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A. Put the words in the box into their appropriate category in the table beneath. Some words can go into more than one category.

modernist • reinforced concrete • practical • post-modern • standardised

skyscraper • well-designed

• porch




an eyesore • timber

• elegant • stone

• steel



glass • concrete • low-rise

apartments • high-tech • controversial

high-rise apartments






multi-storey car park •

international style •



Building materials


Aesthetic perception

(6 words / expressions)


(how we feel about a building)



(6 words / expressions)




vocabulary specific-topic

Types of building

(4 words / expressions)

Parts of a building

(4 words / expressions)

Architectural style

(6 words / expressions)

Features (that make the building easy to live or work in)

(4 words / expressions)


For reference, see the Easier English Dictionary for Students (978 0 7475 6624 3)

topic-specific vocabulary



B. (Level: Intermediate / Upper-intermediate): Complete these sentences with an appropriate word or expression from A, B or C.

1. The building is ________________________ . It’s been ruined and abandoned for years.

A. destabilized

B. derelict

C. defunct

2. She lives on a large housing ________________________ near the centre of the city.

A. estate

B. state

C. estuary

3.There are several run-down districts inside the city where the housing is in a bad state, although most of these ________________________ are going to be replaced by high-rise apartments.

A. slumps

B. scrums

C. slums

4. The city council are going to ________________________ the old church and built a new one in its place.

A. demobilize

B. demote

C. demolish

5.You can’t knock down that house; there’s a ________________________ order on it which makes it illegal to destroy it.

A. preservation

B. preservative

C. presentable

6. Sir Richard Rogers is the ________________________ who designed the Lloyds building in London.

A. architect

B. architecture

C. architectural

7. Some of the problems in our ________________________ are drug-related.

A. inter-cities

B. internal cities

C. inner cities

8.The council hope to reduce crime in the town by introducing new ________________________ facilities so that people have something to do in the evening.

A. sociable

B. socialist

C. social

9. The cinema is going to be closed for two months while the owners ________________________ it.

A. renovate

B. remonstrate

C. reiterate

10.If you want to add an extension to your house, you will need ________________________ permission from your local council.

A. planning

B. construction

C. plotting

Don’t forget to keep a record of the words and expressions that you have learnt, review your notes from time to time and try to use new vocabulary items whenever possible.

For reference, see the Easier English Dictionary for Students (978 0 7475 6624 3)


C. Now look at this report and fill in the gaps with one of the words or expressions from Tasks A and B. In some cases, more than one answer may be possible. You may need to change some of the word forms.

Report from the director of the West Twyford Town Planning Committee

The last year has been a busy one for the West Twyford Town Planning Committee. Outlined below are a few of the areas we have concentrated on.

1.Applications for 1________________________ permission from home owners who want to develop their properties have increased by 50%. However, many of these homes are historic buildings and have 2________________________ orders which prevent them from being altered externally. At present, we can only allow owners to 3________________________ the inside of their homes (including installing central heating and improved wall insulation).

2.Last summer we invited several 4________________________ to design plans for the new council offices on Peach Street. We eventually chose Barnard, Jackson and Willis, a local company. It was generally agreed that their design, which included a grey tinted 5________________________

6________________________ at the front of the building, was the most aesthetically pleasing. They are currently in the process of laying the 7________________________ for the new building, which we understand is taking some time as the land must be drained first.

3.In response to a lot of complaints about the lack of 8________________________ facilities in the town, it was agreed at last month’s meeting that funds should be set aside for the construction of a new sports centre and youth club.

4.Several 9________________________ buildings which have been ruined and abandoned for over five years are to be knocked down. In their place, a new housing 10________________________ will be built. This will provide twenty new homes within the next two years.

5.Everybody agrees that the new shops on the High Street are 11________________________ . It is certainly true that they are very ugly and out of keeping with the other buildings on the street. In future, we must ensure that all new buildings are built in a 12________________________ style so that they fit in with the older buildings around them.

6.There has been an increased crime rate in the 13________________________ to the east of the town. We plan to demolish these run-down areas within the next eight years and re-house the residents in new 14________________________ apartments in the Berkely Heath district.

7.In an attempt to help the environment, we are going to make the town hall more 15________________________ . Windows will be double-glazed, walls and ceilings will be insulated and we will replace the current central heating system.

My next report will be in two months’ time. Anybody wishing to discuss these issues can contact me on extension 287.

Don’t forget to keep a record of the words and expressions that you have learnt, review your notes from time to time and try to use new vocabulary items whenever possible.

vocabulary specific-topic


For reference, see the Easier English Dictionary for Students (978 0 7475 6624 3)

topic-specific vocabulary

Men & women

A. Look at the words and expressions in bold in the following sentences and decide if we generally consider them to have a positive connotation or a negative connotation.

