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1.Has your life changed dramatically after you became a University student?

2. What is your typical day like? Read how Adam spends his day. Mind the style of the text. It is a sample of colloquial speech, that is used by the youth. Pont out colloquial words and word combitations.


ALARM SOUNDS – What? Oh it's only 9 *hits snooze* zzz … zzzz


Wake Up. I love living on campus … it's only a 5 minute walk to class. Have shower and grab an apple as I head out.

First class – Software Engineering 252. Learning how to apply engineering principles to software design. Doesn't sound too interesting, but the lecturer makes it good, challenging us with real world situations.


Grab a kebab from Georges … so worth it : D Head into the Future Students Centre to catch up with some friends in the Student Ambassador Program and send a few emails (or Facebook)


Tutorial on Database Systems 252. Learning how to set up these things is hard - no wonder Google makes so much money. Still I'm making some progress, using Oracle and other industry tools.


Gym … Time to fight the flab! Or maybe just do some weights. I am sooo not in the mood for the treadmill.


Head home, chill out and make some afternoon tea. Catch up with roomies and see how there day was. Sounds like we are all heading out on the weekend. Sweet!


Start work. I work at Curtin's housing department as well, it's such a sweet job. Do some readings for my classes next week while waiting for someone to lock themselves out of their room.


Work continues. It didn't take long … first lock out. Watching TV in the office sprawled out on the couch.

6:00 - 8:00pm

Work continues. Sweet! My database actually works! Oh wait … maybe not. Send email to tutor about it.


Finishing up at work, not too bad, only 3 lock outs. And I got my readings done. Not too shabby at all.


Head home, check Facebook.

(From http://futurestudents.curtin.edu.au/student-life/workload/typical-day-at-uni/adam-w.cfm)

  1. Describe your typical day as a university student.

Grammar spot

1.Study the difference between make and do.

2. Make up sentences using active vocabulary.

3. Present perfect simple vs simple past

Put the verbs in parentheses into the present perfect or the simple past.

Alan: Hi, Brian! 1) ______________________ (you/ever/try) sandboarding?

Brian: No, I 2) _______________________ (not/do) it, but I’d like to.

Alan: Me too. My brother 3) _________________ (go) on a trip to Dubai last year and did it.

Brian: Really? 4) ________________ (he/like) it?

Alan: He 5) ______________ (love) it! He 6) _______________ (not/stop) talking about it since he 7) ______________ (get) back.

Brian: Wow! 8) ______________ (be/it) expensive?

Alan: Not really. He 9) ______________ (already/plan) his trip for next year. He can’t wait to go back!

Brian:Maybe we should go with him, too!

Project work

    1. Study the results of the survey about type and time of leisure activities. Guess the country.

    2. Surf the Internet to find how young people from different countries spent their free time. Point out differences and similarities

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