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English for law students(2011-2012).doc
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University of cambridge faculty of law


The papers for the Law Tripos, which are divided into Groups 1-1V, are as follows:


Paper 1. Roman Law I Paper 5. Law of Contract

Paper 2. Constitutional Law Paper 6. Land Law

Paper 3. Criminal Law Paper 7. International Law

Paper 4. Law of Tort Paper 8. Roman Law


Paper 9. Administrative Law Paper 15. Commercial Law

Paper 10. Family Law Paper 16. Labour Law

Paper 11. Legal History Paper 17. Principles of Conveyancing Law

Paper 12. Criminology Paper 18. Company Law

Paper 13. Criminal Procedure and Paper 19. Contract and Tort II

Criminal Evidence Paper 20. Conflict of Laws

Paper 14. Equity Paper 21. EU Law

Paper 22. French Law

Paper 23. Jurisprudence

8. Consult your curriculum and make the list of legal subjects studied at your university to get a degree of bachelor. Compare it with that of Cambridge University.

9. Answer the questions.

1. Does the course give an academic legal education or practical knowledge? 2. What intellectual abilities does the course develop? 3. Do most Cambridge Law graduates practice law? 4. Should candidates, who want to study law, study sciences or humanities at school? 5. What exams must English schoolchildren pass if they want to go to University (in Great Britain and in Ukraine)? 6. Which special word means a course or examination at Cambridge? 7. Can students choose the subjects they study in the first year of the law course? 8. Do the students have some options in the second year and the third year? 9. What subjects do the students read in a) the first year; b) the second year; c) the third year? 10. Which students are called undergraduates and postgraduates? 11. Do you know that the law students study 25 subjects at Cambridge University? How many subjects do you take at your University? 12. What subjects are you studying now? 13. How many years does the first degree course last at your University? 14. What branch of law interests you most? 15. If you were a student at Cambridge University, which subjects would you choose to study? 16. What do most graduates from our university do?

10. Translate into English.

1. Мета юридичного курсу у нашому університеті – дати ґрунтовну підготовку з права радше з академічної, ніж професійної перспективи. 2. Студенти розглядають такі питання, як етичні судження, політичні свободи та громадський контроль. 3. Абітурієнтам, які мають намір вивчати право, не потрібно вчити якісь певні предмети в школі. 4. На першому курсі вони вивчають Римське право, історію права, теорію права, логіку (logic), риторику (rhetoric), тощо. 5. На другому курсі ми складаємо такі іспити та заліки, як цивільне право, кримінальне право, фінансове право (Financial), адміністративне право, міжнародне право та інші. 6. Щоб отримати ступінь бакалавра, студенти навчаються чотири роки. 7. У нашій країні студенти складають іспити двічі на рік у кінці кожного семестру. 8. Після третього курсу студенти спеціалізуються на конституційному, фінансовому, кримінальному, цивільному, екологічному, господарському (Business / Economic Law) праві, тощо. 9. Після четвертого курсу студенти продовжують вивчати право, щоб отримати ступінь магістра чи кваліфікацію спеціаліста. 10. Кожний випускник школи може подати заяву про вступ до вищого учбового закладу. 11. Після успішного складення вступних іспитів їх приймають до вищого навчального закладу. 12. Деякі студенти навчаються у вищому навчальному закладі своїм власним коштом.

11. Writing Write the composition ‘My studies at Kyiv University’.

Reading 6: Lawyers

Pre-reading task. Read the words. Mind the stress. A):

΄barrister a΄ttorney ,trai΄nee

΄litigate so΄licitor ,impli΄cation

΄corporate prac΄titioner li΄aison

΄subsequent a΄pprenticeship pro΄ficient

΄chamber con΄version a΄ward

΄reference en΄tail cu΄rriculum

B) Complete the word building table.

Noun Adjective / adverb

Verb Noun


to litigate








to entail



C) Name a person:

to litigate






D) Pre-reading task. Look through the following words to make sure that you know all of them and learn those which you don’t know.

barrister [˙bæristə] (Br.)

адвокат (який має право виступати у вищих судах), баристер

attorney [ə˙tə:ni] (Am.)

district attorney; circuit attorney

Attorney General

адвокат; прокурор,

прокурор округу (США);

міністр юстиції; генеральний прокурор штату

in-house counsel

юрисконсульт /радник / рада, що працює в компанії


solving the challenging problems

що стимулює; що потребує сил

вирішення складних проблем

solicitor []

trainee solicitor

повірений у справах, соліситор (юрист, який консультує клієнтів, організації та фірми; готує справи для баристерів)

стажер / практикант повіреного

research [ri´sə:t∫]

e.g. to be engaged in research

to conduct, do, pursue research

to carry out a research into the causes

наукові дослідження;

займатися науково-дослідницькою роботою;

проводити дослідження;

досліджувати причини;

litigate [΄litigeit]

to litigate a controversy

виступати стороною у цивільному процесі;

