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UNIT 3.doc
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Задания по теме текста:

  1. Причитайте текст и установите значение выделенных слов и предложений.

  2. Определите, какие предложения из данного текста Вы могли бы использовать, рассказывая о своем рабочем дне.

  3. Составьте письменно по образцу данного текста рассказ о своем рабочем дне. (не менее 12 предложений)

  4. Подготовьте чтение и устный перевод данного текста, будьте готовы к выполнению дополнительных лексических заданий преподавателя.

Вопросы для обсуждения в режиме диалога и полилога

  1. Do you get up early? Is it easy for you to get up early?

  2. Do you wake up yourself or does an alarm-clock wake you up?

  3. Do you do morning exercises? Do you do your morning exercises to music?

  4. Which do you prefer: a hot or a cold shower in the morning?

  5. How long does it take you to get dressed?

  6. What do you usually have for breakfast?

  7. Some people look through newspapers or listen to the latest news on the radio while having breakfast. What about you?

  8. When do you usually leave the house?

  9. Do you work? Where do you work?

  10. What do you usually do on your way to work (school, etc.)?

  11. Where do you usually have lunch (dinner)?

  12. What time do you come home?

  13. When do you usually go to bed?

Допонительный вокабуляр


  1. What is your hobby ?

  2. My hobby is reading books.

  3. ... collecting stamps

  4. ... numismatics

  5. ... amateur theatre

  6. ... fishing

  7. ... swimming

  8. ... skating

  9. ... skiing

  10. ... singing

  11. ... music

  12. What are you fond of ?

  13. What are you interested in ?

  14. What hobby group or club would you like to join ?

  15. I'd like to attend the English-speaking club .

  16. ... the literary society

  17. ... the university choir

  18. ... the dramatic society

  19. How long have you been collecting stamps ?

  20. ... petting animals?

  21. ... going in for skating ?

  22. I've been doing it since 1994.

  23. to give pleasure

  24. I’d like to go to the ... tonight .

  25. I'm going to play chess .

  26. ... draughts

  27. ... golf

  28. ... foot-ball

  29. ... volley-ball

  30. ... tennis

  31. ... hockey

  32. I'm not much of a sportsman, but I am a fan .

  33. What do you usually do when you have spare time?

  34. ... holidays

  35. I prefer to go to the theater .

  36. ... the exhibition

  37. ... the cinema

  38. ... the concert

  39. ... the circus

  40. I adore symphonic music .

  41. ... pop-music

  42. ... jazz

  43. I usually spend summer vacations…

  44. .. traveling (abroad).

  45. . .. at the seaside.

  46. . .. in the country.

  47. . .. in the mountains.

  48. . .. in my native town.

  49. . .. hiking.

  50. to go out

  51. leisure

  52. When I have time for leisure I like to go out.


  1. Where do you live ?

  2. How far is it from the university ?

  3. How much time does it take you to get to…?

  4. Is it the best way to get there ?

  5. Do you usually go to the university by bus ?

  6. ... by trolley-bus

  7. ... by tram

  8. ... on foot

  9. It takes me ... to get to ...

  10. I usually take a bus number ...

  11. ... a trolley-bus number ...

  12. .... a tram number ...

  13. I go as far as ... street .

  14. I get off there .

  15. I change for ...

  16. I go straight.

  17. along ... street

  18. back

  19. Then I turn to the right (left).

  20. I turn round the corner .

  21. at the corner

  22. I cross the street at the crossing .

  23. What's the name of this street (square) ?

  24. Where's the nearest bus (tram, trolley, bus) stop ?

  25. What is the name of this bus stop ?

  26. What bus should I take ?

  27. Which bus should I take to get to ... ?

  28. Does this bus go to ... ?

  29. At what stop do I get off ?

  30. Are you getting off now ?

  31. in front of

  32. behind

  33. opposite

  34. a traffic light

  35. Go straight along Green street two traffic lights / blocks.

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