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XI. Complete the following sentences using the words given bellow.

The job of a juror is to listen to all ___1___ presented at trial and ___2___– that is to decide what really happened. The jury is required to sit quietly during ___3___ and to listen carefully to the speeches of ___4___, to concentrate on the evidence. They listen to ___5___ of witnesses and make notes when necessary. They are often given documents, photographs and other pieces of evidence to ___6___.

In order to do their job, ___7___ do not need any special knowledge or ability. They are instructed by the judge on ___8___. It is important for jurors to listen attentively to ___9___. The jury will then retire to ___10___ to reach a verdict. They ___11___ one of their members as a foreman. Once a verdict has been arrived at, the jury will re-enter the ___12___ and announce ___13___ without any explanation or justification [1].

  1. jurors

  2. the counsels

  3. the verdict

  4. evidence

  5. the trial

  6. the jury room

  7. “to decide the facts”

  8. examine

  9. the cross-examination

  10. courtroom

  11. legal norms

  12. the judge’s instructions

  13. elect

XII. Make up sentences.

  1. A jury is a group of men and women legally chosen

  2. Juries are used

  3. It is the duty of the judge to decide

  4. The duty of the jury is to decide

  5. Jurors are selected at random

  6. The person is eligible if he

  7. The person is disqualified from jury service if he

  8. The person is ineligible if he

  9. The person is excused from jury service if he

  1. from the electoral register

  2. has some physical disease

  3. a mother with young children

  4. to hear a case

  5. is a doctor or a dentist

  6. in civil cases but very seldom

  7. is a Member of Parliament

  8. has served a prison sentence

  9. to decide the facts

from the evidence presented

  1. has a mental disease

  2. is a judge

  3. all matters of law

  4. speaks English well

  5. in all criminal cases

  6. a student sitting for examinations

  7. is a resident of the UK

  8. matters of facts

is over 18 years old

XIII. Translate the questions into English and answer them.

  1. Судья или присяжные выносят вердикт?

  2. Могут ли присяжные задавать вопросы свидетелям и подзащитному?

  3. Кто инструктирует присяжных по юридическим вопросам?

  4. Почему присяжные должны сидеть тихо во время судебного процесса?

  5. Какие виды (куски) доказательств изучают присяжные?

  6. Кто выносит приговор?

  7. Следует ли присяжным объяснять вердикт?

  8. Куда удаляются присяжные чтобы достигнуть соглашения по вердикту?

  9. Кто решает вопросы факта?

  10. Присяжные могут обсуждать дело в зале суда или в комнате присяжных?

  11. Кто решает вопросы права?

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