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English for Customs Students.Part II..doc
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Customs Registration

The customs registration shall commence: a) during importation of goods: at the instance when a person submits to customs authorities a preliminary customs declaration or other documents specified in the Customs Code of the Russian Federation (depending on the sequence of said actions), or at the instance when a person makes a verbal statement or performs other actions indicative of his (or her) intention to fulfill the customs registration formalities, as in the cases stipulated by the Customs Code of the RF; b) during exportation of goods: at the instance when a person submits a customs declaration, or at the instance when a person makes a verbal statement or performs other actions indicative of his (or her) intention to fulfill the customs registration formalities, as in the cases stipulated by the Customs Code of the RF.

The customs registration formalities shall be completed upon the fulfillment of all customs operations stipulated by the Customs Code, which are required for subjecting goods to customs procedures, for placing goods under the customs procedural status, or for terminating of the effect of such status, as well as for calculating and levying Customs duties.

At the instance of undergoing customs registration, the person defined by the Customs Code shall be obliged to present to the customs authorities all the documents and data, which are required for fulfilling customs registration.

In the process of fulfilling customs registration formalities, the customs authorities may only request the documents and the information which are required for the observance of the customs legislation of the Russian Federation and presentation of which is stipulated by the provisions of the Customs Code of the RF.

The lists of documents and information, as well as demands to the information required for fulfilling specific customs registration formalities and subjecting merchandise to the appropriate customs procedural status are defined by the Federal Customs Authority in accordance with the Customs Code.

The documents required for the fulfillment of customs registration may be either presented in the original or as their copies authenticated by the person submitting them, by the declarant, by the authorities who have issued those documents, or as their notarized copies. In the event of presentation of copies of said documents authenticated by the person submitting them or by the declarant the customs authorities, if necessary, may verify the compliance of the copies of said documents with their originals after which the originals are returned to the person who presented them. The documents required for fulfilling customs registration formalities may be presented in their electronic versions in accordance with the Customs Code. The customs registration formalities, including the filling in of forms required for customs control purposes, shall be carried out in the Russian language, except the cases stipulated by the Customs Code of the RF.

The departure of goods and means of transport is only possible upon permission issued by the customs authorities. In order to obtain permission from the customs authorities for the departure of goods and means of transport the carrier shall be obliged to submit to the customs authorities the documents certifying the placement of goods in a customs procedure stipulating exportation of goods from the customs territory of the Russian Federation. Prior to the departure of goods and means of transport the carrier shall be obliged to submit to the customs authorities the documents and the information specified in the Customs Code depending on the kind of transportation used for effecting the international haulage of goods. If the documents submitted to the customs authorities do not contain the information specified in the Customs Code, the carrier shall be obliged to furnish the missing details by way of submitting other available documents or providing additional documents compiled by the carrier at his discretion.

The documents and information may be submitted to the customs authorities by any other person acting in the name of or upon instructions by the carrier.

Exercise 9. Choose the right answer.

1. Under what circumstances does the customs registration begin?

a) when crossing the state border by individuals;

b) during exportation and importation of different items;

c) during transportation of any goods within one state;

d) while using any imported goods.

2. In what case are the customs registration formalities finished?

a) when all legislative laws connected with the transportation across the state border are passed;

b) when all customs operations stipulated by the act of customs law are determined;

c) when all customs operations provided by the customs legislation are completed;

d) when all customs procedures are started.

3. In what form may the required documents be presented to the customs authority by declarant?

a) only in the original; b) either in the original or in their copies;

c) both in the original and in their copies; d) neither in the original nor in their copies.

4. What language may the customs formalities be carried out in the RF?

a) language of the state from which the consignment is being exported;

b) language of the state to which the consignment is being imported;

c) language stipulated by the Customs Code of the RF;

d) Russian.

5. How many ways are there for starting the customs registration?

a) only one way; b) two ways; c) three ways; d) many ways.

6. Who has the right to confirm the declarant’s documents?

a) authorities who have issued the papers;

b) authorities who have passed the papers;

c) authorities who have considered the papers;

d) authorities who have authenticated the papers.

7. What does the Federal Customs Authority take into consideration defining the required list of documents?

a) the modern state foreign policy; b) the working constitution;

c) the current documents of WTO; d) the Customs Code.

8. When is customs registration considered to be started?

a) when a person submits a customs declaration;

b) when a person makes a verbal statement;

c) when a person indicate his/her intention to fulfill the customs registration formalities;

d) in all mentioned cases.

9. What is the declarant obliged to present to the customs authorities?

a) all the documents and data, which are sufficient for fulfilling customs registration;

b) all the documents and data, which are required for performing customs registration;

c) all the documents and data, which are appropriate to the customs procedures;

d) all the documents and data, which are considered by the declarant as necessary.

