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3. Comprehension check.

    1. How many minerals are known to exist in the Earth’s crust?

    2. What properties distinguish minerals from other substances?

    3. What is an atom? An ion? A cation? An anion?

    4. What is a chemical bond?

    5. List the rock-forming minerals. Why are they called “rock-forming”? Which are silicates?

    6. What is limestone commonly composed of?

    7. What is a gem?

4. Word-building.

a) Add the suitable prefixes (in-, im-, ir-, un-, dis-, sub-, pre-, de-, re-) and translate the words:

Appear; location; marine; possible; organic; regular; historic; like; necessary; division; Cambrian; numerable; dependent; usual; construct; compose; stable; terranean.

b) Form nouns from adjectives with suffixes –ity, -ance, -ence, -ness, -tion:

Eruptive; thick; existent; important; smooth; similar; destructive; regular; hard; productive; significant; soft; active; dark; constructive; useless; distant.

5. Lexical exercises.

a) Find in the text equivalents of the following:

Неорганическое твердое вещество; синтетический алмаз; органические вещества; существовать самостоятельно; положительный и отрицательный заряды; определенный химический состав; породообразующие минералы; кристаллическая структура; акцессорные минералы; драгоценные и полудрагоценные камни; физические свойства; связь (химическая); соединение.

b) Complete the following sentences:

  1. A naturally occurring inorganic solid with a characteristic chemical composition and a crystalline structure is . . . .

2. A true mineral must form by . . . .

  1. Natural gems are valued more highly than . . . .

  2. Limestone is commonly composed of the shells of . . . .

  3. A positively charged ion is . . . .

  4. The forces that hold atoms and ions together to form compounds are called . . . .

  5. Substances that make up rocks are called . . . .

c) Translate into English:

  1. Минерал – это залегающее в природе неорганическое твердое вещество с характерным химическим составом и кристаллической структурой.

  2. Химический состав и кристаллическая структура – это два самых важных свойства минералов.

  3. Органические вещества состоят в основном из углерода.

  4. Известняк обычно состоит из раковин мертвых кораллов, моллюсков и других морских организмов.

  5. Атом состоит из маленького плотного положительно заряженного ядра.

6. Summary.

Minerals are the substances that make up rocks. A mineral is a naturally occurring inorganic solid with a definite chemical composition and a crystalline structure. Each mineral consists of chemical elements bonded together in definite proportions, so that its chemical composition can be given as a chemical formula.

Most common mineral are easily recognized and identified visually.

Although about 3500 minerals are known in the Earth’s crust, only nine rock-forming mineral groups are abundant in most rocks. They are feldspar, quartz, pyroxene, amphibole, mica, the clay minerals, olivine, calcite, and dolomite. The first seven on this list are silicates.

Accessory minerals are commonly found, but in small amounts. Ore minerals, industrial minerals, and gems are important for economic reasons.


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