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  1. III a Cafe

*/. Listen to the conversation. Practice the sentences from the dialogue repeating them after the speakers. Try to imitate the patterns and Jit in the speaker’s tempo.

*11. Listen to the continuation of the conversation recorded with pauses between the sentences. Practice them as recommended in ex. I.

*111. This exercise is called Open Dialogue. In it you will hear Paul talking to you in a coffee bar. Put down Paul’s words and your answers in your notebook. Get ready to act out the whole dialogue in a class.

  1. At the Exam

  1. Go over the vocabulary to avoid difficulties of understanding. Transcribe and practice the pronunciation of the proper and geographical names you’ll hear in the recording.

Handwriting, Sorensen, jerk (Am. slang) - тупица, Soren, cheat,

Kierkegaard, accuse smb of smth, Denmark, proof, Hegel, Germany,

by all means, Satre, in the meantime, Paris, disappoint.

*11. Listen to the dialogue, mark the intonation. Practice reading with the speaker. Learn the dialogue by heart.

Mr. Sorensen: Richard, what’s that under your paper?

Richard: What’s that?

Mr.S: Lift up your arm. What’s this?

R.: Oh, that. Uh, that’s a grocery list. I’ve got to pick up some things on my way home.

Mr.S: Do you really expect me to believe that?

R.: Well, that’s what it is.

Mr.S: (reading) Soren Kierkegaard, Denmark, 1800s, Hegel, Germany, Satre, Paris, 1900... An interesting “grocery” list, Mr Jackson!

R.: Oh, gee, let me see that. Oh, my gosh, they must be my notes. How did they get here?

Mr.S: I’d like to see you in my office, please. (They leave the classroom and go to the office down the hall.) Now, Richard, would you care to explain how the answers to the test questions appeared in your desk?

R.: I can’t sir. Someone must have left them on my desk.

Mr.S: Someone left them on your desk! Someone with hand-writing identical to yours left them on my desk? I’m afraid, I can’t accept that answer.

R.: Are you accusing me of cheating?

Mr.S: Yes, I am.

R.: You can’t do that without proof! I’m going to call my counselor!

Mr.S: By all means, do that. In the meantime, however, don’t come to class again. I’m extremely disappointed in your behavior.

R.: (grumbling to himself as he leaves) What a pig-headed, narrow-minded jerk.

  1. Holidays in the United States

  1. Practice the pronunciation of the proper and geographical names you’ll hear in the recording.

New Orleans, Washington, Boston, Disney World, Metropolitan,

Whitworth Galler, Empire State Building, Youth Hostels

  1. Note the meaning of the following expressions.

live off hamburgers - to live exclusively on hamburgers wine and dine smb - to treat somebody to drinks and dinners

*111. Listen to the dialogue. Practice perfect reading. Act it out.

Sandra: So, when do you start your job?

John: Ah, tomorrow; first day tomorrow.

S.: Great! You looking forward to it?

J.: Well, bit nervous, I suppose.

S.: Oh, you’ll be all right... you’ll be OK.

J.: What about ... what about your holiday? Did you have a good time?

S.: Oh, I just had a wonderful time. Six weeks in the States... California.

J.: 1 went to the States.

S.: You didn’tl Where?

J.: I went to... on the East side, New York, Washington, Boston and then I went up North to the Great Lakes (Terrific)... just beautiful, just wonderful.

S.: No, I was the other side. I went to California as I said,,, ‘cos I’ve get cousins there, and we went to New Orleans, Disney World, oh... just had such a fantastic time... My cousins are crazy on sailing, you see, and I’m mad on it, too...and we did surfing and windsurfing and... we’ra just sea maniacs our family.

J.: Incredible! You’re lucky to have people to stay with... I... er... had to... well, I was camping or staying in Youth Hostels. I had friends in New York I stayed with, which... helped a great... ‘cos New York’s so expensive!

S.: I can imagine... I’ve never been, but...

J.: I just... getting into all the museums and (Yes) things... the Metropolitan and the Whitworth Gallery... just... well, just going up to the Empire State Building... all costs money (Oh no)... everything... terribly expensive.

S.: I’d love to go one year. It was worth going, was it?

J.: Oh, just wonderful... incredible, yes, all of it, and I went to a couple of concerts, too... rock concerts... they were...

S.: Gosh... were they expensive, yeh they were expensive?

J.: Oh, wow, yes, but great.

S.: Oh, I was just so lucky. I was wined and dined by my cousins, and it was great... and the food they gave me was just fantastic... lot of fresh fish and things from the fishing... ah!

J.: I had to live off hamburgers and hot dogs...

S.: You poor thing!

J.: I couldn’t afford to eat in the posh restaurants or anything like that... Oh so, work for you tomorrow, eh?

S.: Yes, I’m afraid so... I can’t face it really. I just want to go back to the States... to the good life.


In a Cafe

  1. -Do you want coffee or tea?

-Coffee please... a black coffee.

-Cake? Biscuits?

-No, thanks. Just a coffee.

-Well, I want a piece of chocolate cake. Can I have two coffees please, one black and one white and a piece of chocolate cake.

-Here you are.

-Thanks. How much is that?

-That’s 95 pence please.

-Thank you

  1. -Sugar?

-No, thanks.

-What do you like doing in your spare time, Joanne?

-Oh, I like doing lots of things. I like going to the movies, I love skiing. Can you ski?

-No, I can’t.

-Really? That’s great, Paul.

-Do you like sightseeing?

-Yes, I do.

-So do I. But Diana hates it.

  1. Paul: Hello. - You: ...

Paul: Let’s have a drink. Do you want coffee or coke?

Paul: Do you want a biscuit or a piece of cake with it? - ...

Paul: OK, Listen! That’s a new record by Haircut 100. Do you like it? - Paul: What sort of music do you like?

Paul: So do I. What do you like doing in your spare time? - ...

Paul: Really? 1 like going to see friends and driving my car. Can you drive? - ...

Paul: Let’s play a record. What do you want? - ...

Paul: Great 1 I love that record, too.


  1. Березина, O.A. Упражнения по грамматике. Структура английского предложения: учеб. пособие / О.А.Березина. - СПб.: ООО Инъязиздат, 2005.

  2. Истомина, Е.А. Английская грамматика. Теория и практика для начинающих = English Grammar. Theory and Practice for Beginners: учеб. пособие для студентов высших учебных заведений / Е.А. Истомина. - М.: Владос, 2004.

  3. Кариевская, Е.Б. Учимся слушать и понимать английскую речь = Learning to listen: учеб. пособие / Е.Б. Карневская, И.А. Павлович,

В.В. Лопатько. - 2-е изд. - Минск.: Аверсэв, 2005.

  1. Кузеванова, Н.И. Exam Drive: учеб. пособие для подготовки к единому гос. экзамену / Н.И. Кузеванова, J1.B. Талзи. - Обнинск: Титул, 2003.

  2. Graham, Carolyn. Grammarchanis. / Carolyn Graham, Marilyn Rosenthal. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993.

  3. Mortimer, Colin. Elements of Pronunciation. Intensive practice for intermediate and more advanced students / Colin Mortimer. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994.


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1. 14

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