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часть 1 Современ. таможенная служба (1).docx
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Text 2

Task 13. a) Read and translate the text.


A modern airport has three main types of facilities. One is for passengers, one for airplanes on the ground, and one for planes that are taking off or landing.

The busiest and perhaps the most interesting airport building is the terminal building. People make flight reservations and buy tickets at ticket counters. Flight information boards, which can be television screens or electronic signs, display information about arriving and departing flights.

After the passenger service agents take passenger’s baggage, it moves on a conveyor belt to the baggage make-up room. There, the luggage for each flight is sorted and placed in containers or on carts to be loaded on the proper airplane.

Modern airport terminals resemble shopping malls. They have waiting lounges, restaurants, snack bars, gift shops, newsstands, game rooms, bookstores, boutiques, banks and even hotels.

Besides, amenities include Left Baggage Counter, Lost and Found, the Nursery, Public Health and toilet facilities.

Among the facilities for airplanes on the ground are loading bridges connected to the terminal building, maintenance shops, in-flight food kitchens and a fueling system. Workers clean the cabin, put food and pump drinking water aboard. There is a special airline’s operation area in the terminal building where the crew examines weather reports and determines the fastest and safest route for each flight.

Facilities that serve airplanes during take off and landing include runways, taxiways, parking ramps, and air traffic control tower. Traffic controllers in the tower regulate air traffic at and near the airport. Radar and approach lights assist planes in taking off and landing.

b) Make a glossary. Choose seven words to remember.

c) Speak about 1) the amenities for passengers;

2) the facilities for planes;

3) the people who work at the airport.

Vocabulary and Grammar

Task 14. Complete the sentences with the correct form of these phrasal verbs.

pass through give back check in for fill in step through

take off move on hand over look through go on

1) They arrived at the airport late and saw their plane ____________.

2) When you ____________ your flight you ____________ your baggage except carry-on luggage.

3) When I ____________ security check I had to ____________ the metal detector.

4) I ____________ the declaration form and presented it to the customs officer.

5) He ____________ working in shifts at the passenger control until he ____________ to the investigation department.

6) The customs official asked me a few questions about the contents of my baggage, stamped the declaration form and ______ it ______ to me.

Task 15. Find the word that doesn’t fit the group and explain why. See Conversational Formulas.

1) arrive – leave – come – reach – approach

2) passport – ticket – receipt – boarding pass – seat number

3) flight attendant – customs officer – policeman – border guard

4) plane – train – bus –bike – taxi

5) gift – souvenir – present – bribe

Task 16. Match left and right and translate the sentences:

1. The assessment and collection

of duties and taxes have always been


a) to classify merchandise and collect the duty.

2. Laboratory analyses are performed in order

b) to collect proper duty and to prevent smuggling.

3. This cargo document is

c) to target the more sophisticated violators of customs laws and regulations.

4. Effective passenger and baggage control is necessary

d) improper amounts of duty to be collected.

5. Investigation of customs violations is performed

e) one of the main functions of customs organizations.

6. Errors in merchandise classification often result in

f) basis for goods valuation.

Task 17. a) Study the table.





the number

One man, no man.

someone or something of a type that has already been mentioned

The students who do best in exams are not always the ones with the best brains.

people in general

One doesn’t often get the chance to talk to a President.

b) Translate the text.

The problem of drug abuse is an international one. It destroys individuals and communities. There are two very important elements in the fight against drugs. One is the reduction of demand and the other is the reduction of supply. It is the reduction of supply which is the aim of law enforcement agencies around the world. One of their principal aims is to encourage international cooperation.

c) What does the word “ONE” refer to in the text?

Task 18. Work with the dictionary to find out the meanings of the words.

duty – 1) _______________

2) _______________

It’s our duty to inform the passengers about the changes in the law.

When you bring alcohol or cigarettes above the fixed quotas into a country, you have to pay the duty.

free – 1) _______________

2) _______________

He was found not guilty and walked free from the court.

If something is free from tax, you don’t have to pay tax on it.

stamp 1) _______________

2) _______________

The passenger was taking out a big collection of stamps.

The official put his personal stamp on the documents when he accepted it for clearance.

drug 1) _______________

2) _______________

The big drug companies make huge profits.

Parents should talk openly to their children about the dangers of drug abuse.

The team was banned from the Olympics after failing a drug test.

Task 19. Read and complete the text.


Safety and security are the top priority for all airlines, and flying is the safest way to travel. Each year the world’s air travelers make 1.5 billion journeys and on average there are only 50 fatal accidents. But there are lots of things which you can do (1) _______ your journey safer and more enjoyable.

Pack your suitcase or rucksack yourself and never offer (2) ______ a packet for someone else.

Make sure you check in early. Most airlines say you (3) ______ to check in at least one hour before a short flight and two hours before intercontinental flights. However, security checks and baggage X-ray scans can (4) ______ a long time and you don’t want (5)______ your flight, so allow an extra half-hour.

Remember that you (6) ______ have sharp things like scissors or knives in your hand baggage.

On the plane you (7) ______ stay in your seat all the time. It’s good to walk around and stretch your legs.

You (8) ______ wear a seat belt for take-off and landing, but it’s a good idea to keep it on all the time you are in your seat.

You (9) ______ listen carefully to the safety instructions so that if there (10) ______ an accident, you know how to get out of the plane quickly.







to make




to take











to miss



don’t have to

can’t have to



have to

don’t have to







don’t have to







Task 20. a) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct Active or Passive form.