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английский язык для общих целей

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save the world? Shall we have this tradition in future, or lose it, as we lost so many other beautiful things?

Vocabulary practice

1. Give the English equivalents to the following words and phrases.

Потомок; раскрывать; почтение и гордость, заканчиваться разводом, распадаться, полагаться на помощь родителей, нехватка жилья, вести семейный бюджет; дневник; прадедушка; разведенный; существование; воспитывать детей; в настоящее время; необходимый жизненный опыт.

Grammar spot

1.Revise the material about pronouns in grammar section.

2.To learn more and practice go to http://www.grammar-quizzes.com/pronounsum.html

















Before verbs as

After verbs




Not followed



























































3. Look at the chart above. Complete the story using the correct pronouns.

Jack is married to Alice. ____is his wife and he is _____ husband. _____ have a daughter and son.

_____ son's name is Henry and the daughter's name is Lisa. _____ live next to Alice's parents, Harry and Marjorie. Harry is Alice's father and Marjorie is _____ mother. Harry is Jack's father-in-law and Marjorie is _______ mother-in-law. Henry is Harry's grandson and Lisa is Marjorie's granddaughter. Alice has a sister and a brother. _______ sister's name is Mary and ______ brother's name is Frank. Frank has two children, David and Sherrie. Sherrie is Alice's niece and David is Alice's nephew. Alice is ______ aunt and Jack is ______ uncle.

Improve your study skills

Part 3 of 3: Building Vocabulary (from http://www.wikihow.com/Build-Your-Vocabulary)

1. Sign up to be emailed a "Word of the Day" using one of the many online dictionaries. You can also procure for yourself a Word of the Day calendar; be sure to read the word on the page each day and aim to remember each day's word and even use it somewhere in your day.

Visit word building sites such as freerice.com and construct vocabulary.

There are many online sites devoted to compiling alphabetical lists of unusual, weird, oldfashioned, and difficult words. Avail yourself of the search engine to find these sites and to learn from them. This is a great way to while away time waiting for a bus or in the bank queue.

2. Do word puzzles and play word games. Word puzzles are an excellent source of increasing your word knowledge because the puzzle creators will often need to resort to an array of unusual words to ensure that the words fit into their puzzles and that they are interesting for the puzzle doer. There are many varieties of vocabulary puzzles, including crosswords, find-a-word and hidden word puzzles. As well as strengthening your word knowledge, puzzles are also good for improving


your critical thinking skills. For word games, try such games as Scrabble, Boggle, and Cranium to extend your vocabulary.

3. Learn a little Latin. Although it might seem like a dead and done language, knowing a bit of Latin is an excellent way to learn the roots of many words in the English language and can help you figure out the meaning of a wide range of words that you don't yet know without having to resort to the dictionary. There are online Latin learning resources, as well as plenty of texts (check out your favorite used books bookstore).


There are many websites devoted to improving vocabulary. Find your favorites and make the most of them.

One of the most commonly used word websites, Dictionary.com, has a small section at the bottom of their homepage showing popular searches of the day.

Frequent use of filler words such as "Like...", "So...", "Um...", "Ain't" and "Yea..." can make even people with large, more constructed vocabularies sound unlearned. Stay away from the unnecessary words and contractions.

Download a Free Dictionary App to your smartphone. Capture the image of the definition using the screenshot function so that you can easily review your words at a later point.

You can purchase pre-attached, small, blank vocabulary cards which you can place into your bag or pocket and carry anywhere. Write the new words you're learning on them and pull out the flashcards while you're on the bus, in a queue, waiting to collect someone, and brush up your learning.

Watch the video http://www.howcast.com/videos/259454-How-to-Improve-Your-Vocabulary Discuss with your group mates the ways how to build your vocabulary.

It is interesting to know

International Day of Families

The International Day of Families is observed on the 15th of May every year. The Day was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1993 with resolution A/RES/47/237 and reflects the importance the international community attaches to families. The International Day provides an opportunity to promote awareness of issues relating to families and to increase knowledge of the social, economic and demographic processes affecting families.

In its resolution, the General Assembly also noted that the family-related provisions of the outcomes of the major United Nations conferences and summits of the 1990s and their follow-up processes continue to provide policy guidance on ways to strengthen family-centred components of policies and programmes as part of an integrated comprehensive approach to development.


