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    1. Get on ………… enter a bus, an airplane, a train, a subway, a bicycle.

    2. Get off ………… leave a subway, a bicycle, a bus, an airplane, a train.

Get in(to) ……… enter a car, a taxi.

Get out of ……… leave a car, a taxi.

Exercise 3: Complete the sentences with prepositions.

1. When I raised my hand in class, the teacher ______________ me.

2. While I was walking down the street, I ran ________ an old friend.

3. Fred feel okay today. He got _________ his cold.

4. Last week I flew from Chicago to Miami. I got ____ the plane in Chicago. I got ____ the plane in Miami.

5. Sally took a taxi to the airport. She got ____ the taxi in front of her apartment building. She got ____ the taxi at the airport.

6.I take the bus to school every day. I get ____ the bus at the corner of First Street and Sunset Boulevard. I get ___ the bus just a block away from the classroom building.

    1. Chapter 8



a) ACTIVE: Bob mailed the package.

b) PASSIVE: The package was mailed by Bob.

c) ACTIVE: The teacher corrects our homework.

d) PASSIVE: Our homework is corrected by the teacher.

e) ACTIVE: Mr. Lee has taught this class.

f) PASSIVE: This class has been taught by Mr. Lee.

g) ACTIVE: Bob will mail the package.

h) PASSIVE: The package will be mailed by Bob.

Exercise 1: Change the sentences from active to passive.

1. Columbus discovered the New World.

2. Thomas Edison invented the phonograph.

3. Water surrounds the island.

4. A maid will clean our hotel room.

5. A plumber is going to fix the leaky faucet.

6. A doctor has examined the sick child.

7. The police arrested James Swan.

8. A large number of people speak Spanish.

9. The secretary is going to type the letter.

10. The teacher’s explanation confused Carlos.

11. My mistake embarrassed me.

12. Helicopters fascinate children.

13. Shakespeare wrote Hamlet.

14. This news will amaze you.

Exercise 2: Change the sentences from active to passive.

1. A thief stole Ann’s purse.

2. Did a cat kill the bird?

3. My cat didn’t kill the bird.

4. A squirrel didn’t bite the jogger.

5.A dog bit the jogger.

6. Do a large number of people speak English?

7. Did Johnny break the window?

8. Is the janitor going to fix the window?

9. More than 100 people have signed the petition.

10. Did Shakespeare write A Midsummer Night Dream?

11. Ernest Hemingway didn’t write A Midsummer Night Dream.

12. Will a maid clean our hotel room?

13. Does the hotel provide clean towels?

14.Sometimes my inability to understand spoken English frustrates me.

Exercise 3: Study the examples.

    1. Transitive verbs

ACTIVE: Bob mailed the letter.

PASSIVE: The letter was mailed by Bob.

    1. Intransitive verbs

ACTIVE: An accident happened.

PASSIVE: (not possible).

Change the sentences to the passive if possible.

1. Jack walk to school yesterday.

2. We stayed in a hotel.

3. Susie broke the window.

4. The leaves fell to the ground.

5. I slept at my friend’s house last night.

6. The second baseman caught the ball.

7. Ann’s cat died last week.

8. That book belongs to me.

9. The airplane arrived twenty minutes late.

10. The teacher announced a quiz.

11. I agree with George.

12. Do you agree with me?

13. Dick went to the doctor’s office.

14. An accident happened at the corner of Third and Main.

15. An accident occurred at the corner of Third and Main.

16. Many people saw the accident.

Exercise 4: Change the sentences from active to passive. Include by phrase only if necessary.

1. Bob Smith built that house.

2. Someone built that house in 1980.

3. People grow rice in India.

4. People speak Spanish in Venezuela.

5. Do people speak Spanish in Peru?

6. Alexander Bell invented the telephone.

7. When did someone invent the wheel?

8. People sell hammers in a hardware store.

9. People use hammers to pound nails.

10. The president has canceled the meeting.

11. Someone has canceled the soccer game.

12. Someone will list my name in the new telephone directory.

13. Charles Darwin wrote The Origin of Species.

14. Someone published The Origin of Species in 1859.

15. Someone serves beer and wine at that restaurant.

16. Has anyone ever hypnotized you?

17. Something confused me in class yesterday.

18. Something embarrassed me yesterday.

19. Someone filmed many of the Tarzan movies in the rain forest in Puerto Rico.

20. Someone has changed the name of this street from Bay Avenue to Martin Luther King Way.

Exercise 4: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb.

1. Yesterday our teacher (arrive) five minutes late.

2. The morning paper (read) by over 200 000 people every day.

3. Last night my favorite TV program (interrupt) by a special news bulletin.

4. That’s not my coat. It (belong) to Louise.

5. Our mail (deliver) before noon every day.

6. The “b” in “comb” (pronounce, not). It is silent.

7. A bad accident (happen) on Highway 95 last night around midnight.

8. When I (arrive) at the airport yesterday, I (meet) by my cousin.

9.Yesterday I (hear) about Margaret’s divorce. I (surprise) by the news. Janice

(shock) .

10. A new house (build) next to ours next year.

11. Roberto (write) this composition last week. That one (write) by Ben.

12. Radium (discover) by Marie and Pierre Curie in 1898.

13. A: Do you understand the explanation in the book?

B: No, I don’t. I (confuse) by it.

14. A: Where are you going to school next year?

B: I (accept) by Eastern Mennonite University.

15. A: I think football is too violent.

B: I (agree) with you. I (prefer) baseball.

16. A: When (your bike, steal) ?

B: Two days ago.

17. A: (you, pay) your electric bill yet?

B: No, I haven’t, but I’d better pay it today. If I don’t my electricity (shut off) by the power company.

18. A: Did you hear about the accident?

B: No. What (happened) ?

A: A bicyclist (hit) by a taxi in front of the dorm.

B: (the bicyclist, injure) ?

A: Yes. Someone (call) an ambulance. The bicyclist (take) to the City Hospital

and (treat) in the emergency ward for cuts and bruises.

B: What (happen) to the taxi driver?

A: He (arrest) for reckless driving. He’s lucky the bicyclist (kill, not).

Exercise 5: Study the examples.

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