1.At the interview, the manager was impressed by her astute comments.

2.In the power struggle between men and women, neither side will win.

3.After the takeover, the staff hoped that things would improve, but the new manager was just as ruthless as the man he replaced.

4.Some men believe that women are the weaker sex and should leave real work to men.

5.Our boss is a male chauvinist and believes that women should get less money than men for the same job.

6.John doesn’t consider women to be very intelligent. To him, they are just sex objects.

7.Our company is male-dominated; all the top management positions are occupied by men.

8. Maureen is a versatile worker. She is able to do a number of different jobs, often at the same time.

9.He holds egalitarian views and believes that everybody should be treated equally.

10.The new management has taken steps to ensure equality in the office; from now on, everyone will receive the same money regardless of their sex or age.

11.Militant feminists have thrown paint at a well-known television personality in order to stress their views.





Don’t forget to keep a record of the words and expressions that you have learnt, review your notes from time to time and try to use new vocabulary items whenever possible.


For reference, see the Easier English Dictionary for Students (978 0 7475 6624 3)

Men & women

B. Use the words and expressions in the box to complete the conversation below.




male counterparts

breadwinner • stereotypes • household management •

role division



the sexes














Chris: Cleaning

and cooking


a woman’s job.




are no good

at 1. ____________________ .







Terry: What rubbish! Thank goodness the 2. ____________________ exists to prevent men from taking advantage of women.

Chris: Well, let’s face it, in the workplace women never do as well as their 3. ____________________ .

Terry: And I suppose you think that women are only good for changing babies’ nappies and other tedious aspects of 4. ____________________ .

Chris: No, but I do believe that in a modern household there should be a clearly-defined 5. ____________________ . Men are good at DIY, for example. Most women aren’t. And I’ll always believe that it’s the man who should be the 6. ____________________ , providing food and shelter for his family.

Terry: Well, all I can say is that I’m glad your ideas of 7. ____________________ are not shared by most people.

Chris: Nonsense! A lot of people believe in traditional 8. ____________________ ; the man goes out to work, the woman stays at home. It’s as simple as that.

Terry: Men at work and women at home? Come on dear, those are such typical 9. __________________ ! With people like you around, the 10. ____________________ will always continue.

Chris: Oh, shut up dad.

Terry: Sorry Christine, but it’s an issue I feel strongly about.

vocabulary specific-topic

Don’t forget to keep a record of the words and expressions that you have learnt, review your notes from time to time and try to use new vocabulary items whenever possible.


For reference, see the Easier English Dictionary for Students (978 0 7475 6624 3)

topic-specific vocabulary


Men & Women

C. Now read this essay and complete the gaps with one of the words or expressions from Tasks A and B.

‘Men and women are, and always will be, different in the way they behave and are treated’. Do you agree with this statement?

A totally (1)__________________________society, in which sexual (2)__________________________between men and women is the norm, is still a long way off. This is certainly the case if you watch television, where men are often portrayed as the (3)__________________________ , bringing money home to the wife, who is usually depicted as the (4)__________________________ , prone to extreme emotions and temper tantrums. But is this really the case? Is it still fair to create (5)__________________________such as this? After all, as more women go out to work and more men stay at home to look after the house and the kids, it is quite clear that so-called (6)__________________________are merging and disappearing.

Take the office workplace as an example. For years, businesses and companies were

(7)__________________________ - the directors, managers and businessmen were always men, the secretaries and personal assistants always female. This was probably because men have traditionally been seen as more (8)__________________________ , more able to deal with the cut-and-thrust of business. But now women are proving that they can be equally tough, while simultaneously being more (9)__________________________ and caring. In fact, in many ways, women are more (10)__________________________ than men, a vital aspect of modern business where you are expected to do more than just one job. And thanks to the (11)__________________________ , women are paid the same as men. It would appear that, in many cases, the (12)__________________________is a dying breed.

At home, too, there is less evidence of (13)_________________________ . It is no longer the woman who does all the cooking and cleaning and (14)_________________________ . Such (15)__________________________ is now often shared equally. (16)__________________________ no longer requires the woman to stay indoors all day while the man stays out until all hours. Whether this is due to the struggle by the (17)__________________________ in the 1960s and 1970s, or whether it is due to a natural shift in attitudes is unclear.

What is clear, however, is that women no longer feel they need to be regarded as (18)__________________________ , the underdogs in a (19)__________________________with their (20).__________________________ . In fact, many believe that in the (21)__________________________ , it is women who have come out on top.

Don’t forget to keep a record of the words and expressions that you have learnt, review your notes from time to time and try to use new vocabulary items whenever possible.

For reference, see the Easier English Dictionary for Students (978 0 7475 6624 3)

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