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Контрольная работа № 2 для студентов заочного отделения специализации мk.

I. Употребить правильную видо-временную форму глагола данного в скобках. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Vegetarians are people who (not/eat) meat.

2. Look! She (wear) the same shoes as me!

3. Why (you look) at me like that?

4. I can’t walk. I (hurt) my leg.

5. When the teacher came into the classroom nobody (translate) the text yet.

6. When I live in Moscow I often (go) to the concerts.

7. She (leave) school a year ago.

8. Amazing news! Scientists (discover) a new planet.

9. Do you know when Columbus (discover) America?

10. We (have dinner) when Tom (phone).

1 l. At school Max (study) German; now he (leant) French.

12. I (not / read) her latest book. Can you give it to me?

13.They never (see) an elephant.

14. Who (give) Shakespeare his first job?

15.Last month I (spend) a week in hospital.

II. Какие модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты следует использовать в нижеследующих предложениях? Впишите их. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. You ... be late for the classes.

2. ... You skate? No, but I ski very well.

3. If you don't have a pen you ... take mine.

4. Children ... have more fruit and vegetables.

5. There is no bread, no sugar, no milk; we ... go shopping right now.

6. He ... stay after classes yesterday.

7. He ... stay at school after classes tomorrow.

8. I... to come to your place tonight.

9. They ... to take the exam in advance

10. … he ... to pay for his studies at the Institute?

11. Who ... to help me with this translation.

III. Соотнесите английские предложения с русскими

  1. She couldn't come on time.

  2. She should have come on time.

  3. She may have come.

  4. She must have come.

  5. Could she come?

  6. She had to come on time.

  7. She should come on time.

  8. She needn’t come.

    1. Она могла бы придти?

    2. Ей пришлось придти вовремя.

    3. Она не могла придти вовремя.

    4. Ей следует приходить вовремя.

    5. Она должно быть, пришла.

    6. Она возможно пришла.

    7. Ей надо было придти вовремя.

    8. Она может не приходить.

IV. Переведите предложения с неопределенными местоимениями

1. There is something I want to tell you.

2. There is nothing on the table.

3. I could do nothing.

4. He could not tell us anything new.

5. She will have to go somewhere next summer.

6. He did not tell us anything.

7. Do you need any help?

8. Nobody wanted to do anything.

9. Even he could understand nothing.

10. He goes nowhere on Friday.

11. She does not go anywhere on Sunday.

12. You may take any book you like.

13. I was ready to go anywhere.

14. I’ll be back in no time.

15. No two men think alike.

V. Напишите предложения в страдательном залоге и переведите их.

1. I took him for a walk.

2. We will book tickets tomorrow.

3. We discuss such problems at our meetings.

4. Someone wants you on the phone.