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Английский (пособие).doc
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7. Составьте предложения, используя слова и словосочетания упр. 4 и 6:

1. begins at birth / the acquisition / with the development of receptive language skills (listening) / of the mother tongue.

2. perceives language / as a torrent of sounds / the new-born child.

3. when the listening skills / the child will begin to / are sufficiently developed / express himself verbally.

4. adults naturally behave / in a way that facilitates / with young children / the development of listening skills.

5. frequent positive reinforcement / of this early phase of receptive learning / are the most significant characteristics.

6. the mother or father / with the child and / reads a picture book / the child points at / the corresponding pictures.

7. eventually children / phrases and then / whole sentences / start to repeat words.

8. of the same stories / the repetitive reading /encourages the child / to recite the whole text by heart / to learn the text and.

8. Какие абзацы текста относятся к введению, основной части, заключению?

- introduction (paragraph №__ )

- main body (paragraph №__..)

- conclusion (paragraph №__..)

9. Найдите предложения в каждом абзаце, передающие его основной смысл.

10. Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. Is it usual in Russia for children to speak two or more languages?

  2. Have you ever had a nurse speaking foreign language?

  3. Have you ever lived in an area where two or more languages are spoken?

  4. When does the acquisition of the mother tongue begin?

  5. Receptive language skills are:

  6. Productive language skills are:

  7. Can children understand before they begin speak?

  8. Can you understand English better than speak?

  9. How can adults behave with their children to develop their listening skills?

  10. What are the most significant characteristics of the early phase of language learning?

  11. What plays an important part in the acquisition of language?

  12. How can repetitive reading help children to memorize texts and rhymes?

  13. Can you still remember stories or rhymes you heard in your childhood? Tell us one of them.

11. Выполните перевод предложений с русского языка на английский, используя данные предложения:

1. The children may argue a great deal, but finally they may accept each other’s ideas and invent another game.

Детям разрешается спорить?

2. If a game is taught to teach children how to play it “correctly,” its value will disappear completely.

Когда исчезает ценность игры?

  1. 3. A healthy classroom is set up and maintained by a preschool teacher.

Кем поддерживается класс?

4. Daily opportunities for young children will be provided by their preschool teacher.

Чьи ежедневные возможности будут обеспечиваться учителем?

5. All of my students had experienced various degrees of failure and frustration in their school careers.

Что испытали ее ученики в своих школьных карьерах?

12. На основе прочитанного текста выделите этапы освоения ребёнком языка. Составьте презентацию для родителей об освоении ребёнком языка.

Урок 11

1. Прочитайте и переведите слова на русский язык:

ability, achievement, attempt, behavior, challenge, checklist, commitment, cooperation, dignity, goal, humiliation, improvement, intelligence, opportunity, prejudice, responsibility, ridicule, to accommodate, to adjust, to assess, to avoid, to contribute, to eliminate, to encounter, to improve, to increase, to rate, to strive.

2. Образуйте существительные от следующих глаголов и прилагательных. Переведите их на русский язык:

to determine, to contribute, to achieve, possible, able, to demonstrate, to encourage, to accommodate, to move, to eliminate

3. Переведите следующие словосочетания:

on-task behavior, emotionally safe community, student responsibility, learning preferences, a sense of self-worth, to avoid using humiliation, to eliminate double standards, to set the bar at just the right level, to maintain an appropriate level of … , to build interpersonal skills, a range of abilities, dimension of safety, a variety if ways, resistance of failure.

4. Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. Is it important to be successful at school?

  2. Do teachers have to encourage students?

  3. How can students demonstrate their knowledge?

  4. Should teachers always help students?

  5. What does ‘double standards’ mean?

5. Прочитайте текст и выберите предложения, соответствующие или несоответствующие его содержанию. Если Вы не согласны с мнением автора текста, выскажите свое мнение: