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Вариант 3

I. Поставьте причастие настоящего времени в причастие прошедшего времени и переведите их.

  1. the boy opening the door –

  2. students making mistakes –

  3. people spending their holiday abroad –

  4. books belonging to me –

II. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в причастия настоящего и прошедшего времени в нужной форме.

  1. He gave me the book (take) in the library.

  2. (do) all the exercises to the text, he began to work at the text itself.

  3. I heard him answering the question on the US Constitution.

III. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты.

  1. Who is able to do this work?

  2. The Prime Minister must choose a number of ministers, including 20 or so in the Cabinet.

  3. May I ask you to wait a little?

  4. The train was to arrive at 8 in the evening.

  5. The students should pay more attention to their practical training.

IV. Измените глаголы в действительном залоге на страдательный залог в предложениях и переведите их.

Образец: The Students saw this film. That film was seen by the students. Это фильм видели студенты.

  1. Authorities give their powers.

  2. The English Channel washed the south coast of Britain.

  3. The Parliament limited the Queen’s power.

V. Определите время и залог сказуемого в следующих предложениях и переведите их.

  1. Some new subjects will be studied next year.

  2. The Supreme Court of the USA consists of 9 justices.

  3. When we came to the airport the plane had already landed.

  4. I haven’t seen you for ages.

  5. Look! It is raining hard. Take your umbrella.

VI. Перепишите и переведите на русский язык предложения, обращая внимание на согласование времен.

  1. He said that the lecture in Criminalistics would take place that day.

  2. They asked me when I was leaving for Omsk.

  3. The teacher asked me if the local government was carried out by elected authorities.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

1. The leader of the Government, the Prime Minister, choose a number of ministers, including 20 or so in the Cabinet. The second largest party traditionally forms the official Opposition with its own leader and ‘shadow cabinet’. Minister are collectively responsible for government decisions, and individually responsible for their own department.

2. Government departments are staffed by politically neutral civil servants who serve the Government of the day regardless of its political complexion.

3. As a member of the European Community, Britain recognizes the various forms of Community law, and elects 82 of the 434 members of the European Parliament.

4. Local government is carried out by elected authorities which deal planning and housing, education, personal social services, police, fire brigades and many other local services.

5. The authorities are given their powers by Parliament and have considerable freedom to govern local affairs in their own way. They levy locally some of the finance for their current expenditure, the rest being met by central government grants, rents and other forms of income. Capital expenditure is financed mainly by borrowing.

I. Прочитайте и устно переведите весь текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите абзацы 1,2,3.

II. Выпишите из абзаца 4 предложение со словами, оформленными окончаниями – s, и переведите его на русский язык.

III. Прочитайте следующие предложения, перепишите и переведите письменно предложение, которое правильно передает содержание текста.

  1. The authorities are given their powers.

  2. The authorities give their powers.

Письменно переведите текст.

The Queen Elizabeth II is the official Head of State and for many people she is a symbol of symbol of unity of the nation.

Queen Elizabeth II is not only the monarch of the United Kingdom but also of Australia, Canada and New Zealand, as well as many other countries in the Commonwealth (an association of States that were ruled by Britain). She also Head of the Church of England. However, the Queen has almost no power to influence the church.

As Head of the Commonwealth, the Queen has more freedom from the government. When the Queen was growing up, the British Empire still had colonies, and she watched as they became independet members of the Commonwealth. She has met and knows the leader of these countries. Although she has no executive powers as Head of the Commonwealth, she takes her role very seriously. However, Britain is now a member of the European Coommunity and is moving away from its links with the Commonwealth. In addition, people in some of the major Commonwealth countries, such as Australia and Canada, wonder if they should be connected to a monarch so far away.

Queen Elizabeth II is married to Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. The heir to the throne is Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales.

The Queen’s other children are Princess Anne, Prince Andrew and Prince Edward. This group is usually called the royal family, together with Queen Elizabeth’s mother – the Queen Mother who died in 2002 at the age of 101.

The Queen’s power is limited by Parliament but every week she meets the Prime Minister and receives copies of the all cabinet papers.

Elizabeth is the head of the executive, of the judicial power and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the U.K. . She also has to fulfil her ceremonial function such as opening of Parliament, for example.