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4.4. Have to/ be to

Exercise 216. Translate into Russian and comment on the use of the modal verbs have to and be to.

1. Ann’s eyes are red. She has to wear glasses for reading.

2. I can’t meet on Friday. I have to work.

3. I had to go to hospital yesterday.

4. What do I have to do to get a driving licence?

5. Why did you have to go to hospital?

6. Tom doesn’t have to work on Sundays.

7. I don’t have to wear a suit to work but I usually do.

8. She stayed in bed this morning because she didn’t have to go to work.

9. When does Tom have to leave?

10. We’ve had to change our plans for the summer.

11. I don’t like having to cook every evening.

12. When you leave school you’ll have to find a job.

13. Friday’s a holiday – I don’t have to work.

14. Now will you please show me the office where I am to work?

15. The train is to arrive at 7 p.m.

16. He was to finish his work by April.

17. He was to have had a board meeting on Tuesday but was suddenly summoned to the summit in New York.

18. ‘What are the arrangements for the conference?’ ‘We are to be there to be present at the plenary meeting.’

19. Tom was to inform about the results of his work.

20. We were to help Jack, but he refused.

Exercise 217. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative.

1. Mike has to stay in bed until his cold is over.

2. You have to pass examination twice a year.

3. The students have to read this book by Friday.

4. They had to build a new road by last summer.

5. He will have to telephone his tutor and ask for advise.

6. You will have to join us later.

7. She had to work hard to make both ends meet.

Exercise 218. Make questions and negative sentences with have to.

Example: Tom had to go to the police station.

Why did he have to go to the police station?

“Did they change trains?”

No, it was a through train – they didn’t have to change.”

1. “Ann has to leave tomorrow.” “What time exactly …?”

2. “We had to answer a lot of questions in the examination.” “How many questions …?”

3. “George had to pay a parking fine.” “How much …?”

4. “I have to get up early tomorrow.” “Why …?”

5. “Did you pay to go to the concert?” “No, we had free tickets so we …”

6. “Does Jack shave?” “No, he’s got a beard so …”

7. “Did you get up early this morning?” “No, it was my day off so …”

8. “Do you work?” “No, I’m extremely rich so …”

Exercise 219. Put in must or have to.

1. I’m tired. I ­­ _____ go to bed early.

2. John _____ go to school on Saturdays.

3. We _____ get another dog soon.

4. “This is a great book!” “I _____ read it.”

5. A soldier _____ obey orders.

6. We _____ go to London for a meeting.

7. I think we _____ pay in advance.

8. You really _____ visit us soon.

9. I _____ try to spend more time at home.

10. You _____ go through Carlisle on the way to Glasgow.

Exercise 220. Fill in must or have to.

“1. Welcome on behalf of Newton Industries. I’d like to explain a few factory rules.

2. Mr. Newton has said we _have to wear overalls all the time.

3. There is a possibility of working overtime but you _____ decide whether you want to work extra hours.

4. Mr. Newton insists that we _____ have fifteen-minute break every three or four hours but we _____ choose when we would like those breaks.

5. There is a problem with parking. The city insists we _____ use the public garage.

6. They believe parking on the grass is too damaging to public property and I _____ say I agree.

7. Finally, as far as health insurance is concerned, you _____ register as soon as possible. Are there any questions?”

Exercise 221. Complete the sentences using must not or do not have to.

1. Campers _____ play music after 10 p.m.

2. Students _____ ask permission to stay out after midnight.

3. Bicycles _____ be parked in the front courtyard.

4. Residents _____ hang washing out of the window.

5. British subjects _____ get visas to travel to Western Europe.

6. Passengers _____ lean out of the window.

7. You _____ pay for your tickets now.

8. It’s rained a lot, so we _____ water the garden.

9. You _____ disturb your sister while she’s working.

10. You _____ knock before you come into my room.

Exercise 222. Fill in with appropriate forms of must, have to or be to.

1. You (not tell) him about it. It's a secret.

2. It looks like rain. You (take) your raincoats.

3. You (not talk) so loudly here.

4. In his youth he (work) from morning till night to earn his living.

5. He (wait) at the station till it stopped raining.

6. The secretary informed us when the manager (come).

7. They (leave) on Saturday, but because of the delay with their visas they (book) tickets for Monday.

8. They (not tell) him anything about it before they get further instructions.

9. He (leave) for London that night.

10. I (do) it all by myself?

11. It was too late to change their plans and they (put up) with it.

12. You (not prepare) all this work, I will help you.

13. Stay here till she is free. I think you (not wait) long.

14. We (conduct) a series of experiments this week.

15. Remember that we (be) at this place not later than noon.

Exercise 223. Translate into English using have to and be to.

1. Мне пришлось приготовить кушать самому.

2. Тебе пришлось ходить туда опять?

3. Мне никогда не приходилось делать такую сложную работу.

4. Тебе приходится вставать в 6 утра каждый день?

5. Им надо было работать в прошлые выходные.

6. Анн не придется мыть окна снова.

7. Почему Мэри придется сдавать экзамен позже?

8. Дэвид должен был приехать вчера.

9. Вы не знаете, когда должен прийти директор?

10. Я опаздывал, поэтому мне пришлось взять такси.

11. Люси сказала, что он должен быть вечером дома.

12. По радио объявили, что вечером должен выступать президент.

13. Ночью корабль зашел в порт, где они должны были заправиться топливом и пополнить запасы пресной воды.

14. Электричество и газ были отключены из-за разбуше­вавшегося шторма, и им пришлось готовить пищу на огне.

15. – Ты чем-то расстроен?

– Мы с Фишером договорились встретиться в шесть часов у входа в Институт, но он так и не пришёл.