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to remind — напоминать

to turn into — прeвращаться (во что-либо)

blossom — цвести

chemical substances — химические вещества

iodine — йод

chlorine — хлор

bromine — бром

sulphate сульфат

carbonates — карбонаты

sodium — натрий

potassium — калий

to be stretched — быть вытянутым

events — события, мероприятия

«the Cradle of Mankind» — «колыбель человечества»

B.C. (Before Christ) — до н.э.

Asia Minor — п-ов Малая Азия

camp — лагерь

cave [keiv] — пещера

Bronze era — бронзовый век

pre-historic — доисторический

grave structures — могильники

dolmens — дольмены

features — особенности

to weigh — весить

uncertain — неопреленный

construct — возводить, строить

attract — привлекать

invader — захватчик

trade-settlements — торговые поселения, фактории

Byzantynne — Византия

A.D. — (Anno Domini) — нашей эры (н.э.)

to conduct — проводить

exit — выход

peace treaty ['tri:ti] — мирный договор

mouth of the river — устье реки

weapon — оружие

anchor — якорь

cannon — пушка

purpose — цель

fortress — форт, укрепление

in honour of emperess Alexandra — в честь императрицы Александры

to be occupied — быть занятым, заселенным

due to — благодаря (кому-либо, чему-либо)

luxurious — роскошный

irresistible — неотразимый


village — село, деревня

cossack's settlement — казачья станица

town — небольшой город

suburbs — пригороды

city — крупный город

center of the region — районный центр

capital of the republic — столица республики

capital of the federal district — столица федерального округа

ancient history — древняя история

medieval history — средневековая история

Dark Ages — средние века

Tsarist's Russia — царская Россия

Great October revolution — Великая октябрьская революция

Great Patriotic War — Великая Отечественная война

WWII (World War II) — вторая мировая война

soviet times — советские времена

former USSR — бывший СССР

c) historical center — исторический центр

cultural center — культурный центр

trade center — торговый центр

transport center — транспортный центр

Exercise 4.1. Translate into English:

1. Мой родной город был основан во время царствования Николая I.

2. Первое укрепление на месте современного Сочи было названо в честь императрицы Александры.

3. Во время Великой отечественной войны немецкие войска дважды захватывали наш город.

4. Владимир — один из древнейших русских городов.

5. Мягкий климат и плодородные земли всегда привлекали захватчиков на берега Кубани.

6. Великий русский изобретатель Владимир Комаров жил и работал в нашем городе.

7. Современный Новороссийск — это крупнейший портовый город на побережье Черного моря.

8. Наш город является одновременно крупным индустриальным и историческим центром региона.

Exercise 4.2. Answer the following questions:

1. Do you study in your hometown or you just live here while studying?

2. Do you like the city where you study? Why and why not?

3. Do you know the history of your hometown?

4. When was your hometown founded?

5. Do you know any famous people who were born in your hometown?

6. What are the places of interest in your hometown?

7. What is your favourite place in your hometown?

Exercise 4.3. Derive the adjective (прилагательное) from the noun (существительное):

• history — historical

• military —

• culture —

• science —

• industry —

• trade —

• agriculture —

• administration —

• politics —


Rostov-on-Don, the capital of the Southern federal district and Rostov region, is a comparatively young city. Not so long ago Rostovites celebrated its 250th anniversary. The city was founded in 1749 when a custom-house on the Temernik river was set up. According to a legend, Tsar Peter the First tried the water from a spring when he stopped on the right bank of the Don on his way to Azov. He was so pleased with the taste of water that he called the spring «Bogaty istochnik» — Rich spring. The name of the spring gave the name to the street. The water is being bottled now and sold all over the country.

But only years later, after the death of Tsar Peter I, under the rule of Katherine II a fortress was built here. The main purpose of the fortress was to support the customs effectively operating in this trade and transport active region. The fortress was named after Dimitry Rostovsky, the Archbishop of Rostov the Great. The town grew later on, round the walls of the fortress and it was also called «Rostov which lies on the river Don».

Rostov is situated on the right bank of the river Don, not far from the Sea of Azov. Due to its geographical position the city grew rapidly.

After the hard years of the Civil War Rostovites restored the ruined economy of the region.

During the World War II Rostov was occupied by the Germans twice. They destroyed almost all the city. Nowadays Rostov is the largest city in the South of the country. It's a big sea and river port and an important railway junction. Rostov is called «The Gateway to the Caucasus».

The main branch of industry is agricultural machine building. «Rostselmash» is a giant machine building plant producing a lot of agricultural machines. Factories of Rostov produce champagne, cigarettes, musical instruments which are well-known abroad. There is also a big helicopter plant in Rostov.

Rostov is the cultural centre of the Rostov region. There are many educational establishments in Rostov including the Rostov State University founded in Warsaw in 1815. There are six theatres in Rostov (Gorky Drama Theatre, Philharmonic, Puppet Theatre, Theatre of Musical Comedy, Theatre of Young Spectators and Musical Theatre).

There are two museums (Local Lore Museum, Fine Arts Museum), eight stadiums, several Palaces of Culture, a lot of cinemas, libraries, parks and gardens.

Rostov is famous for many prominent people who lived here.

The city is very green. There are a lot of parks in the city. In summer you can see a lot of people on the beach on the left bank of the Don river.

General understanding:

1. What is the status of Rostov-on-Don now?

2. Is Rostov-on-Don an old city?

3. What role did Peter the Great play in the history of Rostov-on-Don?

4. Why did Peter the Great call the spring «rich».

5. When was the first fortress built? How was it called?