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C:/Program Files/Microsoft Office/Шаблоны/Письма и факсы.

Draw 3 schemes of these variants (standard, modern, courtesy).

Task 5. Using the Master of Letters compose a letter of your own.

Task 6. Put the parts of the following letter in the right order.















Dear Sir,



1 September 2001

We are now in a position to place a definite order with you for 1,250 bags. We hope the extra number will not be a problem. From the suggested colours we have decided on Burgundy. We leave the actual choice of contents to yourselves, so long as we keep within our $15,00 budget per bag. Your colour chart is enclosed.

Jane A.Prior (Ms)


Baker & Company Ltd

63 The Walk


LI25 7NK

Yours faithfully


65-70 Sunny Street, Littletown L12 7DY

Tel No.7896 2541 Fax No. 7896 5698

We should like delivery by mid-November and we look forward to your confirmation that this will be possible.


Your ref SMH/CWJ

Our ref JAP/CD

You will remember that we wrote to you back in June asking for a quotation for you to supply approximately 1,000 of your best quality travel bags for our Christmas promotion. By return you kindly sent us a sample and a price of $15 per bag.

Travel Bag Promotion

Task 7. Translate the text of the letter into Russian.

Topic 2

Direct mail advertising. Sales letters.

Task 1. Read the text, translate the highlighted words and find answers to the questions:

  1. What is the purpose of the sales letter?

  2. How many parts does it consist of? What are they?

  3. Why is the opening important?

  4. How can you begin the letter?

  5. What is the main rule for explaining the product?

  6. What will create a vivid image of the product?

  7. What can prove the picture?

  8. Why must you praise your product with caution?

  9. What will help the customer to take an action?

The sales letter is the most selective of all forms of advertising as it aims to sell particular kinds of goods or services to selected types of customers (office equipment to business houses; towel machines to hotels; drugs to doctors).

The purpose of the letter is to persuade the reader that he needs what you are trying to sell and to get him to buy it. You take something attractive and make it necessary or you take something necessary and make it attractive.

Readers of sales letters are interested neither in you nor in your company. They are not even particularly interested in what you are selling. What they want to know about is what you can do for them - what benefits you can offer them. There are 2 ways in presenting sales letters:









Elements of the sales letter.

  1. write an attractive opening. The opening must arouse interest and push the reader into taking notice of what you have to say otherwise the

letter may find its way into the waste-paper bin without being read. It must make an appeal to some buying motive and may begin with a question, an instruction, a quotation. It may begin by suggesting the very opposite of what you want to do.

b) explain the product. Having aroused interest you must now create a desire for the product or service you are selling and to do this it must appeal to the reader's concern for himself or for matters that affect him. If the letter is sent to a person who knows nothing about the product you must describe it and give a clear picture of what it is and what it can do.

First study the product and then select those features that make it superior to others of its kind and stress them from the reader's point of view. To claim that a particular tape-recorder is "the best on the market" or "the latest in electronic recording" is of little use. Instead stress such points as quality of the materials used and the special features that make the recording more convenient or more efficient than its rivals. Description is very effective when made by comparison. To claim that a certain invalid chair is "as finely finished as a Rolls-Royce" puts the product on a high level.

c) make good your claims. To inspire conviction you must support your claims by evidence - by facts, such as laboratory tests and sales statistics, and by the opinion of the users. You must somehow convince your reader that your product is what you claim it to be. Number of ways: invite to your showroom; offer to send goods "on approval"; provide a firm guarantee, etc.

When praising your product you must write with caution: 1) it is against the law to make false or exaggerated claims; 2) the good name and standing of your business and, therefore, its success depend upon honest dealing.

d) write an effective close. The closing paragraph must persuade the person who receives your letter to take the action you want him to_take (visit your showrooms, receive your representative, send for a sample, place an order). You must make it easy for him to do these things by providing a tear-off, or better still a prepaid postcard so worded that all he has to do is to fill in his name and address. You must also provide him with a sound reason why he should reply. Sometimes the closing paragraph will give special reason to act at once.

Task 2. Put the parts of the following sales letter in the right order and translate it into Russian:


Yours sincerely


I can help you make your office a happy, welcoming place for staff and visitors alike. My service to business – the only one in its kind in the area – includes:

  • A full discussion of your needs;

  • A survey of the premises to suggest particular plants and flowers for particular locations;

  • The supply of all plants and flowers;

  • Regular care of all plants, from feeding and watering to replacement when necessary;

  • Replacement of all flower arrangements on a regular basis.

Moreover, I can tailor the service to suit your recommendations and your budget.


Bright, cheerful premises can make all the difference to an organization. When clients and visitors come to your office, a colourful floral display in reception will make them feel welcome, and will help your corporate image. And plants and flowers, by making offices attractive places to work in, can improve the morale of the staff.


2 January 1996


Do you sometimes feel that your offices could do with a little brightening up? Does your reception area look bright and welcoming or drab and discouraging? Do your pot plants tend to wilt and wither because everyone is too busy to care for them properly?


London Florists

45 Bank Street, London, SE24 5JH

Tel (0181) 7234512


Paul Murphy


Because I am fully qualified horticulturist and I always deal with my business clients personally, you can be sure of an expert, professional service. I would be delighted to come and discuss your needs and to show you how I could help you. Please give me a ring at any time.


Dear client,

Task 3. Arrange the following letters in the right order and translate them into Russian