вирішувати суперечку у судовому порядку;


сторона в судовому процесі

corporate [΄ko:p(ə)rət]

corporate liability

corporate law

корпоративний, спільний;

корпоративна, колективна відповідальність;

корпоративне право, право корпорацій, законодавство про корпорації

practitioner [præk΄ti∫(ə)nə]

experienced practitioner

general practitioner

лікар-практик чи юрист;

досвідчений практик, професіонал;

загальний практик, лікар чи юрист загальної практики;

sole [səul]

sole heir

один, єдиний;

єдиний спадкоємець

subsequent [΄sabsikwənt]

subsequent chapter

наступний, подальший, пізніший;

наступна глава

Inns of Court

«Судові інни», корпорації суду (чотири англійські школи підготовки баристерів)

pupillage [΄pju:pilidЗ]

учнівство, перебування під опікою;

apprenticeship [ə΄prenti∫ip]

навчання, учнівство, період навчання


call to the Bar

адвокатура, колегія адвокатів; баристери (адвокати з правом виступати у вищих судах); професія баристера

отримати право адвокатської практики;

barristers' chamber []

chamber counsel

адвокатська контора, юридична консультація; юрист, який дає поради у своїй конторі, а не виступає в суді

conversion []

перетворення, обернення; навертання (у яку-небудь віру); перехід (в іншу віру); зміна переконань, поглядів; конверсія

to entail []

to entail liability

тягнути за собою, приводити до, спричиняти;

приводити до відповідальності

juris doctor (abbreviated J.D. or JD, from the Latin, Teacher of Law)

доктор юридичних наук

curriculum vitae (CV) [kə,rikjələm΄vi:tai] / [kə,rikjələm΄vaiti:] (Latin, literally: the course of one's life)

коротка біографія, резюме (інформація про освіту та професійний досвід)

implication [,impli΄kei∫(ə)n]

залучення, участь, співучасть, підтекст; те, що мається на увазі;

opinion [ə΄pinjən]

advisory opinion

expert opinion

get another opinion

have the best opinion

оцінка; думка, висновки фахівця;

консультативне судове рішення;

думка експерта;

отримати думку ще одного фахівця;

консультуватися у кращого фахівця;

to award []

присуджувати (нагороду, ступінь), призначати

liaison [li΄eiz(ə)n] with smb

контакт, зв'язок, взаємодія з кимось

to shadow [΄∫ædəu]

бути стажером, практикантом; переймати досвід у більш досвідченого працівника;

proficient [prə΄fi∫(ə)nt]

досвідчений, вмілий; знавець своєї справи;

reference [΄ref(ə)r(ə)ns]

good / positive reference

to give / provide a reference

with reference to smb. / smth.

book of reference

рекомендація, відгук, поручительство; посилання, згадка, довідка;

гарна / позитивна рекомендація;

давати рекомендацію;

посилаючись на когось / щось;


1. Several different words can be used to refer to a lawyer. Read about three law students in the UK talking about the kind of work they would like to do when they have completed their law studies. Then write the correct word for lawyer in the gaps without looking at the dialogue.

Anna: So, what are you two planning to do later, when you’ve completed your degree?

Daniel: Well, right now, I'm planning to become a barrister, because I’d really like to plead cases in court.

Anna: You’ve been watching too many of those American films, when the handsome young attorney wins the case against the big, bad corporation!

Daniel: Very funny. I just like the idea of arguing a case. I think it’d be exciting. What about you?

Anna: Actually. I’d like to work for a big corporation and advise them on their legal affairs, as in-house counsel. I’ve heard the work can be very challenging. What are your plans, Jacob?

Jacob: I'm thinking about becoming a solicitor. I'm not that interested in pleading cases in court. I'd rather do research and give legal advice - I think that'd suit me better.

2. Speaking Discuss these questions.

1. Does your native language have more than one word for lawyer? Do they correspond to the different English words for lawyer mentioned above? If not, how do the concepts differ?

2. What is each type of legal practitioner in your jurisdiction entitled to do?

3. What English term do you use to describe your job or the job you would like to do?

3. Match the words with their definitions.

1. opinion

a. the position of a person bound by legal agreement to work for another for a specific amount of time in return for instruction in a trade, art, or business

2. subsequent

b. a contact or communication

3. apprenticeship

c. following or coming after

4. the Bar

d. barristers collectively

5. implication

e. having or showing knowledge and skill

6. conversion

f. a judgment based on special knowledge and given by an expert

7. liaison

g. to have as a logical consequence

8. to entail

h. a formal recommendation by a former employer to a potential future employer describing the person's qualifications

9. proficient

i. a) something that is implied; suggestion; b) an accusation that brings into intimate and usually incriminating connection

10. reference

j. a change or adaptation in form, character, or function

4. a. Combine the nouns in the box with the verbs below to make combinations to describe the work lawyers do. Some of the verbs go with more than one noun.

cases clients contracts corporations decisions defendants law legislation

1. advise

2. draft

3. litigate

4. practise

5. represent

6. research

b. Choose three ‘verb+ noun' pairs from above and write sentences using them

5. Choose the words from the box which can be combined with the word lawyer to describe different types of lawyer. Say what each one does.

bar corporate defence government patent practitioner public-sector sole tax trial

Legal education: A call to the Bar

In English-speaking countries, the Bar is a term for the legal profession itself, while a bar association is the association which regulates the profession. A person who qualifies to practise law is admitted to the Bar; on the other hand, to disbar a lawyer is to make him or her unable to practise law.

