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The Best Job in the World?

Imagine that you are the Editor of a magazine for young people. One of your journalists has given you this article to be included in the next edition.

1. Match the opening sentences a – g with each of the paragraphs (1 - 7).

What is the function of every opening sentence in the text?

A Possibly the worst thing is the lack of privacy.

B Then, of course, there’s the power and the foreign travel.

C Have you ever daydreamed and wondered what it would be like to be the Queen?

D While I wouldn’t mind the money, it must be a minor consideration for such a rich woman.

E To begin with, the money’s not bad.

F It is the perfect job if you like going abroad.

G Now let’s look at the minuses.

1 ______ Just for fun, let's treat it like any ordinary job and weigh up its good and bad points.

2 ______ She gets a 'salary' of four million pounds a year from the British government. There is no tax on any of her income* and, when she dies, her heirs won't have to pay a penny. What's more, she doesn’t have to put stamps on letters: the royal seal is enough. She also uses special black blotting paper to dry the ink on letters. (It has to be black so nobody can read any state secrets from it!)

3 ______ She can declare war, dismiss the government and pardon everybody in prison!

4 ______ The Queen travels all round the world in style, visiting fascinating places. There are some great presents as well: on two of her trips she was given a crocodile and two hippos.

5 ______ There are lots of boring, formal dinners to attend (bad news if you've got a weight problem) and speeches to give. She always has to be diplomatic and isn't allowed to speak her mind. II must also be hard knowing who your real friends are and who are just 'yes men'.

6 ______ True, on the one hand she has lots of homes where she can hide away, but on the other hand, there are always photographers trying to take pictures of her whatever she is doing. It must be very difficult trying to keep a balance between public life and a private family life.

7 ______ I'm sure there is part of her which would rather live in peace and quiet, enjoying her wealth. Fortunately for the British people, the Royal Family’s tradition of service means we have a monarch prepared to bear the heavy responsibility of the Crown. I wouldn't want the job.

*Since April 1993, the Queen has been paying tax on her private income.

2. Read the text again and see if there is anything in it that you find surprising or

amusing. What is the balance between the light and humorous, and the more

serious elements?

3. Make a list of all the points the writer makes and decide if they are important (I),

of secondary importance (SI), or light and humorous (LH).

Example: advantages: £4 million a year (I), no stamps (SI), black blotting paper (LH)

4. Understanding the organization of the text.

Search the text for ways that the writer:

  • orders points,

  • balances arguments,

  • draws conclusions.

5. Writing.

Your magazine has just been given a big advertisement. In order to make room for it, you have to cut the article about the Queen by 50%. How will you do it? Look at your list of points and decide which points you will cut. Show your teacher your list of points and then write a shorter version.

Linking words of contrast (revision)

1. Read the sentence and choose the right answer to the question:

Why is the linking word used in this sentence?

Jack works very hard but he doesn’t have a lot of money.

A to add a point

B to show contrast

C to explain reasons

D to show the result

2. This was a simple way of linking clauses by expressing contrast.

We can express the same idea using other conjunctions such as:

  • Although Jack works very hard, he doesn’t have a lot of money.

  • Though Jack works very hard, he doesn’t have a lot of money.

  • In spite of / Despite working hard, Jack doesn’t have a lot of money.

  • Jack works hard, yet he doesn’t have a lot of money.

  • Jack works hard. Nevertheless, he doesn’t have a lot of money.

  • On the one hand, Jack works hard; on the other, he doesn’t have a lot of money.

  • Whereas Jack works very hard, he doesn’t have a lot of money.

  • While Jack works very hard, he doesn’t have a lot of money.

Here is a summary of the main linking words we can use when making contrasts:

linking word

followed by


rest of sentence

although/ (even) though

in spite of/ despite

nevertheless/ however

whereas/ while

+ clause + comma

+ noun

+ -ing

+ the fact that + clause + comma

+ comma + clause

+ clause

(Even) though she is successful,

In spite of/ Despite her success,

In spite of/ Despite being successful,

In spite of/ Despite the fact that she is successful,

She is very successful. Nevertheless, / However,

She is very successful, whereas/ while

she is so modest.

she is so modest.

she is so modest.

she is so modest.

she is so modest.

others are not.

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