the differences? Make the list of problems/tendencies and share it with your group mate.

Now read the texts to check if you have guessed right.


“There is no such thing as society,” Mrs. Thatcher once said. “Only individual men and women, and families.” many people disagree with her, but there remains a strong feeling that the immediate or ‘nuclear’ family is the basic unit of society, and that traditional family values remain the mainstay of national life.

The nuclear family is usually pictured as a married couple, with two children, ideally a girl and a boy, and perhaps their grandmother, or ‘granny’, in the background. As a picture of the way most British live, this becomes increasingly unrealistic each year. If the picture includes the traditional idea of the man going out to work while his wife stays at home, it is probably true of less than 10 per cent of the country. Even without such a limited definition, only 42 per cent of the population live in nuclear family

households, an even within this group a considerable of parents are in their second marriage with children from a previous marriage.

Social attitudes and behaviour are undoubtedly changing. The number of people living alone has risen significantly. The British are clearly becoming a more solitary nation in their living habits. This will have social implications, for example housing needs in the future.

There is an increasing proportion of men and women living together before marriage. For example, in 1961 only 1 per cent of first-time married couples had previously been living together. By the


year 2012 it was estimated that most couples lived together before marrying. Others living together, or ‘cohabiting’, never get married.


When Americans consider families, many of them think of a "traditional family." A traditional family is one in which both parents are living together with their children. The father goes out and works and the mother stays home and rears the children. The biggest change in families in the United States is that most families today do not fit this image. Today, one out of three American families is a "traditional family" in this sense.

The most common type of family now is one in which both

parents work outside the home. In 1950, only 20 percent of all American families had both parents working outside the home. Today, it is 60 percent. Even women with young children are going back to work. New census figures show that as of 2011, only 23% of married couple families with children younger than age 15 have a stay-at-home mother (SAHM). These days, there are more kids being raised by single moms than by married couples where the man earns all the income and the wife stays home. - See more at: http://www.themotherco.com/2011/11/what-is-the-traditional- family/#sthash.MUPkCFGM.dpuf

In many states, single people may also adopt children. Some people take in foster children-- children whose parents cannot take care of them. Another change is that families in the United States are getting smaller. In the mid-1700s, there were six people in the average household. Today the average household contains between two and three people. A household is defined as any place where at least one person is living.

One recent change is that the number of marriages is rising. The number of babies born also has been climbing steadily for the past 10 years. Many experts see these trends as a sign that Americans are returning to the values of marriage and family.

Vocabulary practice

3.Translate and explain the following words and phrases. Then, use them to describe the modern tendencies in family life. You can do it in the form of the snowball game.

Immediate/nuclear family● the basic unit of the society ● traditional family values ● mainstay of national life ●go out to work ● stay at home ●households ● married couple ● second marriage ● previous marriage ● live alone/together ●solitary nation ● cohabiting ● rear children● work outside the home ●go back to work ●SAHM ●raise /adopt children ●foster children

4.Add all new words and phrases related to family to your topical vocabulary.

Improve your study skills

Part 2 of 3: Using New Words (from http://www.wikihow.com/Build-Your-Vocabulary)

1) Set a goal. If you're committed to building your vocabulary, set a goal for yourself. Try and learn three new words a week and work them into your speech and writing. With conscious effort, you can learn several thousands of new words that you'll remember and use. If you can't use a word effectively and accurately in a sentence, it's not a part of your vocabulary.


If you're easily learning three words a week, try and learn ten words next week.

Looking up 20 new words a day in the dictionary will make it difficult to use any of them accurately. Be realistic and build practical vocabulary that you'll be able to use.

2 )Use flashcards (карточки) or post-it notes (самоклеющиеся листочки) around your house. If you're going to make a habit of learning new words, try some simple memorization techniques(техники запоминания) as if you were studying for a test. Hang post-its with the definition of a particular word you hope to memorize somewhere on the wall in the kitchen, so you can study it while fixing your morning cup. Affix a new word to each house plant so you can study while watering.

Even if you're watching TV or doing other activities, keep some flashcards with you and study your new words. Always be building.

3)Write more. Start journaling if you don't already, or start a blog. Actively flexing your writing muscles will keep your vocabulary strong. Write letters to your friends.

