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Let's Speak English1.doc
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6. Read Text 9b and answer the following questions.

1. What are the types of higher educational institutions?

2. What courses do colleges of higher education offer?

3. What is a degree?

4. Is there any difference between the terms “a student” and “an undergraduate”?

5. What is a tutorial?

6. Can everyone who gets A-levels go to university?

7. What are the highest and lowest grades?

8. Why do most British students prefer studying away from home?

9. Do British students have to pay for their study at colleges and universities?

10. How are students awarded grants?

11. Why are more students dropping out, failing to finish their courses?

12. Why is the British government very enthusiastic about in-house training schemes?

13. Are there any forms of training schemes for those who are unemployed?

14. Can students in Britain choose which university they go to?

7. Explain the meaning of the following words and expressions and reproduce the context in which they are used.

To offer a degree course, to get a qualification, to pass final exams, to be awarded a degree, to study for a degree, a tutorial, a lecturer, competition, fierce, to apply to a university, to take an A-level, to be independent, to earn money, to get a grant, to borrow, to pay back, rent, to study full-time, to release, a training scheme, employment, to be unemployed.

8. Say whether you agree or disagree with these statements. Give your reasoning. Use the introductory phrases from the previous Units.

1. Most big towns in Britain have only colleges of higher education.

2. Universities only offer four-year degree courses.

3. When you pass your final examinations, you are awarded a degree.

4. Undergraduates have very few tutorials.

5. There is no competition to get into colleges or universities.

6. Students apply to universities immediately after they pass their A-level.

7. If the university is prestigious, it asks for higher A-level results.

8. British students don’t like to study away from their home towns.

9. A student can be awarded a grant if his/her parents earn a little.

10. Students don’t often work during the holidays.

11. Some companies don’t allow their employees to study at higher educational institutions.

12. You have no chance to study if you are unemployed.

9. Put the following headings in a logical order according to the Text.

1. The ways undergraduates pay for their studies.

2. The types of classes undergraduates go to.

3. The forms of training schemes for the unemployed.

4. Preference for studying away from home.

5. The courses universities and colleges offer.

6. Combining work with studies.

7. The requirements for getting into a university or a college.

8. Grants.

9. University degrees.

10. The British government’s attitude to in-house training schemes.

10. Read Text 9b again. Give a brief outline of the information each paragraph contains.


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