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Hyperbole is a deliberate exaggeration used for effect.

Ex: He embraced her a thousand times.

bleeding heart – сердце кровью обливается (of a person who is excessively softhearted)


Epithet is a descriptive word or phrase, especially f praise or blame, added to or substituted for a person's name.

Ex: "Lackland" is an epithet for King John.

Epithets often show the attitude of the author to the object he is speaking about and if these epithets are used regularly, they become clichés.

Ex: America the Beautiful - "Америка прекрасная" / Красавица Америка


Alliteration is the use of the same consonant (consonantal alliteration) or of a vowel, not necessarily the same vowel (vocalic alliteration), at the beginning of each word or each stressed syllable in a line of verse.

Alliteration sounds that are difficult to pronounce make a “tongue twister”.

Ex: Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers;

A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.

The stylistic effect of alliteration is very wide in English but relatively seldom in Russian.

Ex: around the rock the ragged rascal ran

Ex: Three statesmen who stood for the Prime Minister were characterized in the speech as donnish, dignified and dull. (академичен, приличен, скучен)

Alliteration is used in many common set phrases:

(DEI) —

Set phrase

English sentence

Russian translation

through fair or foul (good or bad) - что бы ни случилось, несмотря ни на что, при любых обстоятельствах

He will go through foul or fair to achieve his ends.

Он будет добиваться своей цели любыми средствами.

safe and sound - цел и невредим, жив-здоров

Tell your aunt you're safe and sound, and right on the dot of seven. (P. H. Johnson, ‘An Impossible Marriage’, part I, ch. 14)

Передайте тетушке, что я доставил вас в целости и сохранности ровно в семь.

through thick and thin (through all kinds of difficulties) - несмотря ни на какие препятствия, трудности; решительно, не колеблясь

There's five hundred men here to back you up through thick and thin. (Hall Caine, ‘The Manxman’, part V, ch. VI)

Здесь пятьсот человек, которые грудью постоят за вас.

spic(k)-and-span (very clean) - очень аккуратный, опрятный; чистый, без единого пятнышка

He keeps his car spic(k)-and-span.

У него машина всегда блестит.

(as) pretty as a picture (attractive) - очаровательная, хороша как картинка

... she's a young actress I know. she's as pretty as a picture. (W. S. Maugham, ‘Theatre’, ch. XVIII)

... Я знаю одну молодую актрису. Она хороша как картинка.

kith and kin (family relationships) - друзья и родня; родные и близкие

He was without kith or kin, a lonely old man, embittered and pessimistic ... (J. London, ‘The People of the Abyss’, ch. XIII)

Это был старик без роду без племени, одинокий, озлобленный пессимист ...

the fat is in the fire (the harm is already done) - дело сделано; дело скверно, быть беде

There'll be a row. I knew there would: and begad all the fat's in the fire. (W. Thackeray, ‘Pendennis’, vol. II, ch. XVIII)

Будет история! Я знал это наперед, черт возьми! Ну и каша заварилась!

as good as gold (excellent; very good indeed)

(as) dead as a doornail (dead beyond any doubt)

The Peculiarities of the Newspaper Style and Their Translation

1. Newspaper headlines

2. The structure of a newspaper item