The International Day of Families has inspired a series of awareness-raising events, including national family days. In many countries, that day provides an opportunity to highlight different areas of interest and importance to families. Activities include workshops and conferences, radio and television programmes, newspaper articles and cultural programmes highlighting relevant themes.

( From: http://www.un.org/en/events/familyday/)


1. Listen to the song.

“We are family!” (Sister Sledge)

We are family

I got all my sisters with me We are family

Get up ev'rybody and sing Ev'ryone can see we're together As we walk on by

(FLY!) and we fly just like birds of a feather I won't tell no lie

(ALL!) all of the people around us they say Can they be that close

Just let me state for the record We're giving love in a family dose (CHORUS x2)

Living life is fun and we've just begun To get our share of the world's delights

(HIGH!) high hopes we have for the future And our goal's in sight

(WE!) no we don't get depressed Here's what we call our golden rule Have faith in you and the things you do You won't go wrong

This is our family Jewel (REPEAT CHORUS TO FADE)

2.Discuss how important family is for a person/society.

3.Give examples of important family traditions and why they are part of a family.

Communicating in English. Expressing opinions.

Personal Point of

General Point of

Agreeing with an

Disagreeing with an







Of course.


In my experience…

It is thought that...

That's different.

As far as I'm con-

Some people say that...

You're absolutely

I don't agree with


It is considered...



Speaking for myself…

It is generally accepted

Yes, I agree.


In my opinion…


I think so too.

That's not entirely

Personally, I think…


That's a good point.


I'd say that…



On the contrary…

I'd suggest that…


I don't think so either.

I'm sorry to disagree

I'd like to point out


So do I.

with you, but…



I'd go along with that.

Yes, but don't you

I believe that…


That's true.



What I mean is…

Neither do I.

That's not the same


I agree with you en-

thing at all.



I'm afraid I have to


That's just what I was




I'm not so sure about


I couldn't agree more.




I must take issue with



you on that.



It's unjustifiable to



say that...

Role-play (optional)

A TV channel organizes a talk-show to discuss the problems of the modern family. The participants of the talk show are:

a TV host (leads the discussion, prepare questions, helps the others to follow the script and the plan of the discussion);

a famous politician who thinks that the government should pay more attention and give more support to families;

a pop-star who considers families to be the thing of the past and believes that in future all people will lead free lives without any family ties;

a big family (parents, their three children, a grandmother, a great-grandfather, father’ sister, who is divorced ) who live together;

a single mother with her teenager son;

a homosexual family who want to adopt a child;

a lawyer who suggests to simplify the divorce process;

a family consultant (a psychologist);

a priest who proclaims traditional Christian family values;

guests at the TV studio.

Project work.

1. Read the text about the family tree. Pay attention to the words denoting family relations. Your family tree





your parents:


mother and father;


your siblings (brothers or sisters).


your mother or

father is

not an only child, you


have aunts and / or uncles. An aunt is the sister of your mother or father, while an uncle is the brother of your mother or father. Your female child is called your daughter, and your male child is your son.

If your aunts or uncles have children, they are your first cousins. (In English, the word cousin is used, whether the cousin is female or male.) Your female cousin is your mother (or father's) niece, while a male cousin is the nephew of your mother and father.


When you marry, your husband (or wife's) family becomes your in-laws. The mother of your spouse (husband or wife) is your mother-in-law and his or her father becomes your father-in- law. The term in-law is also used to describe your relationship with the spouses of your siblings. So the husband of your sister becomes your brother-in-law, while the sister of your husband becomes your sister-in-law. If you are a woman, you become the daughter-in-law of your husband's parents, and if you are a man, you become the son-in-law of your wife's parents. The same term in-law is used for all generations. The husband of your aunt is still your mother's brother-in-law, for example.


Grandparents / grandchildren

The parents of your parents are your grandparents grandmother and grandfather. You are their grandchildren– either a granddaughter or a grandson. If your grandparent has a sister, she is your great-aunt. If your grandparent has a brother, he is your great-uncle. (And you are either his or her great-niece or great-nephew.)

