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Будущее неопределенное время


Утвердительная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма

I shall

We walk



It will walk




Shall walk?




Will it walk?



I shall not

We walk



She will not

It walk

You (won’t)


Типичные обстоятельства: next month, next week, next year, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, in a day

Students will take exams in a week. - Студенты будут сдавать экзамены через неделю.

Will students take exams in a week?

Students will not take exams in a week.

Ex.1. Вставьте вспомогательный глагол shall или will.

1. … you come to see me on Friday? 2. I … not work tomorrow. 3. The students … have 3 lessons on Tuesday. 4. We … not study next week. 5. My friend … give me an interesting book. 6. … we go to the cinema in the evening? 7. They … do this work in 2 days. 8. The teacher … answer all your questions. 9. I … tell you about it next time. 10. … you give me your pen, please?

Ex.2. Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму.

1. My sister will graduate from the University next year. 2. I shall go to the cinema tomorrow. 3. They will play tennis on Saturday. 4. We shall translate this text the day after tomorrow. 5. He will write a letter to his sister tomorrow. 6. My parents will go to the South next year. 7. I shall finish this work in a week. 8. He will come back on Friday. 9. We shall meet our friends tomorrow.

Ex.3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Future Indefinite.

1. I (to think) about this information. 2. According to the forecast it (to be) raining tomorrow. 3. We (to come) to see you on Monday. 4. I (to prepare) to my examinations next week. 5. You (to show) me your new picture? 6. I think he (not to come) tomorrow. 7. I don’t think she (to answer) all the questions. 8. We (to work) in our garden tomorrow. 9. How you (to pack) your things? 10. Her mother (to buy) her a silver chain for her birthday.

Ex.4. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Она не зайдет к нам в воскресенье. 2. Я не буду учить эту поэму завтра, я буду писать сочинение. 3. Мы навестим нашу маму в больнице послезавтра. 4. Я полечу в Великобританию самолетом. 5. Этот врач будет лечить вашего отца. 6. Наши друзья приедут вечером. 7. Они будут ждать нас в холле. 8. Они поедут в Крым в августе.

Ex.5. Раскройте скобки, употребляя Future Indefinite.

1. I … (be) twenty-eight tomorrow. 2. I think it … (rain) heavily soon. 3. … (you, bring) me my socks, please? 4. Your train … (arrive) there at 6 a. m. tomorrow. 5. What … (I, do) about it? 6. Who … (lend) me a pound? 7. I … (repay) it next week. 8. I … (meet) you here at seven o’clock tomorrow. 9. What … (we, do) to save our souls? 10. I expect your friend … (return) soon. 11. What … (I, do) with these papers?

Ex.6. Закончите реплики В, используя пример:

Model: A. I’ve got a headache.

B. I’ll get you an aspirin.

1. A. I’ve spent all the money.

B. I’ll … .

2. A John and Mary have just got married.

B. Have they? I’ll … .

3. A. What’s his telephone number?

B. Just a moment. I’ll … .

4. A. We’ve run out of bread.

B. Don’t worry. I’ll … .

5. A. You’ll need some books for your essay.

B. I’ll … library.

6. A. Now you have a flat of your own. Will you keep any pets?

B. I’ll … .

7. A. I have so many things to do before my son’s birthday party.

B. Don’t worry. I’ll … .

8. A. It’s a pity you haven’t seen this film.

B. I’ll … .

9. A. When can you bring me the book you promised?

B. I’ll … .

Ex.7. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Indefinite, Past Indefinite или Future Indefinite. Объясните употребление предлогов.

Last month my aunt (not to go) to work. She (to get up) at ten o’clock and (to go) to bed at midnight. She often (to go) to the theatre and to the cinema. But this month she (to get up) at sunrise because she (to go) to work again. She (to work) at our university. The academic year at the university (to begin) in September and (to finish) in May. In January and June students (to take) exams. My aunt (to go) to the university on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. On Monday she always (to work) at the library. On Friday she usually (to go) to the country. She (to get up) at seven o’clock and (to go) to the railway station. She (to spend) the whole day in the country and (to return) to town at sunset. Next week my aunt (to go) to London and next year she (to go) to New York.




Утвердительная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма

Present Indefinite



There is

There are

Is there?

Are there?

There is not

There are not

Past Indefinite



There was

There were

Was there?

Were there?

There was not

There were not

Future Indefinite



There will be

Will there be?

There will not be

Оборот there is, there are переводится с конца предложения.

There is a book on the table.

There were not any pictures in the room.

Will there be many people there?

На столе есть книга.

В комнате не было картин.

Там будет много людей?

Ex.1. Переведите на русский язык.

1. There is a river in this forest. The river is in this forest. 2. There are books and magazines in my bag. The books and magazines are in my bag. 3. There is a copy-book on the table. The copy-book is on the table. 4. There is hot tea and cheese on the table. The hot tea and cheese are on the table. 5. There are pupils and a teacher in the classroom. The pupils and the teacher are in the classroom. 6. There is a museum in this street. The museum is in this street. 7. There is a book and two magazines on the shelf. The book and two magazines are on the shelf.

Ex.2. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму.

1. There is a pen on the table. 2. There is white bread on the plate. 3. There are books on the shelf. 4. There were blue curtains on the window of his study. 5. There was a picture on the wall of their sitting-room. 6. There is a big shop in this street. 7. There are only newspapers on this table.

Ex.3. Поставьте следующие предложения в прошедшее и будущее время.

1. There are many trees in our garden. 2. There is a trolley-bus stop near my office. 3. There are some mistakes in his dictation. 4. There is a piece of chalk on the table. 5. There is much snow in the street. 6. There are many flowers in the vase. 7. There are two pens in my bag.

Ex.4. Прочтите, переведите и выучите следующие пословицы.

  1. There is no doubt about it.

  2. There is no smoke without fire.

  3. Where there is a will there is a way.

  4. There are limits to human endurance.

Ex.5. Задайте вопрос с вопросительным словом How many …?

Model: There are 2 Universities in our city.

  • How many Universities are there in our city?

1. There are 14 departments at our college. 2. There are 3 reading-rooms in our school. 3. There are many new words in this exercise. 4. There will be many English books in our library. 5. There were two old houses in our street last year. 6. There were 3 exams last term. 7. There are 14 dictionaries on the tables. 8. There are 4 labs for foreign language studies. 9. There are 2 terms each year. 10 There is a students’ meeting every week.

Ex.6. Переведите на английский язык.

1. На этой улице есть несколько новых домов. 2. В гостиной много света. 3. Что лежит на том столе? 4. В нашем классе нет карты. 5. Сколько стульев в вашем кабинете? 6. Рядом с моим домом есть большой парк. 7. На нашей улице скоро будет новый магазин. 8. В твоей контрольной были ошибки? 9. На его письменном столе много книг и тетрадей. 10. Что находится на углу улицы?