4)Use accurate adjectives and precise nouns. The best writers aim for concision and accuracy. Get out the thesaurus and use the most accurate word possible in your sentences. Don't use three words when one will do. A word is a useful addition to your vocabulary if it reduces the number of words in a sentence.

For instance, the phrase "dolphins and whales" can be replaced with the word "cetaceans," making "cetaceans" a useful word.

A word is also useful if it is more descriptive than the word or phrase it replaces. For ex-

ample, many people's voices could be described as "pleasant". But someone with very pleasant voice could be said to have a "mellifluous" voice.

Grammar spot. The Passive

1. Study the theory “Passive Voice” in Grammar focus. You may also visit^ a)http://www.engames.eu/passive-voice/;

b) http://www.grammar-quizzes.com/passivesum.html


2.Learn how to make up a mind map. Go to http://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Mind-Map, http://www.mind-mapping.co.uk/make-mind-map.htm, https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Диаграмма_связей, https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/FreeMind

3.Make up a mind map demonstrating Passive Voice

4.Find passive verb forms in the texts. Translate into Russian.

5.Transform into Passive

1)Sociologists divide families into two general types: the nuclear family and the extended family


2)They usually describe nuclear family as a married couple with their children living in the same residence or sharing the closest bonds.

The nuclear family …….

3)Extended family includes all relatives in close proximity, such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.


4)By the year 2012 the research estimated that most couples lived together before marrying. It …….,,,,,,, that….. .

5)In a traditional family the man earns all the income and the wife stays home.

The income …..

6)These days more single mothers are raising kids. More kids……

7)In many countries, single people may adopt children. Children…. …. by …. .

8)In future more people will take in foster children. More children …… by….. .

Listening & watching












1. Watch











































2. Mark the statements as true (T), false (F)

























is 35 and he hasn’t been married yet.










Fred would like to get married.











Every time Fred brings

women home to meet his parents they don’t







like them.













Fred found a perfect girl

and his mother liked her very much








Fred is now very happy











Communicating in English. Invitation














Formal situation









Making in vitiation


Accepting invitation


Declining invitation


Would you like to…?


That’s very kind of you


I’m very sorry, I don’t


I would very happy if…?


We’d like very much to….


Think I can.





We would be delighted if


What a delightful idea


I’d like to, but ….








With the greatest pleasure


I’m afraid I’ve





Would you care to..?


Thank you very much for in-

Already promised….


We would be pleased if you


viting me



Thank you for asking me, but




It’s delightful to….


Would you care to…?


Unfortunately , I can’t….





Informal situation


Why don’t you come to…

I would/will …

Sort, I can’t.

Like to come to …

That would be very nice

I’d love to, but …

Come and …

OK,I will be there !

I don’t think I can.

Shall we come to …

I’d like love to come.

In wish I could, but …

You must come to …

All right.

Sorry, I am very busy


Sure, I am coming

Sorry, may be next time



Thank you, but I can’t



Sorry, I don’t think I



Can’t make it



I’m so sorry I can make it

To learn more how to make offers, invitations go to http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/radio/specials/142_requests_offers/

1. Read the dialogue in pairs.

A:Hey, there, how are you? Good to see you. B:Good to see you, too. I’m fine, how are you?

A:Good, thanks. Listen, I am having a birthday party next Friday. Do you want to come?

B:Sure, I ‘d love to.

A:Great! The party starts around 9 pm at my place.

B:Okay, I'll be there. What do you want for your birthday?

A:Oh no presents, please. Just bring something to drink, that would be great.

B:Sure, I'll do that. Can I bring my boyfriend, too?

A:Of course! So I'll see you two on Friday!

B:Yes, thanks for the invitation!

A:I'm glad you can come! See you soon.



Practice. Act the situation out.

Student A. You are a Russian student. You would like to acquaint your foreign group mate with your family members. Invite your foreign group mate to your family party.

Student B. You are an international exchange student who came to Russia. You would like to know more about the Russians, their culture. You accept the invitation to come to the family party. Student C.You are international exchange student who came to Russia. You are invited to a family party. You decline the invitation of student A because you are busy but you are ready to join the party next time.

