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Icao Aims

One of ICAO's chief activities is standardization, the establishment of International Standards, Recommended Practices and Procedures covering the technical fields of aviation: licensing of personnel, rules of the air, aeronautical meteorology, aeronautical charts, units of measurement, operation of aircraft, nationality and registration marks, airworthiness, aeronautical telecommunications, air traffic services, search and rescue, aircraft accident investigation, aerodromes, aeronautical information services, aircraft noise and engine missions, security and the safe transport of dangerous goods. As aviation technology continues to develop rapidly, the Standards are kept under constant review and amended as necessary.

In keeping pace with the rapid development of international civil aviation, ICAO is conscious of the need to adopt in its specifications modern systems and techniques. In recent years, extensive work has been undertaken by ICAO in the areas of reporting aircraft accident and incident data, all-weather operations, automation of air traffic services, the application of computers in meteorological services, aircraft noise, engine emissions and the carriage of dangerous goods by air. ICAO has dealt with the subject of unlawful interference with civil aviation and with questions regarding aviation and the human environment.


Among ICAO's more recent significant achievements has been the development of a satellite-based system concept to meet the future communications, navigation, surveillance/air traffic management (CNS/ATM) needs of civil aviation.


The obstacles placed by customs, immigration, public health and other formalities on the free and unimpeded passage of passengers and cargo across international boundaries have been a particularly serious impediment to air travel. The problem is inherent in the speed of air travel itself; if, for example, formalities at each end of a trans-oceanic flight of six hours take up one hour, this means that the passenger's trip time has been increased by one third, while the same formalities add only about two per cent to a five-day sea voyage across the same ocean. For the past two decades ICAO has tried to persuade its Contracting States to reduce red tape, and International Standards on facilitation have been adopted to place an upper limit on what States may demand. In addition to reducing procedural formalities, ICAO's efforts are also aimed at providing adequate airport terminal buildings for passengers and their baggage as well as for air cargo, with all related facilities and services.


ICAO pays special attention to promoting civil aviation in developing countries. An important instrument in this work has been the United Nations Development Programme. So far most of the Organization's work in this area has been directed toward the development of the ground services required for civil aviation and, in particular, toward aerodromes, air traffic control, communications and meteorological services; in the past few years, and with the advent of larger and more complex aircraft, requests for assistance in the more sophisticated fields of aviation, including airports operations, have been increasing in number. In response to the alarming incidents in recent years of acts of unlawful interference against aircraft and airports, ICAO also provides assistance to States in order to improve their aviation security facilities and procedures.

Assistance in general has consisted of advising on the organization of government civil aviation departments and on the location and operation of facilities and services, and particularly in the recruitment and administration of experts, fellowships training and procurement of equipment. Many large civil aviation training centres have been created or assisted by ICAO in, for example, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Thailand and Tunisia; in most cases these are regional training centres which take students of many nationalities and for which the local governments pay a large share of the costs and take over complete operation of the projects after a set time. Smaller national training centres have also been established by ICAO technical co-operation missions, and nationals of many countries have received ICAO fellowships for study abroad.


Within the more than one hundred and eighty Contracting States of ICAO there are many legal philosophies and many different systems of jurisprudence. There is need, therefore, for a unifying influence, in certain areas, for the development of a code of international air law. It is a function of ICAO to facilitate the adoption of international air law instruments and to promote their general acceptance. So far international air law instruments have been adopted under the Organization's auspices involving such varied subjects as the international recognition of property rights in aircraft, damage done by aircraft to third parties on the surface, the liability of the air carrier to its passengers, crimes committed on board aircraft, the marking of plastic explosives for detection and unlawful interference with civil aviation.

From www.icao.int

Exercise 1. Be ready to speak on the text.

Exercise 2.To enrich your vocabulary find in the dictionary all possible meanings of the following words and give their Ukrainian equivalents:

1) chart; 2) goods; 3) traffic; 4) unit.

Use these words in the sentences of your own.

Exercise 3.Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Основними видами діяльності ІКАО є стандартизація, встановлення міжнародних стандартів, рекомендованих практик і процедур, що охоплюють технічні аспекти авіації. 2. Наша організація займається ліцензуванням авіаційного персоналу. 3. Для експлуатації повітряного судна необхідні навігаційні карти, знання норм авіаційного права і багато іншого. 4. Відділ розслідування льотних пригод виконує програму аварійно-рятувальних робіт. 5. Через те, що авіаційні технології швидко розвиваються, стандарти постійно переглядаються і до них вносяться поправки. 6. Важливим питанням є автоматизація служб керування повітряним рухом. 7. Для забезпечення зв'язку, навігації та управління повітряним рухом ІКАО нещодавно розробило концепцію супутникової системи. 8. Сьогодні високі технології використовуються для задоволення експлуатаційних потреб, що зростають. 9. Нам необхідно дешевше наземне обладнання, яке буде більш економним, ефективним і безпечним. 10. Інтегрована глобальна система поступово змінюється відповідно до змін в організації й експлуатації повітряного транспорту. 11. Концепція створення нової системи була підтримана членами ІКАО і зараз знаходиться на стадії впровадження. 12. ІКАО розглядає питання незаконного втручання в управління повітряним судном.

Text 4

Read and translate the following text into Ukrainian.

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