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17 Main industries of Australia

Australia is an industrial country. It has coil, nickel, zinc and gold. Australia is one of the most important produces of metals and minerals. It exports wool production, meat, fruit and sugar.

One of the oldest branches of the economy of Australia is mining. The mining industry has played an important role in the overall economic development of the country, as mining raw materials was, and is now one of the main articles of Australian exports. This industry has a high concentration of production and capital.

The oldest non-ferrous metallurgy industry in Australia is the production of lead and zinc. Australia has developed all stages of production of ferrous metals - blast furnace, steelmaking, rolling, and production of special steels and alloys, and various types of metal. A large development was the smelting of nonferrous metals: copper, tin, zinc, etc. Sports and Leisure provide the increased needs of engineering and other industries.

Australia is a major producer of fertilizer, superphosphate, sulfuric acid, pesticides used in agriculture.

The main branch of the chemical industry in Australia is a recreation, enterprises which are concentrated in the suburbs of Melbourne, in the New North Wales.

Australia produces plastics and synthetic resins. Food industry is based on the use of domestic raw materials and largely focused on the export of meat products. Enterprises sector tend to harbor cities of western and eastern coast.

Among the branches of light industry (garment, leather, footwear), most develop textile.

The leading branch of agriculture is livestock grazing of beef, especially sheep. Agriculture Australia fully provides the basic needs of the country and sending exports nearly three quarters of its production volume. Agricultural products provide almost 50% of the country's export earnings.

Australia is the world's largest wool producer, supplying the world market 30% of its volume, as well as grain, meat, sugar, dairy products and fruit.

16. The economy of Australia

The Australian economy is an economy of private enterprise. Governments are not involved in the production of goods and services. Public services are in the hands of private enterprise, except for air and maritime transport, where there are government and private enterprise.

Australia - one of the leaders in the mining of diamonds, opals, lead, uranium and iron ores are developed rich reserves of nickel, manganese, copper, coal and lignite. The basis of the Australian economy is agriculture, mining, electricity production. The agricultural sector has traditionally formed the basis of the economy. Australia is a manufacturer of much of the world's supply of wool, wheat and sugar. In spite of the arid climate, Australia is also one of the world's largest suppliers of wheat. Meat is also exported in large quantities. The only resource, which in Australia is not enough – it is water. Production of minerals reached an unprecedented development. Australia is currently a major global supplier of bauxite, minerals, obtained from beach sands, iron ore, lead and zinc. There are significant reserves of nickel, copper, coal and other minerals. Australia provided an abundance of energy resources, including coal, natural gas and uranium. In Australia has the highly developed construction industry. In recent years, Australia has significantly expanded its manufacturing industry. The main products of production are now food, automobiles, steel, paper, etc. The Government supports and is engaged in technological activities. Australia has developed such areas with high technology such as air transport, communications and other electronic equipment, electrical appliances and machinery, pharmaceutical and veterinary products, photo, professional and scientific equipment. The service sector forms the largest and most rapidly growing sector of the Australian economy. It accounts for three quarters of gross domestic product and employment.

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