10. Under what circumstances is the departure of goods and means of transport allowed?

a) after the permission of the customs authorities;

b) after paying all customs taxes and duties;

c) during working hours of the customs officers;

d) after a verbal request of a declarant.

Exercise 10. Translate the following terms into Russian. Give your own definitions (in English) and learn these terms by heart.

1. таможенная территория; 2. процедура таможенного контроля; 3. устное заявление/показание; 4. таможенные власти; 5. подтвердить подлинность; 6. отправление; 7. обусловливать; 8. доставка; 9. перевозчик; 10. разрешение.

Exercise 11. Write an outline of the text.


Exercise 12. Fill in the table. Add two more categories for comparison.

Customs clearance

Customs registration

The circumstances of the procedure

The person controlling the procedure

The main papers and formalities

Exercise 13. Fill in the gaps using the words given below, and translate the sentences into Russian.

registration formalities verbal statement dispatch delay

customs authorities peculiarity sufficient transport

customs registration assessments

1. Local production reduces … costs. 2. It is necessary to see that these … were not excessive. 3. There was a(n) … number of people to make a quorum on the meeting last Friday. 4. Do not your departure for an instant if you wish to see her. 5. The firm will … the goods to London. 6. It is a(n) … of Asia that its regions are either very hot or very cold. 7. The … of goods shall be performed at the places of location of the customs authorities during their working hours. 8. The documents required for fulfilling customs … may be presented in their electronic versions in accordance with the provisions of the Customs Code. 9. You didn’t need to go there with the papers. It was enough to make a(n) … . 10. Themay only apprehend such motor vehicles in the customs control zones established along the customs border.

Exercise 14. Replace the underlined words with the synonymous terms from the texts.

1. The gunmen realized the threat and shot the dog. 2. Don’t ravel this problem! 3. This official is authorized to speak on behalf of the whole Department. 4. The work must be finished by the end of this week. 5. What is the aim of your visit? 6. There is no evidence showing that this bargain is unlawful. 7. The thieves asked for money from the passengers. 8. In compliance with your wish the time of the next meeting was changed. 9. In case of finding out a suspicious thing you ought to call to police. 10. When the Minister goes back from the business trip he will address the meeting.

Exercise 15. a) Match the verbs on the left with the nouns on the right.

1. to make

a) the international customs legislation;

2. to perform

b) custom formalities;

3. to observe

c) the every intention;

4. to obtain

d) a statement;

5. to fulfill

e) the information;

6. to act

f) the compliance of the copies of documents with their original;

7. to verify

g) actions;

8. to contain

h) in the name;

9. to indicate

i) by express-mail;

10. to be sent

j) permission.

b) In the sentences below replace the Russian expressions with the phrases you have got. Use these expressions in the necessary form.

1. The Minister (сделал заявление) on the draft decision contained in presented document. 2. We have described just one way to (выполнить) these (действия). 3. Russia being a member of several International Customs Unions (соблюдает международное таможенное законодательство) thoroughly. 4. Did you know that they (добились разрешения) unlawfully? 5. Only qualified Customs Officers have right (осуществлять процедуру таможенного контроля). 6. Customs brokers (действуют от лица) and in the interests of their clients. 7. If you have notarized copies the Customs Officer (не будет сверять копии с их подлинниками). 8. A customs declaration must (содержать всю информацию) stipulated by the legislation. 9. She (выказала твердое намерение) of accepting the invitation. 10. Our documents (были высланы экспресс почтой) one week ago. It can’t be true that you have not got them!


Exercise 16. Write an essay on the given topics and discuss it with your partner.

1. The Procedure of Customs Clearance.

2. The Main Stages of Customs Registration.

Exercise 17. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1. Они оговорили условия выполнения работы? 2. Если Вы платите налоги согласно правилам, Вы действуете в соответствии с действующим таможенным законодательством. 3. В любом случае необходимо четко указывать наименование страны отправления (назначения) в таможенных документах. 4. Транспортные средства, перевозящие товары, находящиеся под таможенным контролем, могут въезжать в указанную зону в любое время суток. 5. Перевозчик обязан предъявить транзитные товары таможенному органу. 6. Это транспортное средство не используется на таможенной территории Российской Федерации во внутренних перевозках. 7. Она попросила разрешение уйти с работы пораньше. 8. Прежде, чем Ваш товар пересечет государственную границу, убедитесь, что все таможенные формальности улажены. 9. Они представили нам на рассмотрение свой доклад. 10. Мы использовали автокомпанию в качестве перевозчика нашего товара.


Look for information about the customs clearance and customs registration in the UK. Compare Russian and UK Customs clearance procedures. Pay attention to similarities and differences?

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