The mother of your grandmother or grandfather is your great-grandmother. The father is your great-grandfather. If you go back another generation, the grandmother of your grandmother / grandfather is your great-great-grandmother. The grandfather of your grandparent becomes your great-great-grandfather.

Second families

If your mother or father remarries, you can acquire a new family and set of relatives. For example, if your father marries a second wife, she

becomes your step-mother. Any children she already has become your step-sisters or stepbrothers.

If your mother or father remarries and has




your half-

brothers or half-sisters.


You might also hear people talking about their biological brother / sister etc, to mean a brother who is related by blood, rather than by marriage.

(From http://www.english-at- home.com/vocabulary/talking-about-your- family/)

2. Fill in the crossword puzzle.


5. the father of one's father or mother

7. one's husband or wife

9. a female child

11. a son of one's brother or sister or of one's brother-in-law or sister-in-law


1.the father of one's husband or wife

2.the husband of one's daughter

3.a son or daughter of any age

4.a boy child of one's son or daughter

6. a man or boy in relation to other children of his parents

8. the wife of one's son

10. the sister of one's father or mother or the wife of one's uncle


3. Study your family history. Create your family tree. Make up presentation. Choose the best one.

2.4. Family Values

Lead in.

What do you think basic human values are ?

Do basic values differ in different cultures?Give examples.

What is valuable to you?

Reading and vocabulary.



Check the words in the box.



belonging flexibility respect

honesty forgiveness generosity communication re-


sponsibility freedom ●occasion

●sense ● enforce ● make a decision● take into account●


acknowledge●contribution ●fear ●foundation ●relationship● encourage ●keep in


mind●empathy ●mis/understanding●issue ●bond ●draw together


You are going read the post in Sherri Kruger’s blog about family values at

http://www.zenfamilyhabits.net. Read the first passage where the author defines family value. Express your point of view. Think how you could define what family values are to you.


How do you define family values? In our home family values are rules or ideals that, as a family, we agree to live by and stay true to. The list of essential family values would be a mile long no doubt and the top 10 lists for each family would be as unique as the one that came up with it.

Having strong well defined family values helps solidify the foundation for a strong, tight knit family. When cultivated long enough this closeness provides a soft place to fall when life doesn’t go according to plan. Strong and consistent family values are important in building trust and confidence in each family member.

3. Read paragraphs 1-4 of the text for general understanding. Mark the statements as true (T) or false (F).


Belonging means a feeling of being loved and that you matter. You require flexibility in making decisions

If you are feared you are respected.

Honesty helps to create deep connection between family members

1) Belonging. It is important that each member of my family feel that they are loved, that they belong and that they matter. Creating a strong family unit is great but each person should be allowed the space and freedom to explore the activities they think they may enjoy. Coming together for special occasions and holidays and just spending time together as a family is what helps build that sense of belonging.

2.)Flexibility. The more flexibility you have in decision making, for example, the happier your family will be for it. Imagine one member of the family always thinking they are right and enforcing their way of doing things. This certainly wouldn’t lead to much happiness within the family unit.

3)Respect. For my family, to respect each other is to take feelings, thoughts, needs, and preferences in to account when making decisions. It also means acknowledging and valuing everyone’s thoughts, feelings and contributions to the family as a whole. Respect is indeed earned and there is a very fine line between it and fear. The only way to earn and keep someone’s respect is to first show them respect yourself. Respect as an important family value will extend out of the home and into school, work or other social settings.

4) Honesty. This is the foundation of any relationships that are meant to last. Mother-daughter, husband-wife, sister-brother. Without honesty a deeper connection will not form and certainly


won’t last. Encourage honesty by practicing understanding and respect when someone tells you of their wrong doings.

4. Go on reading. Mark the statements as true (T) or false (F). T F

Nobody is perfect , everyone can make a mistake

Generous person is ready to give money to people who need it. Miscommunication leads to unhappiness

Responsibility is an inborn quality

5)Forgiveness. Forgiving people who have wronged you is an important choice to make. Yes, forgiveness is a choice. Keep in mind that everyone makes mistakes, we all occasionally say things we wish we hadn’t and non of us are perfect.

