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Predefined Annotation Types


Use of the annotation @Deprecated on a local variable declaration or on a parameter declaration has no effect. @SafeVarargs

A variable arity parameter with a non-reifiable element type (§4.7) can cause heap pollution (§4.12.2) and give rise to compile-time unchecked warnings (§5.1.9). Such warnings are uninformative if the body of the variable arity method is wellbehaved with respect to the variable arity parameter.

The annotation type SafeVarargs, when used to annotate a method or constructor, makes a programmer assertion that prevents a Java compiler from reporting unchecked warnings for the declaration or invocation of a variable arity method or constructor where the compiler would otherwise do so due to the variable arity parameter having a non-reifiable element type.

The SafeVarargs annotation has non-local effects because it suppresses unchecked warnings at method invocation expressions in addition to an unchecked warning pertaining to the declaration of the variable arity method itself (§8.4.1). In contrast, the SuppressWarnings("unchecked") annotation has local effects because it only suppresses unchecked warnings pertaining to the declaration of a method.

The canonical target for a SafeVarargs annotation is a method like java.util.Collections.addAll, whose declaration starts with:

public static <T> boolean

addAll(Collection<? super T> c, T... elements)

The variable arity parameter has declared type T[], which is non-reifiable. However,


method fundamentally

just reads


the input array and adds

the elements


a collection, both of

which are


operations with respect

to the array.

Therefore, any compile-time unchecked warnings at method invocation expressions for java.util.Collections.addAll are arguably spurious and uninformative. Applying a SafeVarargs annotation to the method declaration prevents generation of these unchecked warnings at the method invocation expressions.

It is a compile-time error if a fixed arity method or constructor is annotated with the SafeVarargs annotation.

It is a compile-time error if a variable arity method that is neither static nor final is annotated with the SafeVarargs annotation.

Since a SafeVarargs annotation is only applicable to static methods, final instance methods, and constructors, the annotation is not usable where method overriding occurs. Annotation inheritance only works on classes (not methods, interfaces, or constructors), so a SafeVarargs-style annotation cannot be passed through instance methods in classes or through interfaces.


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