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1.2. Genre types of advertising text

The text is an integral part of majority advertising messages. As a rule it is the main element, revealing the main contents of the advertising message.

The advertising text is a collection of the contents of the advertisement and its forms, symbiosis of "thoughts" and "expressions". When creation of any text question about "expressions», language fineness, will get up on stage of it’s editing. This also concerns advertisements. The language of the advertisement - verbal facilities, which this contents, is sent. The thought can be state by the ensemble of the ways by using mass stylistic tone and accent. Possible differently build the composition of the text, differently divide it on paragraphs, differently form the offers, differently select the word and differently dispose them in offer. In ideal advertising text "all must be beautiful": beautiful selling thoughts, stated by beautiful language, beautifully executed so that beautifully relieve the person a reading and assimilation [7, p. 65].

So in advertising purpose are used nearly all publicistic genres, which could be parted on three groups:

1) Information: mark, interview, report, reporting, small advertisement, etc;

2) Analytical: correspondence, article, review, review, review, commentary, etc;

3) Publicistic: essay, etc.

The last group is actively used when preparing material "public relations" - a material with hidden advertisement.

Possible select ten main types AT, most often used for advertising companies:

1. Advertising announcement - a pay advertising message, usually containing advertising title-text;

2. Advertising mark - presents itself purely information genre: from it reader will hear that, where and when is released or has occurred;

3. Advertising interview - finished AT, united general sense (the characteristic of advertised goods) and consisting of block "question-answer";

4. Advertising review - an all-round review of the advertised object (the books, film, concert, exhibitions and etc);

5. Advertising report - reports on some event, herewith main attention is spared creation during interpretation of the advertising image;

6. Advertising essay - tells about advertised object in figuratively-publicistic to form and all it interpretation is subordinated one purposes - advertising;

7. Advertising consultation - presents itself advice, given specialist, about use of goods or use service;

8. Advertising tale - a small tale with uncomplicated plot and interesting composition, situation, described in which, must be connected with advertised by object;

9. Advertising article - is characterized by the deep analysis and minute descriptions of the advertised object, generalizations;

10. Small or rubric advertisement - a type AT-announcements, which takes seats on advertising band of the periodic publishing nature or forms the base of the advertising publishing.

Costs to notice that fact that majority of the afore-mentioned advertising genres typical of newspaper-magazine advertisement while list type advertisements on facility of the issue enough wide (for instance, according to F. Pankratov - 11 points). Services these types most often first from considered by us genres - an advertising announcement, most packed revealing specifics the general for AT.

An important requirement presented to advertising text, - a maximum to information at minimum of the words. The amount of the words in text must be such that buyer without some difficulties could cover its one glance. Stand out the word with raised by advertising value, big emotional power, creating demonstrative, palpable image [14, p. 98].

The advertisement costs much; here if speak, for instance, about television advertisement, time - really money. For minimum of time necessary convey essence, most exactly act upon buyer for the reason force it, what speak marketologists, "love and want goods" that requires economical use to text information.

Approximately, the same picture exists and at fabrication medicine to be taken externally advertisements. The problem of the stand, posters or signboards, first of all, - turn on itself attention by visual image; force the potential buyer to stop and only afterwards read located on stand or signboard AT. So the main area is conducted drawing (the photographers), but from text is required conciseness and maximum information. Both requirements satisfies the advertising announcement, structure itself which reflects the longing to spare and maximum expression AT.