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Some Pieces of Advice for Young Managers

  • Act your age. Do not try to look like an older person or like a statesman. Dress your age, too.

  • Avoid favouritism and cliques. Leaders win respect by treating people the same.

  • Build coalitions right away. Show colleagues you are aware of your limited experience. And show that you are interested in getting advice, too.

  • Keep a cool head, even when you are under a lot of pressure. Some colleagues will expect you to crack. Do not give them the satisfaction.

  • Show respect to older colleagues. They may be on a slower (or different) career path just because that is where they want to be. They have seen many young ambitious people come and go. Draw on their experience.

  • Find the right balance between being enthusiastic and being over-confident. You have been selected for your youth and energy –draw on it. But don’t overdo it.

  • Under –promise and over-deliver. That motivating speech on your first day may sound pretty stupid if the market turns against you.

A. Find words or phrases which mean the following.

1. when one person or group is treated better than others in an unfair way


2. a small group of people who seem unfriendly to other people

3. a group of people who agree to work together to reach the same objective

4. to lose control of yourself because of stress

5. when you think you are better or more important than other people

6. to work more or better than other people expect you to

7.that makes people feel enthusiastic and excited

B. Answer the following questions.

1. What challenges do young managers face, compared to older ones?

2. What may be the advantages of being a relatively young manager?

C. In pairs, discuss and agree on the three most important pieces of advice.


(CD) Task 1.Nigel Nicholson is Professor of Organizational Behaviour at the London Business School. Listen to the first part of the interview and complete the notes, using up to three words each time.

Managers of people

1. To be a good manager, you need to understand that there are themes which …, such as families, or the fact that everyone wants to make a difference and needs to be respected.

2. In addition, you also need to understand how everyone is …to the way you, as a manager, are.

3. The secret is to try to know what the world looks like …of another person.

4. In order to do that, you need to be very good at asking questions and …

(CD) Task 2. Listen to the second part of the interview. Decide which statement best summarises Nigel’s view of the changes in the way people behave at work.

1. The time people spend reflecting unfortunately reduces the amount of work they do.

2. People have to spend more time at work and are therefore under a lot of pressure

3. People live very fast but should not forget to take time to stand back and reflect.

4. If people live too slowly, they cannot see where what they are doing fits into a bigger picture.

(CD) Task 3. Listen to the third part of the interview. Decide whether the statements are true(T) or false (F).

1. Cultural differences are entirely superficial.

2. Individual differences between people are more important than cultural differences.

3. When you work in another culture, you realize that all people are the same.

4. You have to remember that people are unique and different individuals.