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General discussion

1. Julia Lambert’s character sketch

Her appearance

her family background

her education

her family life

her career of an actress

her great talent

2. Michael Gosselyn’s character sketch

His appearance

his family background

his education

his family life

his career

How did Michael happen to become a prosperous theatre manager? Would you say he was a talented actor? Does the character of Michael Gosselyn appeal to you? Why? Which traits of his character appeal to you? Which of his traits do you resent? Why?

    1. Roger’s character sketch.

    2. Tom Fennel’s character sketch. Could you prove that Tom was a snobbish dull young man? Was he worthy of Julia’s love in your opinion?

    3. What is the main idea of the novel?

    4. Account for the title of the book.

    5. The best episode.

Questions for revision

  1. Introduce Michael Gosselyn. Speak about his family background, his appearance, his career of an actor.

  2. What was Michael Gosselyn like in his young days?

  3. Introduce Julia Lambert. Speak about her family background, her appearance, her career of an actress, her talent. Prove that Julia was a born actress.

  4. Describe Julia and Michael’s early friendship.

  5. Speak about Julia and Michael’s married life.

  6. How did Michael’s character change as he grew old? What traits of his character did Julia dislike?

  7. What kind of theatre director did Michael turn out to be?

  8. Introduce Charles Tamerley. Speak about his family background, the society he belonged to.

  9. What was Julia’s attitude to the higher society of London? How does it characterize her?

  10. Introduce Tom Fennel. Describe his appearance, his family background, his ambitions.

  11. Describe Julia’s visit to Tom Fennel’s and the impression Tom made on Julia.

  12. Would you agree that Tom was a snobbish dull young man? Prove your point of view.

  13. Describe Julia’s feeling for Tom. What kind of attitude did she take up? Why?

  14. Speak about Roger, his childhood, his attitude to the parents, his plans for education. What do you think made Roger live his own life?

  15. Describe Julia’s thoughts about her career. What prevented Julia from becoming a film-star? Would you agree that Julia was an actress of genius? Prove your point of view.

  16. Speak about Julia’s plans for the coming holidays. What upset it?

  17. What made Julia lose control over her feelings during the holidays? Why did she look forward to shaking off the obsession of Tom like a bad dream?

  18. Did Julia manage to get even with Tom? How did she realize her scheme?

  19. Speak about Julia and Tom’s quarrel and their reconciliation.

  20. Why do you think there was a feeling of slight contempt for Tom at the back of Julia’s mind?

  21. Describe Dolly de Vries and the part she played in Julia’s life.

  22. What made Julia have it out with Dolly one day? Did Julia try to justify herself during the talk with Dolly?

  23. How did Julia’s great talent help her find the way out of various difficult situations? Describe a few episodes from the book.

  24. Speak about Avice Chrichton, her looks; her acting, the impression she made on Julia.

  25. What made Julia promise to get Avice the part in the play?

  26. Why was Tom baffled by Julia’s promise?

  27. What made Michael insist on Julia’s going somewhere on holidays?

  28. How did Julia feel in the company of her mother and aunt? What made the latter make a fuss of Julia? How can you account for it?

  29. What did Julia realize after having considered her feeling for Tom with a tranquil mind?

  30. Why were the rehearsals always a time for a new adventure for Julia? How does it characterize Julia as an actress?

  31. What did Julia think of Avice as an actress?

  32. Describe the plot of the play that was being rehearsed and the parts Julia, Michael and Avice were to play in it.

  33. Why wasn’t Michael happy about Avice and why did he insist on getting somebody else instead of her?

  34. Why did Julia insist on keeping Avice in the cast?

  35. Why was Julia disappointed in her son in a way? What caused Julia’s feeling of acute discomfort when Roger mentioned his plans for the future?

  36. What kind of career did Michael see for his son?

  37. Describe Roger’s thoughts about the atmosphere in their house, his parents, their profession and Julia’s talent.

  38. In what way did Julia create the character she was going to play?

  39. How did Julia feel before a first night?

  40. How did Julia kill Avice’s scene? How did Michael account for it?

  41. What made Julia refuse Tom’s invitation? How did she feel about it?

  42. Why did Julia change her plans?

  43. . Describe the way Julia enjoyed herself at the restaurant.

  44. What made Julia think that the visitors of the restaurant were acting a play for her?

  45. Do you share Julia’s point of view that one could play emotions only when one had got over them?

  46. Do you agree with Julia that make-believe is the only reality? Account for your point of view.

  47. Speak about your impression of Julia, Michael, Roger and Tom Fennel.

  48. Interpret the title of the novel.

  49. Describe the episode from the novel that stands out the brightest in your memory and account for your choice.

  50. Speak about the message of the novel.


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