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5.5.4. From”Notes on Mongolia composed by monk Iakinf”.

Annually princes gather on New year in the Khan Horde in the temple of ancestors. In the fifth moon they assemble in Lunchen for a sacrifice to ancestors, Sky, Earth and spirits.

In the morning the Khan goes out to bow to the Sun, and in the evenings to bow to the Moon.

Above work, Vol. 1, St.-Petersburg, 1828, page 188.

5.5.5. From “Notes on Mongolia composed by monk Iakinf”. Vol.2. SPb, 1828.

In 15 AD Van-man with a special embassy offered Shanьy to change the name Hunnu to Gunnu (page 34).

Clarifications: 1. Van-man - Chinese emperor. 2. In Chinese,“Hun” is “a malicious slave”, and “Gun” is “a respectful slave”.

8.1. The first state formations in the Volga-Ural region.

8.1.1. According to the preserved Bulgarian legends, in deep antiquity in the Volga - Ural region there existed a primary, and thus primitive, form of statehood under a name Turan. Probably, it was a primitive form of association of the people, some of which believed, that their ancestor came from the spirit of the moon in the form of a wolf, and others believed, that their ancestor was born from the spirit of a huge bull with a name Tьrk. In otherwords, it was an association of Sinds and Tьrks. It received its name from the name of Alp-Biki Turan, who patronized wild animals, miners, underground and underwater treasures, islands and mountain lakes.

The capital of the state Turan was Ergi, it was near the site of modern city Ufa. Certainly, the “capital” was not a city or fortress. It was a religious center, i.e. the location of the altar dedicated to Tengre.

When, with an approach of glaciation in the Southern Ural and adjoining steppes, it became cold, most of the people left.

8.1.2. The thawing of the glacier caused a flood in the Volga - Ural region. Let’s call it Uralian flood. Later, after the flood, in this regiona ppeared an association of seven Sindian - Urtsian clans. This associationwas called Idel (ide - seven, el — tribe, people). It wasfounded by Djam-Idjik.

The most powerful ruler was Burtas (683 — 633 BC). During his rule therewere the following most important events.

First, in 653 BC his troops conquered the Near East during the so-called“Burtas war”.

Secondly, before Burtas, Idel women could choose their husbands. Burtas forbade this ancient tradition.

Thirdly, he consolidated the central authority, completely subordinating the leaders of the clans, , i.e. biys. To demonstrate his power of authority above the biys, he forced them to cut their hair. The long hair was a sign of noble origin and “closeness” to God Tengre.

8.1.3. In the period between 15 and 47 AD in the Volga-Ural region there emerged a princedom, Atil. It was founded by Utigs, descendents of Cimmerians. The first ruler of a new dynasty and new princedom state was Kam-Tarkhan.

The political-military center of the princedom was in the territory of modern Samara area, on the place of station Kinel.

8.1.4. Greek and Latin historians writings about Huns

1. Claudius Ptolemy (born after 83 AD, died after 161): the outstanding Alexandria astronomer, mathematician, geographer and historian. In his work “Geography” he wrote: “between the Basternae and the Rhoxolani are the Chuni”.

Latyshev V.V. Reports of the ancient Greek and Latin writers about Scythia and Caucasus, Vol. 1. Greek writers. - St.-Petersburg, 1904. Pages 231-232.

Clarifications: Rhoxolani – Sarmatian people, lived between the Dnieper and the mouth of the Danube.

The majority of the modern historians place the Huns of Claudius Ptolemy on Dnieper. From the open spaces of the Volga Basin, Caspian lowland, Southern Urals, Western Siberia and Kazakhstan, Huns in several waves invaded the regions of Northern Caucasus, Meotia and Northern Pontic. Probably, Claudius Ptolemy recorded the first wave of the Hun’s movement. In 160 AD the Greek historian Dionysius Periegetes recorded the stay of the Huns in the Caspian lowland steppes.

2. Ammianus Marcellinus (IV c.): witnesses that Huns lived“on this side of Meotian bogs next to the Ice ocean”.

Jordanes. The origin and acts of the Gets. — M.; 1960. Page 268.

Clarifications: Meotian bog is the Azov Sea.

3. Paul Orozy (V c.): writer, poet, born in Spain. He wrote that Huns “were for long time locked up in inaccessible mountains“.

Jordanes. The origin and acts of the Gets. — M.; 1960. Page 268.

Clarifications: the talk is, probably, about Tarbagatai (Tash-tau).

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