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Grammar exercise

I. Write the short forms of the verb to have got.

1. We have got … we’ve got, he has got ….., they have got ….. , she has not got …., it has got ….., I have not got ….., you have got …..

II. Put the verb to have (got) in the correct form. Read and translate.

1. I ….. a disk. 2. You …. a cassette. 3. Our parents ….. magazines. 4. Their parents …. a notebook. 5. Our students …. marks. 6. We … newspapers. 7. She … a composition. 8. We …. a good time. 9. Every day I … breakfast at 8 o’clock. 10. Margie and her sister …. wonderful voices. 11. The Browns …. a nice house in the country. 12. You often …. lunch in this café. 13. Excuse me, …. you …. a pen I could borrow?

III. Write questions from the following words. Use the verb to have (got).

1. you / a passport? Have you got a passport?

2. your father / a car? 3. They / classes in the morning ? 4. Jim / a sister? 5. how much money / we? 6. they / camera? 7. what kind of bicycle /the boy? 8. Mary / black hair. 9. Mr and Mrs Jonson / two children. 10. I / a bad cold. 11. You often / colds? 12. I usually / a lot of time for my lessons. 12. He / time for a game of chess?

IV. Translate into English.

1. У нее темные волосы и голубые глаза. 2. У меня есть журнал и две газеты. 3. У девочки в портфеле три книги и пять тетрадей. 4. У тебя есть сестра? 5. У этих детей нет тетрадей на столе. 6. Каждый день я обедаю в 12 часов. 7. Сейчас у нас урок английского языка. 8. У меня нет брата, но есть сестра. У тебя есть брат или сестра? 9. У моей мамы болит зуб. 10. Что у вас есть в лаборатории? 11. “У нас сегодня шесть уроков.” “У вас есть сегодня лекция по истории?” 12. У моего друга большая квартира в центре города. 13. У тебя есть диск? 14. Где ты обычно обедаешь? 15. Что у этого мужчины в папке?

Pre-text exercises

I. Look at the following international words, guess their meaning and check the pronunciation:

tradition, Constitution, Federation, Ministry, literature, algebra, geometry, technical, college, programme, academic, profession, general, lyceum, gymnasium, final, international, organization, system, basic, diploma, project, specialist, thesis, original, discipline.

Word building

II. Translate the following derivative words:

verb + -tion, -ion, -ation → noun

to protect – protection, to create – creation, to calculate – calculation, to converse – conversion, to combine – combination, to separate – separation;

noun + -ic → adjective

economy economic, hero – heroic, science – scientific, drama – dramatic, magnet – magnetic, academy – academic;

adjective +-ly → adverb

electrical – electrically, approximate – approximately, relative – relatively, slight – slightly, equal – equally.

III. Form the words using suffixes:

-tion, -ion, -ation: to educate, to compete, to administer; -ic: automat , poet, climat,; -ly: constant, necessary, geographical.

IV. Suggest the Russian equivalents for the following phrases:

high-quality education, the right to education, to be regulated by, primary school, secondary stage, new subjects, to leave school, final exams, State Educational Standards, new system of education, basic higher education, successful completion of study, professional training.