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(A real person or a mythical character?)

One of the most romantic of all legendary heroes is the bold Robin Hood of England. The old ballads tell us that Robin Hood with his merry men lived near Nottingham, in the centre of England. They lived a mirthful life, passing time in games of archery, hunting the king’s deer and levying toll on proud churchmen and cruel nobles.

Was Robin Hood a real person? It is possible that there is some historical basis for the legends. They say that Robin Hood lived from 1160 till 1247. Most of the legends say that he died in Yorkshire, and there is a grave which people suppose to be Robin’s.

Some believe that the inscription, which is in 18th century lettering, is a copy from an earlier and genuine stone, but most scholars doubt this. An argument against the existence of the hero is the fact that no historian of the 12th –13th centuries mentioned him. More probably, Robin Hood was a mythical character that was first introduced into England in connection with the plays and morris dances of the May-day celebration. In the 15th century and later the May-day celebrations in England were called “Robin Hood’s Festivals”. Garlands of flowers, a Maypole, morris dances, archery contests and bonfires were features. Robin Hood was King of May, and Maid Marian was his Queen.

Whether Robin Hood was a semi-historical character or only a mythical figure, he represents the ideal of the common people in England in the later Middle Ages. He stands for liberty and the rights of the people against oppressive laws and the tyranny of the nobles.

  1. mirthful – веселый, радостный

  2. archery [`a:tri] – стрельба из лука

  3. hunting the king’s deer – охотясь на королевских оленей

  4. levying toll [`levi `toul] – собирая пошлину

  5. most of the legends – большинство легенд

  6. more probably [m:`prbbli] – более вероятно

  7. morris dance [`m:ris`da:ns] – танец в костюмах

  1. Упр. 15. Прочитайте текст еще раз и письменно ответьте на вопросы:

  1. Who is the text about?

  2. What country did he live in?

  3. When did Robin Hood live?

  4. How do people know about him?

  5. Where is Robin Hood’s grave?

  6. In what letters is the inscription on the grave made?

  7. Why do most scientists doubt the existence of Robin Hood?

  8. What do scientists think about the origin of that legendary hero?

  9. What is Robin Hood to the common people of England?

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