Project work

1.Internet Activity: Go online to collect information on the family structure (extended, nuclear, one-parent, etc.) and the roles that family members play in ə culture other than you own. Make up presentation.

2.Think, Pair, Share. Go to the Internet and find two samples of popular or well-known families. Study their history, the role of its members. Share the information with your group mates. Answer these questions with your group.

What do you notice first about these families?

Do you think this is a traditional family in this culture? Why or why not?


What is different about each family?

What is the same or similar about each family?

Are these families similar to the families in your country? Which one is the most similar? What do you notice first about these families?

2.3 Russian Family: What is it Like?

Lead in

The number of nuclear families is reducing both in Britain and in the USA. Is the situation different in Russia? What kind of difficulties are young families likely to have? Think of your and your friends’ families; share the information with your group mates.


1. In pairs, read the following statements and try to guess if they are true (T) or false (F). Then, read the text quickly to check if you have guessed right.


1)Many of the Russians know the history of their families.

2)More than a half of every 100 marriages end in divorce.

3)Many divorcees do not want to remarry.

4)A housing shortage is a problem of young families.

2.Now read the text in detail. Answer all the questions above. What is your family like?

So what is it like, the family tradition? Whose descendants are we? What are the stories your granny used to tell? What can family albums, letters and diaries reveal? What is your grandfather’s name? What is the name of your great-grandfather? Many of the Russians are not able to answer these simple questions. The family tradition is lost for them. And it is one of the reasons why most people have no sense of family honor and pride.

A group of people who have the same name and sit together in front of

the TV set is not yet a family. Here are some family statistics in Russia. Over 80 per cent of women and about 70 per cent of men marry by the age of 25.

At present, more than 40 out of every 100 marriages end in divorce. Every year about one million families break up. About 50 per cent of divorced do not want to remarry. Men remarry more often than women. Over 50 per cent of divorced men remarry within the period of ten years, while only 25 per cent of such women do so. Many young families have material difficulties. As a result, young couples often have to rely on the assistance of their parents.

The housing shortage is another problem of many young families. Most young people don’t wish to live together with their parents after they get married but half of them have to do this. As a result, these young people have no necessary experience in family life. They don’t know how to run household, how to manage the family budget, how to bring up children.

In its various forms the human family has been in existence for as long as man himself. The family tradition has preserved the picture of a Madonna with a child in her arms. Can this beauty


save the world? Shall we have this tradition in future, or lose it, as we lost so many other beautiful things?

Vocabulary practice

1. Give the English equivalents to the following words and phrases.

Потомок; раскрывать; почтение и гордость, заканчиваться разводом, распадаться, полагаться на помощь родителей, нехватка жилья, вести семейный бюджет; дневник; прадедушка; разведенный; существование; воспитывать детей; в настоящее время; необходимый жизненный опыт.

Grammar spot

1.Revise the material about pronouns in grammar section.

2.To learn more and practice go to http://www.grammar-quizzes.com/pronounsum.html

















Before verbs as

After verbs




Not followed



























































3. Look at the chart above. Complete the story using the correct pronouns.

Jack is married to Alice. ____is his wife and he is _____ husband. _____ have a daughter and son.

_____ son's name is Henry and the daughter's name is Lisa. _____ live next to Alice's parents, Harry and Marjorie. Harry is Alice's father and Marjorie is _____ mother. Harry is Jack's father-in-law and Marjorie is _______ mother-in-law. Henry is Harry's grandson and Lisa is Marjorie's granddaughter. Alice has a sister and a brother. _______ sister's name is Mary and ______ brother's name is Frank. Frank has two children, David and Sherrie. Sherrie is Alice's niece and David is Alice's nephew. Alice is ______ aunt and Jack is ______ uncle.

Improve your study skills

Part 3 of 3: Building Vocabulary (from http://www.wikihow.com/Build-Your-Vocabulary)

1. Sign up to be emailed a "Word of the Day" using one of the many online dictionaries. You can also procure for yourself a Word of the Day calendar; be sure to read the word on the page each day and aim to remember each day's word and even use it somewhere in your day.

Visit word building sites such as freerice.com and construct vocabulary.

