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Prehistoric Britain 6 частей.doc
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James VI of Scotland and I of England

The kingdoms of England and Scotland were individual sovereign states, with their own parliaments, judiciary, and laws, though both were ruled by James in personal union.

The colonization of America had started.

The Gunpowder Plot in 1605. The plan was to blow up the House of Lords during the State Opening of England's Parliament on 5 November 1605

Repeated conflicts with the English Parliament

Anne of Denmark

The wife of James I (1574-1619)

Charles I of Scotland and England

King of England, King of Scotland, and King of Ireland

Charles engaged in a struggle for power with the Parliament of England, attempting to obtain royal revenue whilst Parliament sought to curb his Royal prerogative which Charles believed was divinely ordained. Many of his English subjects opposed his actions, in particular his interference in the English and Scottish Churches and the levying of taxes without parliamentary consent which grew to be seen as those of a tyrannical absolute monarch.

His failure to successfully aid Protestant forces during the Thirty Years' War

Charles was defeated in the First Civil War (1642–45)

Didn’t accept the demands of Parliament for a constitutional monarchy.

Escape to the Isle of Wight

This provoked the Second Civil War (1648–49) and a second defeat for Charles

was subsequently captured, tried, convicted, and executed for high treason.

The monarchy was then abolished and a republic called the Commonwealth of England,

Cromwellian Interregnum, was declared

was canonised as Saint Charles Stuart and King Charles the Martyr

Charles II of Scotland and England

England entered the period known as the English Interregnum or the English Commonwealth

Cromwell defeated Charles at the Battle of Worcester on 3 September 1651

Charles fled to mainland Europe

The death of Cromwell in 1658 and the restoration of the monarchy

Charles was invited to return to Britain

Charles's English parliament enacted laws known as the Clarendon Code, designed to shore up the position of the re-established Church of England.

The Second Anglo-Dutch War

In 1670, Charles entered into the secret treaty of Dover, an alliance with his first cousin King Louis XIV of France

1672 Royal Declaration of Indulgence

Charles attempted to introduce religious freedom for Catholics and Protestant dissenters with his 1672 Royal Declaration of Indulgence, but the English Parliament forced him to withdraw it.

the birth of the pro-exclusion Whig and anti-exclusion Tory parties

Charles dissolved the English Parliament in 1681

James VII of Scotland and II of England

the last Catholic monarch

Leading nobles called on William III of Orange (his son-in-law and nephew) to land an invasion army from the Netherlands

James fled England in the Glorious Revolution of 1688

Was replaced by William of Orange

James made one serious attempt to recover his crowns when he landed in Ireland in 1689 but, after the defeat of the Jacobite forces by the Williamite forces at the Battle of the Boyne in the summer of 1690, James returned to France

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