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I. Master the pronunciation of the words below. Learn and translate them.

Vaccine, opium, haunts, inveterate, miscarriage, enhancing, opiate, methadone, naltrexone, inaccessible, buprenorphine, lozenge, sobriety, purgatory, trauma, methamphetamine, contingency, ibogaine, hallucinogen, neuropharmacologist, siege.

II. Define the words and word combinations below. In what situations did they occur?

To beat an addiction, to freebase, to hassle, to peddle, strep, blight, to down a cup, HIV infection, to parade, to ease pain/a trauma, to keep sb on track, voucher, to get high, regimen, to pursuit an approach, bloodstream, to alleviate, to mask withdrawal symptoms, anecdotal.

III. Say what you know about:

Denver, John Hopkins University, NIDA, Yale.

IV. Look through the article for the English equivalents of:

по чьим-либо подсчетам, глотать таблетки, поддерживать наркозависимость, хвататься за последнюю соломинку, лечащийся наркоман, воздерживаться от приема наркотиков, вести счета, медработники, медицинское вмешательство, слабая воля, наркотические вещества, функционировать сходным образом, легкое наркотическое возбуждение, находящийся в состоянии наркотического опьянения, чтобы бороться со злоупотреблением и передозировкой, …который отпускают только по рецепту, в малых/больших дозах, представлять более серьезную проблему, идущие на поправку, если повезет, так или иначе.

V. What addictive substances are mentioned in the article? In what ways are they consumed by addicts?

VI. Explain how you understand the following phrases:

innovative counseling

to ward off withdrawal

a clean addict

to create a barely perceptible buzz

under-the-tongue lozenge

to hijack the body’s reward system

to skip out on one’s family

to flip hamburgers

long-term support

business executive

people’s responses to their environments

data-entry operator

to behave unprofessionally

a cocaine blocker.

VII. State the difference between the words below. Give examples to illustrate their usage.

Feeling – sensation – sense;

medicine – medication;

to be addicted to – to be holed on;

physicist – physician.

VIII. Interpret the idea expressed in the given lines.

  1. By his count, he had devoted 31 years to getting wasted.

  2. Addiction crowded everything else out of his life.

  3. Despite countless trips through detox, he never really got clean.

  4. Roughly half of all patients fall off the wagon within a year of detoxification.

  5. They reconfigure the reward system that makes things feel good.

  6. Most of the people who could benefit from methadone don’t receive it.

  7. The federal government restricts the drug to specially licensed clinics that please no one.

  8. Many clinics employ variations of the traditional 12-step program, which centers on admitting one’s powerlessness and seeking divine guidance.

  9. If you seal off its target, you’ve simply reinvented the drug.

  10. It’s hard to make a drug that blocks a blocker.

  11. The arsenal against addiction is sure to expand.

  12. “It doesn’t work for everyone,” Mash says, “but for detox from opiates it’s a slam dunk.”

  13. Ibogaine is the treatment that started Colin Martinez on his current two-year rally.

  14. Beating addiction requires every tool on the table <…> and keeping up the fight when you’re losing.

  15. Treatment isn’t a war but a long, slow siege.

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