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Тема 3. Основные понятия макроэкономического анализа

53. Aggregate output (совокупное производство) - is the total quantity of final goods and services produced in the economy during a given time period.

54. Aggregate demand (совокупный спрос) - the total value of goods and services demanded in an economy, measured at some specified price level.

55. The aggregate demand curve (кривая совокупного спроса) - a curve, which shows the total quantity of goods and services that will be demanded (purchased) at different price levels.

56. Aggregate supply (совокупное предложение) - the total value of all goods and services supplied in an economy, measured at some specified price level.

57. The aggregate supply curve (кривая совокупного предложения) - a curve, which shows the total quantity of goods, and services that will be supplied (produced) at different price levels.

58. Aggregate equilibrium (совокупное равновесие) - exists when total demand for output equals the current value of output.

59. Gross national product (GNP) (валовой национальный продукт -ВНП) - the total market value of all final goods and services produced in the economy during a particular time period, usually a year.

60. Final goods (готовые изделия, конечная продукция) - goods, which have been purchased for final use and not for resale or further processing or manufacturing (during the year).

61. Intermediate goods (промежуточные товары) - goods that are purchased for resale or further processing and manufacturing during the year.

62. Double counting (двойной счет) - including the value of intermediate goods in the GNP; counting the same good's value more that once.

63. Value added (добавленная стоимость) - the value of the product sold by a firm less the value of the goods (materials) purchased and used by the firm to produce the product; is equal to the revenue used for wages, rent, interest, and profits.

Методы подсчета ВНП:

64. The expenditure approach to calculating GNP (метод расчета ВНП по расходам) - involves measuring of aggregate expenditure during the year.

65. Aggregate expenditure (совокупные расходы) - is the total spending on final goods and services at a given price level; is equal to the sum of consumption, C; investment, I; government purchases, G; and net exports, (X-M): GNP= C + I +G + (X-M).

66. Consumption (С) (личные потребительские расходы) - includes all household purchases of final goods and services during the year.

67. Investment (I) (валовые частные внутренние инвестиции) - is all output produced during the year but not used for present consumption.

The most important category of investment is physical capital.

68. Physical capital (физический капитал) - includes buildings, machinery, tools, and other manufactured items purchased by firms and used to produce goods and services.

69. Government purchases (G) (государственные закупки товаров и услуг) - include spending for goods and services by all levels of government.

70. Net exports (X - M) (чистый экспорт) - is exports, X, minus imports, M; are the value of domestic products purchased by foreigners minus the value of foreign products purchased by domestic residents.

71.The income approach to calculating GNP (метод расчета ВНП по доходам) - involves adding up the aggregate income arising from the production.

Aggregate expenditure = GNP = Aggregate income

72. Aggregate income (совокупный доход) - is the sum of all the income earned by resource suppliers in the economy.

GNP = Aggregate income = C + Sp + Sb + T (the sum of personal consumption expenditures (C); personal saving (Sp); business saving (Sb); and tax payments (T).

73. Personal consumption expenditures (C) (личные потребительские расходы) - the expenditures of households for durable and nondurable consumer goods and services.

74. Personal saving (Sp)ичные сбережения) - personal income after taxes minus consumption expenditure.

75. Personal income (PI) (личный доход) - total income received by households, including government payments.

76. Business saving (Sb) (предпринимательские сбережения) - retained earnings plus depreciation allowances.

77. Retained earning (оставшаяся прибыль) - profit after corporate income taxes minus dividend payments.

78. Depreciation (амортизация) - 1/ allowance for the wearing out of capital goods over a specified period; - 2/ measures the value of capital stock used up (consumed) during a year in producing GNP; - 3/ also termed capital consumption.

Capital consumption (амортизация, амортизационные отчисления) - estimated depreciation of the nation's stock of capital goods in a given time period.

Другие показатели национальных счетов:

79. Net national product (NNP) (чистый национальный продукт) - equals GNP minus depreciation.

NNP = GNP - D.

80. National income (NI) (национальный доход - НД) - total income earned by resource suppliers for their contributions to the production of the GNP; equals NNP plus government subsidies minus indirect business taxes, or simply: NI = NNP - indirect business taxes.

81. Disposable income (DI) (доход после уплаты налогов, располагаемый доход) - is simply personal income after payment of income taxes; equals personal income minus personal taxes and other government charges.

82. Nominal GNP (номинальный ВНП) - national output valued at prices prevailing during the period in question.

83. Real GNP (реальный ВНП) - nominal GNP adjusted for price level changes since some base period, to provide a measure of physical output; or GNP in a year divided by the price index for that year.

Real GNP= Nominal GNP : Price index.

84. Price index (индекс цен) - a measure of the average change in some type of price relative to a base period; a weighted average of prices in the economy at any given time, divided by the prices of the same goods in a base year (as a percentage).

85. Given year (данный год) - any year other than the base year for which a price index is constructed.

86. Base year (базовый, базисный год) - the year with which prices in other years are compared when a price index is constructed.

87. Implicit GNP deflator (дефлятор ВНП) - is a price index for the economy's aggregate output; it is the ratio of nominal GNP to real GNP, multiplied by 100.

Implicit price deflator = (nominal GNP : real GNP) x 100.

88. Deflating (дефлирование) - finding the real GNP by decreasing the dollar value of the GNP produced in a year in which prices were higher than in the base year.

89. Inflating (инфлирование) - finding the real GNP by increasing the dollar value of the GNP produced in a year in which prices are lower than they were in the base year.

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