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Part 2 (правки) «Cross-cultural behaviour - lis....doc
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Recording 3

 Pre-listening Task

Make sure you know the meaning of the following word combinations.

a fresh/sallow complexion

to have freckles/dimples

to be really dishy

 Listening Tasks

1. You are going to listen to four descriptions of people. Fill in the chart and describe the people.








Some specific


2. Listen to the recording again and choose the right answers to the questions.

  1. How does Clare do her hair?

  2. Why does the man have a sallow complexion?

  3. What does one notice first in the girl’s appearance?

  4. How do you find the girl’s description of her boyfriend?

Language Focus

Compete the sentences according to the recording.

  1. Surprisingly she doesn’t have …

  2. His head looks a bit like …

  3. She wears … , but you notice those blue eyes.

  4. He’s got a … skin, a real open-air …

 Follow-up Activity

Give some specific details about someone’s appearance, following the pattern of the descriptions you’ve just listened to.


Recording 4

 Pre-listening Tasks

1. Go over the list of words and clear up any difficulties.

dismay (n)

severe (adj)

scar (n)

entire (adj)

crib (n)

beam (n)

shield (v)

2. Translate the following word-combinations.

to one’s dismay

to get within earshot

to feel an overwhelming sense of sacrifice

 Listening Task

Listen to the recording and choose the right answers to the questions.

1. Why was the little boy afraid of his mother attending the teacher-parent conference?

  1. He didn’t want her to hear about his behavior.

  2. He thought his teacher would say something wrong about him.

  3. He thought the teacher would be embarrassed by the scar.

  4. He believed the teacher would embarrass his mother.

2. What were the people at the conference impressed by?

  1. They were impressed by his mother’s story.

  2. They liked the boy’s mother for her intellect.

  3. They were embarrassed by the boy’s behavior.

  4. They were impressed by her kindness and beauty.

3. How did the boy come to know about his mother’s scar?

  1. She told the boy about it herself.

  2. He eavesdropped on the conversation between his teacher and his mother.

  3. The teacher told him about it.

  4. He heard the story from his father.

4. How did the boy behave after he had learned about the scar?

  1. He remained reserved.

  2. He rushed out of the classroom.

  3. He rushed toward her and hugged her.

  4. He took her hand and pressed it.

 Follow-up Activity

Express your opinion concerning the following.

Appearances are often deceptive.

2.3 Interpersonal relations  Topic Preview

  1. Name three people who are often in the public eye. Would you like to be in the public eye too? Yes or No? Explain the reason.

  2. Do you have a shoulder to cry on when you are upset? If yes, who is it?

  3. Do you have any bad habits you would like to get rid of? Is it easy?