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Контрольная работа по английскому языку №1 для продвинутых.doc
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Часть 7

Образуйте словосочетания, соединив слова из двух колонок:

  1. birth

  1. agent

  1. influence

  1. house

  1. to get attention from

  1. gifts

  1. be treated

  1. depression

  1. extended

  1. to order

  1. wrapped

  1. customers

  1. suffer from

  1. like an adult

  1. real estate

  1. cruises

  1. boat

  1. personality

  1. to track

  1. treatments

  1. to queue

  1. order

  1. damage

  1. parents

  1. spa

  1. family

  1. a terraced

  1. health

Часть 8

Напишите письмо-ответ своему другу-иностранцу. (объём 200 слов)

Read part of a letter you have received from your penfriend abroad.

So I’m really looking forward to coming to your country – finally! But it’s so sad that I’m coming when you are away! Anyway, can you tell me what places I should go to, what things I should do, and what things I should eat and drink?

Часть 9

Замените слова в скобках на русском языке на английские эквиваленты.

  1. Do I need (забрать мой багаж) in Amsterdam airport?

  1. While dealing with (мятежными подростками), you should keep a number of things in mind.

  1. There are many different best and affordable (для медового месяца) packages available for (молодоженов).

  2. The first thing I would do is (открыть шторы) to see the power of the lightning. 

  3. We offer you an enjoyable (выходные) with many (возможностями и деятельностью) for your Cyprus holiday.

  4. (Пустынный ландшафт) with sand dunes at Sossusvlei in the huge Namib Desert attracts (туристов).

  5. Creative personalized (бонусная карта) enable (розничным продавцам), casinos and many others to provide (покупательские) discounts.

  6. A new study shows that an Atkins-type (рацион с высоким содержанием жиров) is more effective for (похудения) than a standard high-carb low-fat diet.

  7. (Первенец) or the eldest child usually develops different personality traits than his (родных братьев и сестер) especially the youngest one.

  8.  It took just 16 hours for agents to let a (уютную квартиру-студию) in London.

  9. Surprisingly to many (родителей), a lot of the food that is served to kids in school is considered (едой в сухомятку).

  10. We'll collect a selection of our favorite submitted (семейные рецепты) and prepare a special (для международных праздников) cookbook with recipes and stories from around the globe.

  11. I plan (отправиться в отпуск) for the first two weeks of March.