The following text is an excerpt from a guide written for school leavers about courses of study in English-speaking countries. This section of the guide deals with the study of law and the requirements for entering the legal profession in the UK and the USA.

5. Read the text and say whether legal education in your country is more similar to the UK or the US model.

Law students in most countries study at the law department of a regular university.

In the UK and most other common-law countries, a legal education usually begins with the completion of a bachelor degree in law, known as an LLB (or Legum Baccalaureus – the double L simple means that Legum is plural), which usually takes three years. In the subsequent vocational stage, a person who wishes to become a barrister joins one of the Inns of Court before beginning the Bar Vocational Course. The completion of this stage is marked by a ceremony referred to as the call to the Bar. A third stage, known as pupillage, is a year-long apprenticeship, usually at a set of barristers' chambers, which customarily consists of groups of 20—60 barristers. Similarly, a person wishing to become a solicitor must also complete three stages: the first stage involves gaining a law degree; the second stage requires passing a one-year.

Legal Practice Course (LPC); and the final stage entails working for two years as a trainee solicitor with a firm of solicitors or in the legal department of a local authority or large company.

An alternative to this route to becoming a lawyer in Britain is commonly known as a law conversion course. This course allows a graduate from a subject other than law to convert to a law degree. This course, also called a Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL) or Common Professional Examination (CPE), is shorter than a full LLB course, as its students tend to bring with them useful knowledge from their first degrees.

Studying law in the USA

In the USA, the situation is different. There, students start law school after completion of a bachelor’s degree (in any subject), which usually takes four years. After a further three years at law school, they then study for a state’s bar exam. A law-school graduate receives the degree of juris doctor (J.D.). Only when they have passed the bar exam are they fully qualified lawyers.

6. Find terms with the word bar in the introduction to this section and in the text above which match these definitions.

1. a lawyer who is qualified to plead on behalf of clients

2. in the UK, a training course which enables people who wish to become barristers and who have registered with the Inns of Court to acquire the skills and knowledge to prepare them for the specialised training of the pupillage

3. a ceremony held at the end of this training course, when a candidate enters the profession

4. organisation regulating the legal profession

5. in the USA, an important test taken by law-school graduates which, when passed, qualifies a person to practise law

6. granted entrance to the legal profession

7. to compel a lawyer to stop practising law due to an offence committed

A lawyer’s curriculum vitae

7. Read the following CV (curriculum vitae)1 of a young British lawyer and answer these questions.

1. Where did he work in summer 2002?

2. What languages does he speak?

3. Where did he complete his first degree?

4. What was his main duty at the European Commission?

5. What is he doing now?

Linus Walker

Address: Email address:

Frejg 17, SE-118 25, Stockholm, Sweden linuswalker@eli.se

Nationality: British

Date of birth: 12 May 1982


2005 - present University of Stockholm, Sweden

Master's Programme in Law and Information Technology

Course covers the legal aspects of Information Technology and the legal implications of the use of the Internet

2000-2004 University of Essex, Colchester, United Kingdom

LLB (English & French law degree)

Course included all the core legal subjects, with a focus on contract law, company law, common law, property law and European law

2002-2003 Universite Paris X, Paris, France

DEUG (French law degree), Nanterre

Part of the degree programme at University of Essex included an intensive course in French. Among subjects studied: European Community Law, Information Law. Civil Law and Penal Law


June 2004-February 2005 European Commission. Brussels. Belgium

Legal Assistant within the Legal Department of the Service Commune Relex (SCR). Drafting opinions in English and French dealing with contracts awarded for projects

Summers 2001-2004 G. R. Foster & Co. Solicitors, Cambridge, UK

Westlake Chambers, Bath, UK

Liaison with clients: conducting research into multiple legal areas,

including family law, tort law and contracts: assisting with trial preparation

Summer 2000 Mini-pupillage, involving shadowing a number of counsel; assisted in

daily activities


Languages: Native English speaker; fluent in French (written and spoken);

upper-intermediate Swedish

Computing: Proficient in Word, Windows, email

Membership: The Law Society

Strong researching and writing skills


Skiing. French history, chess.

References available upon request

Note 1: (US) resume or résumé [΄resju:mei]

8. Writing. You are looking for a job in an international law firm. You already have certain experience in the legal sphere. Write a CV in order to get a position of an in-house counsel.

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