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The Infinitive as Predicate in Infinitive Sentences

The infinitive may function as a predicate in so-called infinitive sentences. It may be used in exclamatory sentences expressing the speaker's rejection of the idea that the person to whom the action of the infinitive is ascribed is likely to perform this action, as in:

You- of all men- to say such a thing!

Me-to be your lover!

As a rule the infinitive in exclamatory sentences is used with the particle to, although it occasionally occurs without it:

Me-marry him! Never!

The infinitive may be also used as predicate in interrogative in­finitive why-sentences, both affirmative and negative, where it expresses a suggestion:

Why let him sleep so long?

Why not go away?

In such sentences the infinitive is always used without the particle to.

The Infinitive as Parenthesis

The infinitive used as parenthesis is usually part of a col­location, as in: to begin with, to be (quite) frank, to be sure, to make matters worse, to put it mildly, to say the least, to tell the truth, needless to say, strange to say, so to speak.

To begin with, you have been lying to me all the time.

To be quite frank. I don't like him at all.

He was, strange to say, just an ordinary little chap.

Predicative Constructions with the Infinitive

The infinitive is used in predicative constructions of two types: the so-called for-to-infinitive construction and the objective with the infinitive construction.

The For-to-infinitive Construction

In the for-to-infinitive construction the infinitive (usually an infinitive phrase) is in predicate relation to a noun in the common case or a pronoun in the objective case introduced by the preposition for. The construction is used where the doer of the action (or the bearer of the state), expressed by the infinitive, is different from that of the finite verb (the predicate):

The doer of the action of the finite verb and of the Infinitive is the same:

The doer of the action of the finite verb and of the Infinitive is not the same:

He longed to see the truth. – Он очень хотел узнать правду.

He longed for me to see the truth. – Он очень хотел, чтобы я узнал правду.

All I want is to get out of here for good. – Единственное, чего я хочу, - это навсегда уехать отсюда.

All I want is for Jack to get out of here for good. – Единственное, чего я хочу, - это чтобы Джек навсегда покинул эти места.

The for-to-infinitive construction has the same functions as the infinitive alone, though with some restrictions.

1. Subject. The for-to-infinitive construction in the function of thesubject usually occurs in sentences with the introductory it, thoughit is occasionally placed at the head of the sentence:

It was difficult for him to do anything else.

For me to hear him was disturbing.

2. Predicative. In this function the construction is usually used withthe link verb to be:

To be together is for us to be at once as free as in solitude, as gay as in company.

3. Object. The construction functions as object of both verbs andadjectives;

a) She watched for the door to open.

I don't think I should care for it to be known.

b) His family were anxious for him to do something. I'm so glad for you to have come at last.

4. Attribute:

There was no need for him to be economical.

5. Adverbial modifier of purpose and consequence:

She paused for him to continue.

The wall was too high for anything to be visible.

He had said enough for me to get alarmed.

In all its uses this construction is generally rendered in Russian by a subordinate clause.