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Passive Voice with Verbs which Have Two Objects: Direct and Indirect

  1. give, send, tell, show, pay, promise, offer

Exercise 28, p. 168: Give sentences with both passive constructions according to the model, translate them into Russian.

Model: They gave him an apple.

(а) He was given an apple.

(в) An apple was given (to) him.

1.They showed us the way to the station. 2. He will give me the money for my holiday. 3. Did you send him a telegram? 4. They promised the boy a bicycle. 5. They can't tell her the truth. 6. They had told him the news before he left. 7. They gave us no explanation. 8. After graduation they offered him a good job.

Exercise 29, p. 169: Put questions to the parts in bold type.

1. He was given two days to think the matter over. 2. We were shown a new film. 3. The instructions were given to everybody. 4. The new method will be shown to the young specialist today. 5. He was told that she had finished school the year before.

Exercise 30, p. 169: Translate the following sentences (give two variants where possible).

1.Ответ вам пришлют по почте. 2. Ему дали несколько книг для доклада. 3. На вечере им показали очень интересный фильм. 4. Мне заплатили за перевод статьи 150 рублей. 5. Когда ей послали письмо? 6. Нам обещали новую квартиру. 7. Ему сказали, что она учится в институте иностранных языков. 8. Ему не сообщили новость.

(b) buy, sell, sing, read, write1

Exercise 31, p. 169: Use the Passive Voice in the following sentences:

1. They wrote him a letter. 2. They sold us the house very cheap. 3. She read the children a very interesting story. 4. They bought him a tape-recorder when he graduated from the Institute. 5. They sang me some of the old songs.

Exercise 32, p.169: Translate the following sentences.

1. Ей написали письмо на прошлой неделе. 2. Кому продали их дом и сад? 3. Нам прочитали его письмо вслух. 4. Мальчику купили новое пальто.

(с) Explain, describe, dictate, repeat, mention2

Exercise 33, p. 169: Use the Passive Voice in the following sentences.

1.They will dictate the telegram to her over the telephone. 2. They repeated the same thing to him several times. 3. Among other things he mentioned to me this most interesting fact. 4. Did they explain the difficulty to you? 5. They described to us the life in this out-of-the-way place.

Exercise 34, p. 169: Translate the following sentences.

1.Нам объяснили, в чем была проблема. 2. Ей повторили адрес несколько раз. 3. Мне так хорошо описали дорогу к его дому, что я сразу нашел его. 4. Им объяснили все значения этого слова. 5. Сек­ретарю продиктовали письмо по телефону. 6. Мне лишь упомянули об этом инциденте. 7. Сообщение повторялось по радио с интервалами в 15 минут.

Passive Voice with Verbs which have two direct objects (ask, envy, teach)3

Exercise 35, p. 170: Use the Passive Voice in the following sentences:

1.The lecture was interesting, the students asked the professor a lot of questions. 2. They taught him several languages when he was a child. 3. They often ask him such questions. 4. They teach us two foreign languages at this Institute. 5. He taught them how to play the game. 6. He asked them to hand in their reports at once. 7. They envied him his talent.

Exercise 36, p. 170: Translate the following sentences.

1.Лектору задали очень много вопросов. 2. Его обучали английскому языку, когда он был ребенком. 3. Их попросили прийти вовремя. 4. Какие вопросы ему задали? 5. Ее спросили, как туда пройти. 6. Нас научили, как играть в эту игру. 7. Меня спросили, где я роди­лась. 8. Какие предметы преподают на первом курсе?

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