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VI. Назовите по-английски следующие годы:

1998; 1834; 2009; 1960; 1972; 1805; 1799; в 70-е годы; в 40-е годы; в 30-е годы XX века; в 90-е годы XIX века



There are three main approaches to economics: micro­economics, macroeconomics, and development economics.

Microeconomics focuses on individual economic units. The economic behaviour of either individual consumers or firms or industries is studied by microeconomics. The distribution of products and income among all these units is also analyzed by microeconomics. In this field of economics individuals are considered both as suppliers of labour and as consumers of goods. Firms are also studied both as suppliers of products and as consumers of labour and capital.

There was a long period in the 19th and early in' the 20th centuries when microeconomic questions dominated in

economics. In the 20th century economists were interested in forces that affect income, employment and prices. They considered economy in all its relationships.

The term "macroeconomics" was first used in the 1930s. The world depression that began in 1929 required the study of such macroeconomic questions as achievement of full employment and economic growth by means of proper government policies2. This area of economics was developed by the British economist John Maynard Keynes.

The third main field of economics, that is, development economics, studies the factors of economic growth and how these factors are used by governments in order to achieve high

living standards.


Пояснения к тексту

  1. early in — в начале

  1. Существительное policy «политика» в английском языке может употребляться во множественном числе для обозначения политического курса, политики, проводимой конкретным правительством, партией и т.п. На русский язык обычно переводится единственным числом.

VII. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

  1. What does microeconomics study?

  2. Whose economic behaviour is studied by micro­economics?

  3. How are individuals considered by microeconomics?

  4. When did microeconomic approach dominate in economics?

  5. When did economists' interest in macroeconomics grow?

  6. How is economy considered in macroeconomics?

  7. What stimulated the development of macroeco­nomics?

  8. What problems were analyzed in the 1930s?

What is studied by development economics

VIII. Вставьте слова из активного словаря, употребив их в правильной форме.

  1. Goods and services ... by government decisions in the Soviet Union.

  2. Agricultural products are ... bought by consumers ... processed into other goods.

  3. Not many workers ... in the depression years.

  4. Many factors affect the ... of income in an economy.

  5. The government... a proper policy to achieve high living standards.

  6. We know they have great... in their work.

  7. People use their... to buy food, clothes, and other things.

  8. The ... are very high in some European countries.

  9. What... affect income, employment and prices?

IX. Раскрыв скобки, употребите глаголы в нужной форме.

  1. In the past clothes (to make) by individuals, now clothes (to make) both by individuals and at big factories.

  2. Some years ago the plant (not/to manufacture) televisions, it only (to manufacture) radios. Now both radios and televisions (to manufacture) here.

  3. Such a situation (not/ to predict) by the group of economists who (to study) the problem last year.

  4. Prices for fuel (to grow) last year?

  5. Industrial products (to manufacture) in the area? — No, it is an agricultural area. Only some agricultural products (to process) here at small factories.

  6. The plant (not/to employ) new workers this year.

  7. All data (to consider) before a decision (to make).

  8. High living standards (to achieve) in West European countries after World War II.

  9. Unemployment (to be) very high in the 1930s in the USA.

  10. The market of services (to develop) very fast in Russia in the 1990s.

  11. There (to be) forces in the Parliament that opposed the decision which (to make) by the government.

X. Измените предложения, употребив глагол в форме стра­ дательного залога.

  1. Banks provide new services for consumers.

  2. Economists use models in order to study actual relations in an economy.

  3. The economists predicted the growth of unemployment.

  4. We consider individuals as suppliers of labour and capital.

  5. The government achieved high employment.

  6. The economist chose correct methods and models for his analysis.

  7. They employ many workers in the service sector.

  8. They developed mining industry in the 19th century in Great Britain, but in the 20th century they closed down many mines.

  9. He wrote the book in 1968.

10. They followed these principles in the analysis of the economic situation.

XI. Употребите глагол в утвердительной или отрицатель­ ной форме.

  1. The term "macroeconomics" (to use) in the 19th century.

  2. The British economist J.M. Keynes (to develop) microeconomics. He (to write) a book on macroeconomic problems in 1935.

  3. Macroeconomics (to consider) economy in all its relationships.

  4. Microeconomics (to analyze) distribution of products and income among consumers and firms.

  5. There (to be) an economic depression early in the 1930s. It (to require) the development of an economic theory.

  6. Development economics (to be) one of the three main approaches to economics.

  7. High living standards (to achieve) by means of proper government policies.

  8. Foreign firms (to dominate) tobacco industry in Russia in the 1990s.

  9. Russia's economy (to grow) fast in the 1990s.

10. Prices for fuel and energy (to grow) in this country now.

. Resources (to use) in order to produce goods and services. . Prices for consumer goods (to grow) fast in the Soviet Union.

I. Вставьте as, such as, like, so, both ... and ... (2), !er to, by, with, by means of.

In the 1950s, China ... the Soviet Union developed

mainly industry. . ... incomes grow, more people in every country live in

cities. . Microeconomics considers... problems ... behaviour of

... individuals... firms in the market. . In the 1930s, unemployment in Western countries was

very high,... economists considered the problem how to

achieve full employment... government policies. . The company supplies firms and people ... gas. . Factors of economic growth are considered ...

development economics. I. The economist studied the situation in the labour market

... give recommendations to the manager of the firm. >. ... manufacturing... agriculture are developed in the