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My Favorite American Writer

I would like to tell you about my favorite American writers: Ernest Hemingway and Emily Dickinson.

Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) was born in Oak Park, Illinois, in 1899. He was one of Hollywood’s favorite authors. His books, The Old Man and the Sea, The Sun Also Rises and A Farewell to Arms were made into films. He won the Nobel peace prize for Literature in 1954. As a hunter, fisherman, boxer, soldier, war correspondent and author, Ernest Hemingway led a life of action.

He wrote 6 novels and more than 50 short stories. His early short fiction was greatly influenced by his outdoor life in the American mid-west.

Emily Dickinson was an American poet. She is now recognized as one of the greatest poets of 19th century America.

Emily Dickinson was born in Amherst, Massachusetts. She lived there her whole life. She led an isolated life. Her life experiences were very limited, but still her poems deal with the general problems and concerns of the time in which she lived.

Only 7 of more than 1000 of her poems were published anonymously.

Famous American Artist

I would like to tell you a little about famous American artists. Among them are Walt Disney and Chuck Jones.

Walt Disney (1901-1966) was an American artist and film producer, who was famous for his animated cartoons. He developed many new techniques in producing cartoons. His most famous characters are Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Pluto.

In the 1950’s and 1960’s, Walt Disney began developing the family-entertainment parks, Disneyland and Disney World.

Charles Martin Jones (1912) is a popular American animator. He was born in 1912 in Spokane, Washington, but grew up in Los-Angeles, California. His family moved around a lot, so they lived in rented houses. His parents strongly encourage him to read. The author that most influenced his work was Mark Twain.

Everyone of their rented house had a library. He especially liked Mark Twain’s description of a coyote, which inspired the creation of one of Jones’s most popular characters, Wile E. Coyote. Chuck Jones also perfected Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck, and created the Roadrunner. These are all popular cartoon characters you can see on television in America.

Chuck Jones also helped to design an exhibition at the Capital Children’s Museum in Washington, D.C. The exhibition is an animation studio where children learn how to animate cartoons!

American Leader

I would like to tell you about famous American leaders, whose we brave today. There are Abraham Lincoln and Benjamin Franklin.

The life story of the 16th president of the United States is famous, because it has become the typical story of American success. Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) was born in a log cabin to a poor family and grew up to become the President of the United States. He only attended school for a total of about one year. With the help of his stepmother, he taught himself how to read and write.

Abraham Lincoln is well-known and loved by Americans for his honesty, intelligence and humanity.

When Lincoln was elected president in 1860, the question of slavery had become the most controversial national issue. Lincoln strongly opposed slavery. About6 weeks after his inauguration, the American Civil War began. The Civil War was a war between the North and the South over the issue of slavery. In 1863, Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, giving political freedom to 3 million blacks living in the South.

Benjamin Franklin (1707-1790) was born in Boston, Massachusetts. He was the son of a candle maker. Although his family was poor, he worked hard and became a printer, writer, philosopher, scientist and diplomat. He believed that only in a democratic country like America could a poor boy have the possibility of becoming one of the most famous and powerful men in the world.

He was always interested in scientific experiments. He invented the Franklin stove, which produced more heat with less fuel. In 1752, he performed an experiment with a kite and proved the theory that lightning is a form of electricity.

Benjamin Franklin also released that he was an American, not an Englishman, and helped to write the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution. There he became the symbol of a new nation.

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