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Population, industry and trade

Great Britain is one of the most densely populated countries in the world, the average density being over 200 people per square kilometre, 80 per cent of the population live in towns. The population of Great Britain is more than 56 million.

England is one of the most powerful capitalist countries in Europe. There are many big industrial cities here, such as Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Cardiff, Sheffield and many others. London, its capi­tal, which is situated on the river Thames, is one of the biggest commercial centres of the world

One of the leading industries of Great Britain is the textile industry. Coal, iron and steel as well as various machines are also produced there. Ship-building and motor industry are also highly developed.

Northern and Western England is a coal, metal and textile country. The most ancient centres of English iron and steel industry are Birming­ham and Sheffield. Iron melting based on local ore deposits has been practiced here since ancient times. In the period of England's industrial­ization, Birmingham and Sheffield played the leading role in the creation of England's heavy industry.

Each of the two towns became the centre of various industries. Espe­cially great is the variety of industries in Birmingham. One can find any type of production here, from steel melting to manufacturing the most delicate articles. Various machinery, railway cars, motor cars, electrical equipment, scientific instruments and many other things are produced in Birmingham in great quantities. Alongside the most modern big plants, a lot of old small enterprises are to be found in this town.

Sheffield is the city of steel. It has specialized in producing high-quality steel and articles of steel, heavy armaments, wheels of rail­way cars, weaving looms, knives, fine instruments, etc. The main centres of the textile region are Liverpool and Manchester.

Manchester is the chief cotton manufacturing city surrounded by a number of towns. Every town has specialized in producing certain kinds of yarn and fabrics. Plants producing textile machinery not only satisfy the needs of British industry but also export great quantities of machin­ery to the other countries.

Liverpool is the principal port of Western England. It stands on the river Mersey. It is first in Great Britain in exports and it comes second after London in imports. Imports passing through Liverpool consist of cotton, wool, non-ferrous metals and oil; exports consist of fabrics, yarn, textile machinery, electrical equipment and chemicals.

Today, in a new age of modern technology, Britain has made important advances in such new industries as electronics and telecommunications equipment, in aircraft and aircraft engines, in plastics and synthetic materials, radio-isotopes and new drugs - all major exports.

The government of great britain The Monarchy and the Cabinet

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a parliamentary monarchy. The monarch has certain political rights. Now at the head of the State is the Queen. She is only a formal ruler and does not actually govern. Her position is usually described as a constitutional or limited monarchy. In practice that means the Queen does not act inde­pendently. Whatever she does(1) must be done on the advice of the Prime Minister and her Ministers.

However, it would be wrong to underestimate the role of the monarchy in Britain. No Bill can become Law until it receives the Royal Assent (2). Nobody but the Queen can summon Parliament or dissolve it. One of the most important powers is that of appointing the Prime Minister. But the Queen is bound to appoint (3) a person who will be supported by a majority in the House of Commons.

Another important attribute of power is information. All cabinet min­utes (4) and papers go in a red box to Buckingham Palace (5): atomic secrets, budget plans, important foreign correspondence all go to the Queen. Every Tuesday night, when the Queen is in London, the Prime Minister goes round to Buckingham Palace for a talk with her.

The British Government consists of the Prime Minister and other Ministers. The Parliamentary regime of Great Britain is sometimes referred to as a system of Cabinet Government. The Ministers who compose the Cabinet are members of one or the other House of Parliament, and the Cabinet must be supported by a majority in, at least, the House of Commons. The Cabinet meets at No 10 Downing Street, the official residence of the Prime Minister. The Cabinet usually meets once a week but sometimes more often. The Cabinet and its committees work in great secrecy. The Members of the Cabinet introduce legislation, control fi­nance, arrange the timetable of the Houses of Parliament, conduct foreign affairs, dispose military forces and exercise control over every department of administration.

1. whatever she does – все, что она делает

2. the Royal Assent – королевская санкция (парламентского законопроекта)

3. is bound to appoint – обязана назначать

4. minutes – протоколы

5. Buckingham Palace – Букингемский дворец (резиденция английских королей)