There are many online sites devoted to compiling alphabetical lists of unusual, weird, oldfashioned, and difficult words. Avail yourself of the search engine to find these sites and to learn from them. This is a great way to while away time waiting for a bus or in the bank queue.

2. Do word puzzles and play word games. Word puzzles are an excellent source of increasing your word knowledge because the puzzle creators will often need to resort to an array of unusual words to ensure that the words fit into their puzzles and that they are interesting for the puzzle doer. There are many varieties of vocabulary puzzles, including crosswords, find-a-word and hidden word puzzles. As well as strengthening your word knowledge, puzzles are also good for improving


your critical thinking skills. For word games, try such games as Scrabble, Boggle, and Cranium to extend your vocabulary.

3. Learn a little Latin. Although it might seem like a dead and done language, knowing a bit of Latin is an excellent way to learn the roots of many words in the English language and can help you figure out the meaning of a wide range of words that you don't yet know without having to resort to the dictionary. There are online Latin learning resources, as well as plenty of texts (check out your favorite used books bookstore).


There are many websites devoted to improving vocabulary. Find your favorites and make the most of them.

One of the most commonly used word websites, Dictionary.com, has a small section at the bottom of their homepage showing popular searches of the day.

Frequent use of filler words such as "Like...", "So...", "Um...", "Ain't" and "Yea..." can make even people with large, more constructed vocabularies sound unlearned. Stay away from the unnecessary words and contractions.

Download a Free Dictionary App to your smartphone. Capture the image of the definition using the screenshot function so that you can easily review your words at a later point.

You can purchase pre-attached, small, blank vocabulary cards which you can place into your bag or pocket and carry anywhere. Write the new words you're learning on them and pull out the flashcards while you're on the bus, in a queue, waiting to collect someone, and brush up your learning.

Watch the video http://www.howcast.com/videos/259454-How-to-Improve-Your-Vocabulary Discuss with your group mates the ways how to build your vocabulary

It is interesting to know

International Day of Families

The International Day of Families is observed on the 15th of May every year. The Day was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1993 with resolution A/RES/47/237 and reflects the importance the international community attaches to families. The International Day provides an opportunity to promote awareness of issues relating to families and to increase knowledge of the social, economic and demographic processes affecting families.

In its resolution, the General Assembly also noted that the family-related provisions of the outcomes of the major United Nations conferences and summits of the 1990s and their follow-up processes continue to provide policy guidance on ways to strengthen family-centred components of policies and programmes as part of an integrated comprehensive approach to development.


The International Day of Families has inspired a series of awareness-raising events, including national family days. In many countries, that day provides an opportunity to highlight different areas of interest and importance to families. Activities include workshops and conferences, radio and television programmes, newspaper articles and cultural programmes highlighting relevant themes.

( From: http://www.un.org/en/events/familyday/)


1. Listen to the song

“We are family!” (Sister Sledge)

We are family

I got all my sisters with me We are family

Get up ev'rybody and sing Ev'ryone can see we're together As we walk on by

(FLY!) and we fly just like birds of a feather I won't tell no lie

(ALL!) all of the people around us they say Can they be that close

Just let me state for the record We're giving love in a family dose (CHORUS x2)

Living life is fun and we've just begun To get our share of the world's delights

(HIGH!) high hopes we have for the future And our goal's in sight

(WE!) no we don't get depressed Here's what we call our golden rule Have faith in you and the things you do You won't go wrong

This is our family Jewel (REPEAT CHORUS TO FADE)

2.Discuss how important family is for a person/society.

3.Give examples of important family traditions and why they are part of a family.

Communicating in English. Expressing opinions.

Personal Point of

General Point of

Agreeing with an

Disagreeing with an







Of course.


In my experience…

It is thought that...

That's different.

As far as I'm con-

Some people say that...

You're absolutely

I don't agree with


It is considered...



Speaking for myself…

It is generally accepted

Yes, I agree.


In my opinion…


I think so too.

That's not entirely

Personally, I think…


That's a good point.


I'd say that…



On the contrary…

I'd suggest that…


I don't think so either.

I'm sorry to disagree

I'd like to point out


So do I.

with you, but…



I'd go along with that.

Yes, but don't you

I believe that…


That's true.



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