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Grammar review

Задание 10. Просмотрите текст и найдите в нем предложения с конструкцией “there + to be”, переведите их.

Домашнее задание. Подготовьте чтение всего текста, переведите со словарем предложения, в которых есть для вас незнакомые слова, предварительно выучив новые слова и выражения по теме «Вуз».

Занятие 2 language material

Задание 1. Дайте значение следующих слов и сочетаний слов:

a building, a multistoreyed building, a new light and beautiful building, equipment, modern equipment, modern industrial equipment, the academic year, to train specialists, qualified specialists, the course of training, a chair, the chair of ... .

Задание 2. Назовите английские эквиваленты следующим словам и сочетаниям слов:

курс обучения, учебный год, семестр, вуз, отделение, факультет, кафедра, курсовая работа, дипломная работа, дипломный проект, длиться, посещать, пропускать, поступать (в вуз), закончить (вуз), сдать экзамен, сдавать зачет.

Задание 3. Составьте предложения из следующих групп слов.

  1. chairs, many, there, the branch, in, are.

  2. one, of, a, library, in, good, there, the, buildings, is.

  3. a, building, new, our, university, light, is, beautiful, and.

  4. students, many, study, subjects, interesting.

  5. the academic year, terms, two, consists of.

  6. lasts, the course of studies, four years, at the day-time department, in the technical institutes.

  7. laboratories, special, modern, have, equipment.

  8. there, are, in, laboratories, the university, special, studies, and.

Задание 4. Закончите предложения, используя следующие слова и сочетания слов: a study (studies), study (studies), the course of training, train, laboratories, higher schools.

1. My friend ... at Moscow University. 2. At the phonetic (фонетический) ... students perfect their knowledge in phonetics. 3. Students ... many interesting subjects. 4. There are different ... in the Tchaikovsky branch. 5. ... lasts 4 or 5 years at the day-time department. 6. Perm University is one of the largest … in the Urals. 7. Technical institutes ... qualified specialists for different branches of industry.

Задание 5. Заполните пропуски предлогами at, in, on.

1. My sister studies ... a technical school. 2. They have lectures ... the morning and sometimes ... the evening. 3. Their lectures begin ... 9 o'clock and are over ... 3 or 4 o’clock. 4. ... Tuesday and Friday they have drawing classes. 5. The academic year begins ... September and ends ... July. 6. They have two exam periods: ... January and ... June. 7. In the first year they had three exams: ... mathematics, physics and chemistry. 8. When she graduates from the Radio Engineering Institute she will work ... a plant.

Задание 6. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

Образец А: Yes, I do. (No, I don’t.)

Do you study at the institute? 2. Do you study in the morning? 3. Do you study three times a week? 4. Do you attend lectures? 5. Do you carry out researches? 6. Do you always take your examinations in time?

Образец Б: Yes, I did. (No, I didn’t.)

Did you enter the university last year? 2. Did you enter the university two years ago? 3. Did you enter the university after a secondary school?

Образец В: I am a ... (He is a ..., she is a ...)

  1. What year student are you? 2. What year student is your friend? 3. What year student is your brother (sister)?

Образец Г: I (we) shall ... (they will ...)

When will you carry out researches? 2. When will you graduate from the university? 3. What will you become? 4. What will your group-mates become?

Задание 7. Выполните лексические упражнения на употребление слов floor и storey.

1. Запомните: floor – этаж (на котором мы живем)

On the ground floor – на первом этаже

On the first floor – на втором этаже

a) Переведите следующие сочетания:

on the second floor, on the third floor, on the fourth floor, on the fifth floor; на 10 этаже, на 16 этаже, на 3 этаже, на 11 этаже.

б) Закончите предложения:

I live on the ... floor.

My friend lives on the ... floor.

2.Запомните: storey – этаж (из которых состоит здание) a one-storeyed house – одноэтажный дом

a five-storeyed building – пятиэтажное здание

а) Переведите следующие сочетания:

a multistoreyed building, one-storeyed house, five-storeyed buildings.

б) Закончите предложения:

I live in a ... house.

My family lives in a ... house.

Our university is a ... building.

3. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. The chair of foreign languages is on the second floor. 2. The sports hall is on the second floor. 3. The library is situated on the third floor. 4. The Tchaikovsky branch of the university is a 3-storeyed building. 5. Moscow University has some multistoreyed buildings.

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