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Technical English For Beginners.doc
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Ex. 1. Complete the text below and translate it into Russian in written form.

A (1) … program allows the user to store, change and retrieve information.

A database file is a collection of records. Each (2) … contains a set of fields.

Each(3) … holds a separate piece of information; for example, a student file contains a list of records, each of which consists of several fields which give their name, address, birthday, etc.

In a (4) … database, information is stored in tables that have a connection or link with one another.

A database lets you create an (5) … , a list of records ordered according to the content of certain fields; this helps you search and (6) … records into numerical or alphabetical order very fast. It also has a (7) … function which allows you to extract information that meets certain criteria.

Ex. 2. Translate these sentences into English using your active vocabulary.

  1. Операционная система – это самый важный тип системного ПО.

  1. Пакеты прикладных программ включают базы данных для поиска информации, текстовые редакторы для работы с текстом и электронные таблицы для финансового планирования и др.

  2. Электронные таблицы имеют много функций и инструкций.

  3. Одна запись базы данных состоит из: заглавия, имени, фамилии, занимаемой должности, номера телефона и идентификационного номера.

  4. База данных позволяет создавать список записей в соответствии с содержанием определённых полей (областей).

Ex. 3. Write some sentences explaining why ‘Windows’ family is so popular.

Unit 13 The Graphical User Interface reading material



a) Read these definitions and memorize them.

  • window: a viewing area less than or equal to the screen size. By using different windows you can work on several documents or applications simultaneously

  • pull-down menu: a menu that the user 'pulls down' from a name in the menu bar at the top of the screen by selecting the name with the mouse

  • the pointer: an arrow, controlled by the mouse, that allows you to move around the screen

  • toolbar buttons: found at the top of a window, they take you to the Home folder and others.

  • icons: graphic images (or intuitive symbols) used to represent an object or task

  • folders: containers for documents and applications

  • dock: set of icons at the bottom of the screen that give you instant access to the things you use most

b) Learn to read the following word-combinations and memorize them.

procedures [prq`sJGqs]

content [`kOntent]

expert [`ekspWt]

emphasis [`emfqsIs]

intuitive [in`tjHitIv]

features [`fJCqz]

routines [rHtJnz]

innovative [InO`veItIv]

icons [aIkqnz] - пиктограмма

accessories [qk`sesqrIz] – принадлежности

further [`fWDq] – добавочный, дополнительный

major (adj) [meiGq] – главный, больший

connectivity [kq,nek`tIvitI]

to interact with – взаимодействовать

to respond to a prompt

a user friendly interface

moreover – кроме того, сверх того

to save time – экономить время

to execute [`eksIkjHt] – выполнять

to facilitate interaction [fq`siliteit] – облегчать, способствовать взаимодействию

to take advantage of – воспользоваться преимуществом

in addition – в дополнение к; кроме того, что

to ensure [In`SVq] – гарантировать, обеспечивать

consistency [kqn`sistqnsi] – последовательность

to nest – вкладывать (один в другой)

to launch a program [`lLnC] – запустить программу

compatibility [,kqmpxtq`biliti] – совместимость

to have an impact on smb – оказывать влияние на кого-либо

c) Read the text.

The Graphical User Interface










The term user interface refers to the standard procedures the user follows to interact with a particular computer. A few years ago, the way in which users had access to a computer system was quite complex. They had to memorize and type a lot of commands just to see the content of a disk, to copy files or to respond to a single prompt. In fact, only experts used computers, so there was no need for a user-friendly interface. Now, however, computers are used by all kinds of people and as a result there is a growing emphasis on the user interface.

A good user interface is important because when you buy a program you want to use it easily. Moreover, a graphical user interface saves a lot of time: you don't need to memorize commands in order to execute an application; you only have to point and click so that its content appears on the screen.

Macintosh computers - with a user interface based on graphics and intuitive tools - were designed with a single clear aim; to facilitate interaction with the computer. Their interface is called WIMP: Window, Icon, Menu (or Mouse) and Pointer and software products for the Macintosh have been designed to take full advantage of its features using this interface. In addition, the ROM chips of a Macintosh contain libraries that provide program developers with routines for generating windows, dialog boxes, icons and pop-up menus. This ensures the creation of applications with a high level of consistency.

Today, the most innovative GUIs are the Macintosh, Microsoft Windows and IBM OS/2 Warp. These three platforms include similar features; a desktop with icons, windows and folders, a printer selector, a file finder, a control panel and various desk accessories. Double-clicking a folder opens a window which contains programs, documents or further nested folders. At any time within a folder, you can launch the desired program or document by double-clicking the icon, or you can drag it to another location.

The three platforms differ in other areas such as device installation, network connectivity or compatibility with application programs.

These interfaces have been so successful because they are extremely easy to use. It is well known that computers running under an attractive interface stimulate users to be more creative and produce high quality results, which has a major impact on the general public.

Ex. 1. Look through the text and guess the meaning of these words in your own language.

user interface (line 1); commands (line 4); tools (line 15); program developers (line 20); platform (line 24); desktop (line 19); file finder (line 26); nested folders (line 28)

Ex. 2. Find answers to these questions.

  1. What does the abbreviation “GUI” stand for?

  2. What is the contribution of Macintosh computers to the development of graphic environments?

  3. What does the acronym “WIMP” mean?

  4. What computing environments based on graphics are mentioned in the text?

  5. How do you run a program on a computer with a graphical interface?

  6. Can you give two reasons for the importance of user-friendly interfaces?

Ex. 3. Find the English equivalents to the following words.

Запоминать; в результате; появляться на экране; ясная цель; иметь преимущества; обеспечить кого-либо, чем-либо; свойства; высокие результаты; указатель; рабочий стол компьютера.

Ex. 4. Mark these statements as True or False.

  1. A user interface allows a user to interact with a computer.

  2. A user-friendly interface doesn’t make use of icons, menus and pointer.

  3. A good user interface is important.

  4. Macintosh computers with a GUI were designed to execute some applications and had different aims.

  5. Double-clicking a folder icon opens a window, which shows the programs, documents and other folders.

  6. Macintosh, Microsoft Windows and IBM 05/2 include both similar and opposite features.

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