6)Generosity. Giving without thinking “what’s in it for me” is an important value for anyone wanting to be a responsible, contributing member to society. Through generosity we build empathy since we tend to think more about what people want or need. Being generous doesn’t mean simply handing over money to someone in need. It can also include giving your time, love, attention or even some of your possessions.

7). Communication. A failure to communicate may lead to unhappiness and misunderstandings. Communication is a lot more than simply speaking your mind. In addition to spoken words, communication also extends to tone, volume, expression, eye contact, body language and effective listening. When people feel they can talk openly about anything – hopes, dreams, fears, successes or failures – all without judgment, it’s encouraging and strengthens the bond.

8)Responsibility. We’d all like to be considered responsible people. Some of us are and some of us are decidedly less so. Responsibility is something that is learned. As a child you may have been shown how to put your toys away after playing, how to tidy your room or how and when to feed the dog. This sense of responsibility extends well into adulthood. An adult who has an intrinsic sense of responsibility comes to work on time, returns phone calls or meet deadlines.

5. Read the text once again and point out words and phrases describing values. Fill in the table as in the example.


feeling of being loved, having personal


freedom and space















4. Answer the questions

1)What does belonging to a family mean?

2)What does flexibility imply?

3)How to gain respect?

4)Why is honesty so important?

5)Is it necessary to forgive people?

6)What is generosity?

7)How to achieve communication?

8)Shall we learn how to be responsible?


Grammar spot

1. How nouns are formed? Noun forms can derived from verbs, adjectives and nouns with suffixes. To learn more visit http://www.grammar-quizzes.com/noun-forms.html

-AL- condition, quality

-NESS state, quality, condition

-ARIAN - holders of a particu-



lar doctrine – human-





-ITY state or condition – ac-

-EEperson/instrument –train

action,state.condition, quality


– trainee

attend – attendance



-ATION/TION– action or re-

-ISMstate, practice – hu-

-EERperson concerned with

sulting state educate - educa-


–engine – engineer




-SIONaction or resulting

-THcondition – long - length

-ISTperson, who practices –

state – decide – decision



-UREaction or resulting state

-Ycondition – honestho-

-STERperson connected to –

– depart – departure


young – youngster, game –




-MENT – state , act, condition

-ERYlocation, collective –


– agree– agreement



-AGE action, state, process –

-TYcondition – safe-safety


break – breakage



-ING action, state, process –



land – landing



-ERY location, collective ,



condition – bake – bakery



2. To learn more visit http://www.grammar-quizzes.com/noun-forms.html. Point out other examples. Make up your own table or a mind map.


1. Here is the list of other values. Tick which of them are important to you . Underline noun suffixes.




being loved



being responsible



being self




helping others















making others happy






personal growth









2. What is in your top values? Rank the list of values.



Very im-


Not im-



















































Improve your study skills Developing writing strategies

Learn how to improve your writing. A few easy tips can already help you. Read our suggestions and, if possible, try to practise the various steps.


Before you write

Decide why you want to write and who your audience will be.

To decide on a topic: brainstorm ideas and organise them as a mind-map. Highlight important keywords. Think of links between the keywords and draw lines etc.

Decide on a concrete topic and gather your ideas together. Take notes.

Use a dictionary and look up important vocabulary and phrases.

If you feel that you do not know enough about your topic, then do some research and read more about it.

Texts in the foreign language can help you to find useful phrases and words for your topic.

Collect your ideas and research results and put them together into a possible outline.

While you are writing

Create a first draft using your collected ideas. It is not important yet that the spelling or grammar make sense.

Read your ideas. Then check whether those thoughts are what you really want to say.

If you don’t know how to continue, take a break and put your writing away for a while.

Return to your writing with fresh eyes. Maybe new ideas come to mind.

Edit your draft: move, remove or rewrite sections that you feel need correction.

Continue to write and edit until you feel that the result is your final draft.

Hand your writing to someone else for proofreading. Maybe they can give you some new ideas.

After writing

Review the suggestions of improvement given by your proofreader. Edit your draft again.

Proofread your final draft, check spelling and grammar as well as coherence of the contents.

Continue to edit until you feel that the result is your final piece.

(From http://www.learning-english-online.net/skills/writing/)

Speaking and writing

You are a journalist. Use questions to interview your partner about family values. Write a short post in the blog.