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Unit I полная версия.doc
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X. Translate into English using the correct prepositions (pp. 11-12).

    1. Я не одобряю отношения этого студента к учебе. Он часто отсутствует на занятиях.

    2. Она никогда не летает самолетом, потому что страдает боязнью высоты.

    3. Нам нужно договориться о цене на дом за городом.

    4. Последние две недели он занят строительством необычной пристройки к дому для своих собак, которым стало тесно во дворике за домом.

    5. Я сам не верю в преимущества нового метода, поэтому не смогу убедить в них моего руководителя.

    6. Мне не нравится этот цвет, я не могу к нему привыкнуть. По-моему, он не подходит для кухни.

    7. Она подала заявление в университет на факультет мировой экономики и мировой политики.

    8. Тебе следует извиниться перед ней за то, что ты обвинял ее во лжи. Она не ожидала от тебя такого поведения.

XI. Study phrasal verbs with “break” and “bring” and complete the following sentences with the correct particle.

  1. She came back to the house to discover that thieves had broken … and stolen all of her most valuable things.

  2. I’m sure that mothers and fathers have an equally important role to play in bringing … their children.

  3. The coach broke … on the motorway, so the fans missed the first half of the match.

  4. I hear that the company has brought … a new laptop computer, but I haven’t seen it yet.

  5. She said she didn’t want to break … her engagement to Paul but in the circumstances she could see no alternative.

  6. This photograph brings … memories of when we lived in Scotland, when I was a child.

  7. A serious epidemic has broken … in South America and thousands of people are dying.

  8. Her mother- and father-in-law who were exceptionally kind to her were very upset when the marriage broke ….

XII. Replace the underlined words and phrases with a suitable phrasal verb with “break” or “bring”.

  1. Following two days of shooting along their borders, the two countries have brought their diplomatic relations to an end.

  2. The smell of the flowers in the garden made happy memories of my childhood come back.

  3. The party was going well, but suddenly a fierce fight began between rival gangs and some people were seriously injured.

  4. My sister and her husband are always having arguments because he totally disagrees with her ideas on how to raise children.

  5. We asked some friends around to watch a film, but the video recorder was playing up and it eventually stopped working.

  6. Since they put it on the market last autumn, sales of the new word processor have been very slow.

  7. If anyone tries to enter by force, the alarm system automatically comes on.

  8. We finish our course on 18 December and go back on 8 January, so we’ve got about a three-week holiday.

XIII. Use phrasal verbs with “break” or “bring” to complete the sentences below. Make additions to the context, if necessary.

  1. I loved her very much when we were both young. Seeing her again, 20 years later, ….

  2. Because of the incident on the border the two countries have ….

  3. If there is too much competition, a price war may ….

  4. She’s a young mother. She doesn’t have much experience of ….

  5. Summer is coming. In three weeks’ time our school will ….

  6. This is the fifth album the popular jazz band has ….

  7. He was late for the meeting because his car ….

  8. The burglars waited until it was dark enough to ….

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